Policy:Datenschutzrichtlinie/Glossar wichtiger Begriffe

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 19:55, 7 May 2023 by Ameisenigel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Du kannst Cookies über deine Browsereinstellungen entfernen oder deaktivieren.")


Dieses Glossar dient zur Erlӓuterung mancher in unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie verwendeter Begriffe, die dir möglicherweise nicht bekannt sind. Es ist nicht Teil unserer offiziellen Datenschutzrichtlinie.


Eine „Programmierschnittstelle” oder „API” bezeichnet ein Kommunikationsprotokoll, das Softwarekomponenten ermöglicht, miteinander zu kommunizieren. Die Mediawiki-API ermöglicht beispielsweise externen Softwaretools, mit Mediawiki-Seiten zu kommunizieren (einschließlich Wikimedia-Seiten), um bestimmte Handlungen (z.B. Lesen und Bearbeiten einer Seite) automatisch und aus der Ferne vornehmen zu können. Mehr Infos.


Ein „Browser” ist eine Softwareanwendung, mittels derer Anwender üblicherweise auf das Internet zugreifen. Gängige Browser sind z.B. Chrome, Firefox, Safari und Internet Explorer. Mehr Infos.


Ein „Cookie” ist eine winzige Datei, die wir auf deinen Computer, dein Mobiltelefon oder jedes andere Gerät übertragen, mit dem du auf die Wikimedia-Seiten zugreifst. Jedes Cookie erlischt nach einem gewissen Zeitraum, wobei die Länge des Zeitraumes sowohl von den Einstellungen deines Browsers abhängt als auch von Art und Zweck des Cookies. Ein einmaliges Cookie („Sitzungs-Cookie”) erlischt grundsӓtzlich sofort nach Schließen des Browsers bzw. der mobilen Anwendung. Ein dauerhaftes Cookie („persistent Cookie”) verbleibt in deinem Gerӓt auch nachdem du den Browser oder die mobile Anwendung geschlossen hast. Ein dauerhaftes Cookie erlischt nach dem von uns vorgegebenen Zeitraum (oder wenn du es manuell löschst). Mehr Infos.

Du kannst Cookies über deine Browsereinstellungen entfernen oder deaktivieren.

Do Not Track

"Do Not Track" or "DNT" is a way for your web browser to tell the website you are visiting that you do not want to be be tracked by third parties whose websites you did not visit, like analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms. When using this mechanism, a signal is sent by your browser, expressing your desire that your personal information, particularly about your online activities and network interactions, should not be passed on to third parties. When receiving a DNT signal sent by your browser, the person or entity that owns the website has the option to either honor or ignore the above-mentioned request.


The “global positioning system” or “GPS” is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information on the location of devices designed to receive their signals such as car navigation systems or cell phones. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Internet Protocol Address

An Internet Protocol Address (or “IP address”) is a unique number assigned to a particular device connected to the Internet. Your IP address may not always be the same on a particular device, depending on a number of variables such as your use of a proxy server or a corporate network. Generally, however, IP addresses are assigned according to the geographical location of your device and your internet service provider, and might be usable to approximate your real-life location. Learn more on Wikipedia.


"JavaScript" is a standard software programming language used on most modern websites. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Local Storage

“Local Storage” (also known as "Web Storage") is a way for a website to collect and store information "locally" (i.e. on the user's device rather than on the website’s server) and then later retrieve it again. For example, by using LocalStorage, a user’s visits can be stored on their own computer, counted, and then given to us. This allow us to receive important use statistics (the count of visits), while the specific information about when each individual visit occurred would never be transmitted to us.


“Metadata” means additional information about a particular file (such as a photo or video) that usually includes things like the manufacturer and model of the device that took a photo, date and time the photo was taken, exposure time, lens focal length, ISO speed rating, and F-number. Some metadata is automatically included by the device and some is written by the owner of the device. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Operating System

An “operating system” is a software program that manages your device’s hardware resources and performs basic tasks like keeping track of files, recognizing when you type something into the keyboard, and sending output to your screen. Examples of common operating systems include Linux (also known as GNU/Linux), iOS, Windows, Mac OS X, and Android. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Proxy Servers

A “proxy server” is a server that acts as an intermediary between your device and the server your device is requesting information (connection to a webpage, a file, etc.) from. Learn more on Wikipedia.

Tracking Pixel

A “tracking pixel” (sometimes called “web beacons”, “transparent GIFs”, “clear GIFs”, “pixel gifs”, or “pixel tags”) is a tiny, invisible image that allows us to track activities on Wikimedia Sites or activities based on email notifications we send. Although tracking pixels are commonly associated with advertising, we never use tracking pixels for advertising nor do we sell or rent the information collected through tracking pixels. Information collected through tracking pixels can only be shared with third parties in aggregated form and in accordance with the Privacy Policy. Tracking pixels help us figure out if certain features, notifications, and products are effective and if they can be improved. Learn more on Wikipedia.

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