For third time, China blocks Wikimedia Foundation as permanent observer to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The Wikimedia Foundation was rejected for the third time from gaining accreditation as a permanent observer to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

China blocks Wikimedia Foundation’s accreditation to World Intellectual Property Organization
China yesterday blocked the Wikimedia Foundation’s application for observer status at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the United Nations (UN) organization that develops international treaties on copyright, IP, trademarks, patents and related issues. As a result of the block, the Foundation’s application for observer status has been suspended and will be reconsidered at a….

New Chinese national security law in Hong Kong could limit the privacy of Wikipedia users
The Wikimedia Foundation is extremely concerned about the national security law recently passed in China and implemented in Hong Kong that prohibits a broad range of speech and grants wide-ranging surveillance powers to authorities. This law may have serious implications for protection of the privacy of users on Wikipedia and other projects operated by the….

Wikimedia Foundation urges Chinese authorities to lift block of Wikipedia in China
The Wikimedia Foundation has determined that Wikipedia is no longer accessible in the People’s Republic of China—impacting more than 1.3 billion readers, students, professionals, researchers, and more who can no longer access this resource or share their knowledge and achievements with the world. We have not received notice or any indication as to why this….