Requests for user data

Freedom of speech is essential to the Wikimedia movement—the projects cannot flourish in an ecosystem where individuals cannot speak freely. Our users trust us to protect their identities against unlawful disclosure, and we take this responsibility seriously.


Requests for content alteration and takedown

The Wikimedia projects make up one of the world's largest repositories of human knowledge. With that much information, someone is bound to get upset by some of the content from time to time. While the vast majority of content disputes are resolved by users themselves, in some extreme cases the Wikimedia Foundation may receive a legal demand to override our users.


Frequently asked questions

Answers to your questions on how the Wikimedia Foundation works to defend our projects, volunteers, and users.


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Helfen Sie uns dabei, das Wissen der Welt zu befreien.

Wegen ihrer Gemeinnützigkeit werden die Wikipedia und unsere verwandten Projekte für Freies Wissen vor allem über Spenden unterstützt.

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