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La Fundación Wikimedia buscar en términos generales que los contenidos en los proyectos Wikimedia los proyectos sean accesibles para todas las personas. Asegurar una continua fiabilidad, disponibilidad y capacidad de respuesta en todos los sitios y servios de es nuestra primera prioridad. Al priorizar características y productos nuevos, nuestro objetivo es generar un impacto positivo en el más grande número posible de lectores y colaboradores, y eliminar las barreras que podrían impedir a las personas acceder o contribuir a nuestros proyectos, como una pobre accesibilidad y usabilidad, carencias de soporte lingüistico, y acceso limitado a tecnologías. Intentamos crear el soporte estructural y las condiciones previas necesarias para que se generer innovaciones de abajo arriba por parte de los usuarios. No hacemos acuerdos en donde a una organización se le brinde acceso a contenidos o funcionalidades si otras organizaciones los tengan negados. Dónde sea posible, apuntamos a preservar y dar soporte uso fluido del material en los proyectos, de modo que las personas lo puedan compartir amplia y fácilmente.
=== Transparencia ===
The Wikimedia Foundation values transparency. In general, our policies and practices are publicly available on our site unless there’s a particular reason they shouldn't be. Our financial statements, annual plans, Form 990 and other performance/accountability documents are published on our site, often accompanied by explanatory material. As a matter of general practice, unless there’s a particular reason not to, we aim to publish internal organizational policies and procedures, including employee guidelines, financial policies, etc. Detailed site performance information is publicly available, and each month we publicly report on our activities. Most information is available to the public, except where publishing it would infringe on the privacy of other organizations or of individuals. In general, where possible, we aim to do much of our work in public, rather than in private, typically on public wikis.

Revision as of 22:46, 7 March 2021

Algunos principios rectores de la Fundación Wikimedia fueron aprobados por la Junta Directiva en mayo de 2013 para guiar el trabajo de la Fundación Wikimedia, describiendo cómo la Misión y la Visión de la Fundación Wikimedia se implementan en su labor. Estos no son principios destinados a dirigir todo el movimiento Wikimedia, solo a la Fundación Wikimedia. El propósito de estos principios es describir lo que hacemos hoy y lo que pretendemos seguir haciendo. Este documento se basa en y puede llegar a reemplazar la Lista de valores anterior.

La versión oficial se encuentra en Lista de valores de la Fundación en la wiki de la Fundación

Libertad y código abierto

La Fundación Wikimedia está profundamente arraigada en los valores de la cultura libre y los movimientos del software libre. Con la excepción del material de "uso justo", toda la información de los proyectos de Wikimedia se puede compartir, distribuir, modificar y utilizar libremente para cualquier propósito, comercial o no comercial, a perpetuidad.

Todo el código de software escrito por la Fundación Wikimedia tiene una licencia de software libre aplicable. Nos damos cuenta de nuestras obligaciones no solo de compartir el código, sino de cultivar una comunidad saludable de colaboradores en torno al código fuente, y de trabajar con proyectos ascendentes y contribuir con mejoras al código.

Todo el material de nuestros proyectos está disponible en formatos gratuitos que no requieren que el usuario ejecute software propietario.

De acuerdo con los principios anteriores, apoyamos el derecho de terceros a realizar y mantener copias y bifurcaciones que cumplan con las licencias del contenido de Wikimedia y el código desarrollado por Wikimedia, independientemente de la motivación o el propósito. Si bien generalmente no podemos ayudar individualmente a tales esfuerzos, los habilitamos al hacer disponibles copias del contenido de Wikimedia a granel y evitar dependencias críticas en el código propietario o los servicios para mantener una bifurcación funcionalmente equivalente en gran medida.

Como organización, nos esforzamos por utilizar herramientas de código abierto en lugar de las de propietarios, aunque utilizamos herramientas privadas o cerradas (como software, sistemas operativos, etc.) donde actualmente no existe una herramienta de código abierto que satisfaga nuestras necesidades de manera efectiva.

Al servicios de todos los seres humanos

La Fundación Wikimedia buscar en términos generales que los contenidos en los proyectos Wikimedia los proyectos sean accesibles para todas las personas. Asegurar una continua fiabilidad, disponibilidad y capacidad de respuesta en todos los sitios y servios de es nuestra primera prioridad. Al priorizar características y productos nuevos, nuestro objetivo es generar un impacto positivo en el más grande número posible de lectores y colaboradores, y eliminar las barreras que podrían impedir a las personas acceder o contribuir a nuestros proyectos, como una pobre accesibilidad y usabilidad, carencias de soporte lingüistico, y acceso limitado a tecnologías. Intentamos crear el soporte estructural y las condiciones previas necesarias para que se generer innovaciones de abajo arriba por parte de los usuarios. No hacemos acuerdos en donde a una organización se le brinde acceso a contenidos o funcionalidades si otras organizaciones los tengan negados. Dónde sea posible, apuntamos a preservar y dar soporte uso fluido del material en los proyectos, de modo que las personas lo puedan compartir amplia y fácilmente.


