Active languages

This page shows a list of active languages in Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki, together with the names of the translators working on that language. A translator's name appears larger, the more edits the translator has contributed. The color of an underline indicates how recently a translator has been active here.

15 languages in total.

[es] Spanish - español

Language statistics and recent translations

Translators: GVarnum-WMF, FuzzyBot, MarcoAurelio, Yturre, RamzyM (WMF), Too Classy for This World, RGaines (WMF), Marinna, CarlosEduardoPA, Jaluj, Lmalena, Mariluyepes, Erickiroga, Pppery, Usuario1001, MrMoi38, MMoss (WMF), SrCerberus, PFSV-UY, Galahad, Moi3Gx, Techso01, Felino Volador, MoiGx, Patolukas666MIGUEL MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ, Codename Noreste, Nobles94, Amitie 10g, JSutherland (WMF), Cagayan10, 1234qwer1234qwer4, DannyS712, Calzadai, -sasha-, Kaganer, Minorax, Spirit42, Juan Pablo jara buchhorsts, ProtoplasmaKid, Ciencia Al Poder, Barri, ZebaX2010, Isabellart1765, Johannnes89, Ramoncerdaquiroz, Freedom4U, Yuho1985, Paula (WDU) and Mikichavito

Legend for the color: Last translation 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 days ago.

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