Search results for copyright

Showing 21-30 of 127 results
Front view of the WIPO Conference Hall

Seven Wikimedia chapters rejected as permanent observers to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Geneva, Switzerland — Today, seven Wikimedia chapters—independent Wikimedia movement affiliate organizations—were rejected from gaining accreditation as permanent observers to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Several of WIPO’s accredited observers, including Communia, Creative Commons, Education International, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, as well as organizations such as Internet Archive, showed their support for….

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DMCA takedown notices

The Wikimedia community is made up of creators, collectors, and consumers of free knowledge. While most material appearing on Wikimedia projects is in the public domain or freely licensed, on occasion, copyrighted material makes its way onto the projects. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) safe harbor provision requires us to remove infringing material if….

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World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO in Geneva, Switzerland

Six Wikimedia Chapters Rejected as Observers to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

Geneva, Switzerland — Today, six Wikimedia chapters—independent Wikimedia movement affiliate organizations—were rejected from gaining accreditation to the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR). WIPO is the specialized United Nations (UN) agency that determines global policies on copyright, patents, and trademarks. The Wikimedia chapters of France, Germany, Italy, Mexico,….

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DMCA takedown notices

The Wikimedia community is made up of creators, collectors, and consumers of free knowledge. While most material appearing on Wikimedia projects is in the public domain or freely licensed, on occasion, copyrighted material makes its way onto the projects. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) safe harbor provision requires us to remove infringing material if….

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Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

Why donate to Wikipedia?

Nonprofit organizations across the world are vibrant and diverse with wide ranging missions and objectives. One thing that ties them together is the goal of fundraising and awareness – something each organization approaches differently. At the Wikimedia Foundation, your generous donations help us maintain our independence, serve our diverse and global community, and––unlike many other….

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Snapshot taken during the Assemblies of WIPO Member States

China again blocks Wikimedia Foundation’s accreditation to World Intellectual Property Organization

5 October 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA — China today blocked the Wikimedia Foundation’s bid for observer status at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for the second time after the Foundation’s initial application in 2020.  WIPO is the United Nations (UN) organization that develops international treaties on copyright, patents, trademarks and related issues. China….

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The finances of free knowledge: Lessons in transparency and impact

If you’ve ever spent a distracted afternoon on Wikipedia, you’ve likely clicked on the small “talk” tab at the top of the page. Each Wikipedia article has its own Talk Page — a place for volunteer editors to connect, debate, and discuss the minutiae of a point or their different perspectives on a thorny issue.….

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DMCA takedown notices

The Wikimedia community is made up of creators, collectors, and consumers of free knowledge. While most material appearing on Wikimedia projects is in the public domain or freely licensed, on occasion, copyrighted material makes its way onto the projects. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) safe harbor provision requires us to remove infringing material if….

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Wikipedia readers in Latin America invited to support 20 years of free knowledge through new fundraising campaign

The Wikimedia Foundation today started a fundraising campaign on Wikipedia in several Latin American countries, starting in Brazil and continuing in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. Until the end of May, banners will be appearing on Wikipedia in these countries, asking readers to consider contributing with a donation. You may see these messages….

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Wikipedia needs local journalism and the open Web

Over the past couple of months, many who are interested in internet policy have been watching developments in Australia, where a proposed Mandatory Bargaining Code will force some internet platforms to pay for linking to content by news publishers and displaying snippets thereof. While it isn’t entirely clear yet what services will be covered by….

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