The Wikimedia Foundation values transparency. In general, our policies and practices are publicly available on our site unless there’s a particular reason they shouldn't be. Our financial statements, annual plans, Form 990 and other performance/accountability documents are published on our site, often accompanied by explanatory material. As a matter of general practice, unless there’s a particular reason not to, we aim to publish internal organizational policies and procedures, including employee guidelines, financial policies, etc. Detailed site performance information is publicly available, and each month we publicly report on our activities. Most information is available to the public, except where publishing it would infringe on the privacy of other organizations or of individuals. In general, where possible, we aim to do much of our work in public, rather than in private, typically on public wikis.


The Wikimedia Foundation wants to be accountable to the people who create the Wikimedia projects, to donors, and to readers. Our primary stakeholders are i) Wikimedia editors and other contributors, who have created the overwhelming majority of the value in the projects and who are responsible for the goodwill that the projects and the Wikimedia Foundation enjoy, ii) Wikimedia Foundation donors, who give funding that supports the projects’ technical and other needs, and iii) the readers of the Wikimedia projects.

We aim to be careful with donors' money. We pay salaries that are fair but not lavish, and provide reasonable benefits (e.g., health and dental insurance) that are the same for all employees regardless of their title or position. We aim to incur only reasonable travel costs, and to keep work-related entertainment costs moderate.


The Wikimedia Foundation has been entrusted with stewardship of key assets of the Wikimedia movement, such as the Wikimedia brand identity, and we raise large amounts of money for the Wikimedia mission. When we give out movement resources such as grants and trademark permissions, when we allocate internal time and resources, and when we give out money to other movement players, we do so in consideration of the interests of the mission and the entire global community. We aim to enable movement entities to have the freedom and flexibility they need to pursue the mission as they see fit, and yet we also acknowledge that the Wikimedia Foundation plays a special role in safeguarding the projects’ assets and reputation.

Shared power

The Wikimedia Foundation works in partnership with a global community of volunteers made up of article writers, copy-editors, photographers, administrators, page patrollers, quality assessors, translators, wiki-gnomes, help-desk staffers, developers, bot creators, people who do outreach work and many others. These are the people who build the projects, and they are the Wikimedia Foundation's partners in developing the platform. This community selects Board members who oversee the Wikimedia Foundation’s work. And within the framework of our shared principles and values, the participants on each Project develop their own policies and structures.

The Wikimedia Foundation shares decision-making with the global community, for instance by creating roles for community members to influence key funding decisions (e.g., our various grant processes), by inviting input on-wiki for our own plans and practices, and by actively developing and maintaining relationships with community leaders, agnostic to language, culture, or geography.

In addition to our partnerships with individual volunteers, we work in collaboration with a network of chapter organizations and other Wikimedia movement entities, in our shared pursuit of the Wikimedia mission. Beyond the Wikimedia community, we strive to partner with other users of our technology platform whose interests are aligned with ours in enriching and extending it.


The Wikimedia Foundation supports projects that are international in scope, and we aspire to reflect that internationalism in our own work. We make efforts to support the translation of key documents into multiple languages. We aim to recruit staff who speak multiple languages and who have lived or worked outside the country they were born in. We aim to recruit talented people regardless of where they live, and depending on their preferences and the needs of the job, we support them in working remotely or relocating to the United States. When we consider the community as a whole, we aim to consider all its languages and geographies and to avoid global initiatives that favor communities speaking only our languages.

Free speech

The Wikimedia Foundation believes that everyone in the world has a right to free access to information, and we are proud of the work the Wikimedia community does to compile information and make it available. Except where required by applicable law, we do not remove information from the Wikimedia projects to satisfy private or government interests. We will never facilitate, enable or condone censorship of the Wikimedia projects.

In making decisions, we will not allow censorship of the projects as a means to facilitate other strategic goals: to the contrary, our strategic goal is to preserve and make available the material in the projects in perpetuity, and other initiatives must be consistent with that mission.


Part of the job of the Wikimedia Foundation is to ensure that the freedom and independence of the projects is never compromised. To that end, and also because it is extremely effective, we have deliberately chosen a revenue strategy in which a large majority of the funding for the Wikimedia Foundation comes from a large number of small donors in multiple countries around the world. This model limits risk, preserves independence by reducing the ability of any one organization or individual to influence our decisions, and aligns our fundraising practices with our mission by encouraging us to pay attention to the projects’ readers.

Because the Wikimedia Foundation does not want to compromise the editorial integrity and independence of the projects, nor risk a perception that we have been compromised, we would be extremely reluctant to put advertising on the projects, or anything that might be perceived as advertising. We do not say that would never happen, because if it were a choice between shutting down the projects and accepting advertisements we would consider doing it. But we think this is highly unlikely, and would only be considered in the gravest of circumstances.

For similar reasons, our Board of Trustees selection process is designed to attract a variety of voices and skillsets, rather than primarily acknowledging donors or celebrities. Other governance structures and processes, such as Board committees, generally function according to this same principle.