Wikimedia Korea, new chapter affiliate, launches in South Korea

Earlier this year, Wikimedia Korea was formally recognized as a new Wikimedia chapter to support greater awareness and participation of Wikipedia, the world’s free knowledge resource with more than 50 million articles edited entirely by volunteers, and the other Wikimedia free knowledge projects in South Korea. Wikimedia chapters are independent, nonprofit affiliate organizations dedicated to….

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위키미디어 한국, 위키미디어 재단의 공식지부로 승인받아 새출발

올해 초, 사단법인 한국 위키미디어 협회가 위키백과와 위키미디어 자매 프로젝트에 대한 인식을 제고하고 참여를 독려하기 위하여 새로운 위키미디어 지부(Wikimedia chapter)인 위키미디어 한국(Wikimedia Korea)으로 승인됐다. 위키백과는 자발적인 편집자가 작성한 5천만 개 이상의 문서를 보유한 세계적인 자유 지식 자료(free knowledge resources)이다. 위키미디어 지부는 독립적인 비영리 가맹 단체로서, 각자의 지리적인 지역을 기반으로 위키백과와 자유 지식을 진흥하는 것을 목적으로….

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The more you contribute to Wikipedia, the more knowledge you gain: Ted Yoo

It takes years of effort to find yourself on the list of Wikipedia’s most prolific contributors. We talked to Ted Yoo, who has made 300,000 edits on the Korean Wikipedia, to learn about the motivation that has kept him actively editing for so long.

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Foundation research project learns from Czech and Korean Wikipedia communities

From May to July 2017, researchers conducted in-person interviews with 64 new and experienced editors in South Korea and the Czech Republic. The Czech and Korean Wikipedias were chosen to represent mid-sized wikis.

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