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<span style="font-size: 150%">Les nostres condicions d'ús</span>
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| notes = <span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">This page describes the general conditions and mutual responsibilities that all users must agree with, before using Wikimedia projects and sites, or reusing their content.</span>
{{:Terms of use-Summary}}
<span style="font-size: 150%"><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Our Terms of Use</span></span>

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''''Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.'''''</span> – [[:wmf:Vision|<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Our Vision Statement</span>]]
'''''Imagineu un món on tothom pugui compartir lliurement el conjunt de tot el coneixement. Aquest és el nostre compromís.''''' – [[:wmf:Vision|Definició de la nostra visió]]

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Sigueu benvingut a Wikimedia! La Fundació Wikimedia ("nosaltres") és una organització benèfica sense ànim de lucre, la [[:wmf:Mission statement/ca|missió]] de la qual és facultar i animar la gent de tot el món a aplegar o desenvolupar contingut de domini públic o bé sota una [[w:en:Free content|llicència lliure]] i difondre'l de manera efectiva, global i gratuïta.
Welcome to Wikimedia! The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (“we” or “us”), is a nonprofit charitable organization whose [[:wmf:Mission statement|mission]] is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop content under a [[w:en:Free content|free license]] or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally, free of charge.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Per a recolzar la nostra comunitat nosaltres proporcionem la infraestructura bàsica i el marc organitzatiu per al desenvolupament dels projectes multilingües wiki i les seves edicions (tal com s'explica [[:wmf:Our projects|aquí]]) i altres aspectes per a acomplir aquesta missió. Procurem fer i mantenir el contingut educatiu i informatiu dels projectes accessible en internet sense càrrec i a perpetuïtat.
To support our vibrant community, we provide the essential infrastructure and organizational framework for the development of multilingual wiki Projects and their editions (as explained [[foundationsite:our-work/wikimedia-projects|here]]) and other endeavors which serve this mission. We strive to make and keep educational and informational content from the Projects available on the internet free of charge, in perpetuity.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Sigueu benvingut com a lector, editor, autor o contribuïdor del projectes Wikimedia; us animem a formar part de la comunitat Wikimedia. Abans de participar-hi, però, us preguem que llegiu i accepteu les següents condicions d'ús.
We welcome you (“you” or the “user”) as a reader, [[w:Help:Editing|editor]], author, or contributor of the Wikimedia Projects, and we encourage you to join the Wikimedia community. Before you participate, however, we ask that you please read and agree to the following Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”).

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== Resum ==
== Overview ==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Aquestes condicions d'ús tracten dels nostres serveis públics dins la Fundació Wikimedia, de la nostra relació amb vós com a usuari i dels drets i responsabilitats que ens afecten a totes dues parts. Volem que sapigueu que hostatgem una quantitat enorme de continguts educatius i informatius, tots ells aportats i fets possibles per usuaris com vós. Generalment nosaltres no aportem, ni controlem, ni esborrem continguts (amb la rara excepció de normes com aquestes condicions d'ús o la conformitat legal amb avisos [[w:en:Digital Millennium Copyright Act|DMCA]]). Això vol dir que el control editorial és a les vostres mans i a les dels companys usuaris que creen i gestionen els continguts. Nosaltres només hostatgem aquests continguts.
These Terms of Use tell you about our public services at the Wikimedia Foundation, our relationship to you as a user, and the rights and responsibilities that guide us both. We want you to know that we host an incredible quantity of educational and informational content, all of which is contributed and made possible by users like yourself. Generally we do not contribute, monitor, or delete content (with the rare exception of policies like these Terms of Use or legal compliance for [[w:en:Digital Millennium Copyright Act|DMCA]] notices). This means that editorial control is in the hands of you and your fellow users who create and manage the content. We merely host this content.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
La comunitat -la xarxa d'usuaris que estan contínuament bastint i utilitzant els diferents llocs o projectes- són el principal mitjà a través del qual s'han aconseguit els objectius de la nostra missió. La comunitat contribueix i ajuda a controlar els nostres llocs web. La comunitat assumeix la importantíssima funció de crear i aplicar les normes a cada projecte concret (com ara, les edicions en diferents llengües per al projecte de la Viquipèdia o l'edició multilingüe dels Wikimedia Commons).
The community - the network of users who are constantly building and using the various sites or Projects - are the principal means through which the goals of the mission are achieved. The community contributes to and helps govern our sites. The community undertakes the critical function of creating and enforcing policies for the specific Project editions (such as the different language editions for the Wikipedia Project or the Wikimedia Commons multi-lingual edition).

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Us convidem a participar com a col·laborador, editor o autor, però heu de seguir les normes que regeixen cada projecte. El nostre projecte més important és la Viquipèdia, però també tenim altres projectes, cada un amb diferents objectius i mètodes de treball. Cada projecte compta amb un equip de col·laboradors, editors o autors que treballen junts per a crear i gestionar el contingut del projecte. Us convidem a unir-vos a aquests equips i treballar amb ells per a millorar aquests projectes. Com que estem resolts a fer que els continguts siguin de lliure accés al públic, en general exigim que tots els continguts que pugueu aportar estiguin disponibles al domini públic o bé sota una llicència lliure.
You are welcome to join as a contributor, editor, or author, but you should follow the policies that govern each of the independent Project editions. The largest of our Projects is Wikipedia, but we host other Projects too, each with different objectives and work methods. Each Project edition has a team of contributors, editors or authors who work together to create and manage the content on that Project edition. You are welcome to join these teams and work with them to improve these Projects. Because we are dedicated to making content freely accessible to the public, we generally require that all content you contribute is available under a free license or in the public domain.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Tingueu en compte que sou legalment responsable de totes les vostres aportacions, edicions i reutilitzacions dels continguts de Wikimedia sota les lleis dels Estats Units d'Amèrica i altres lleis aplicables (que poden incloure les lleis del país on viviu o del país des d'on veieu o n'editeu el contingut). Això significa que és important que aneu amb compte en publicar contingut. A la llum d'aquesta responsabilitat, tenim algunes regles sobre el que no hi podeu publicar, la majoria de les quals són per a la vostra pròpia protecció o per a la protecció d'altres usuaris com vós. Tingueu en compte que els continguts que hostatgem són només de caire informatiu general, de manera que si us cal l'assessorament d'experts per a una qüestió particular (com ara de temes mèdics, legals o econòmics), hauríeu de buscar l'ajuda d'un professional qualificat. També hi incloem altres avisos i exoneracions importants; per això us preguem que llegiu aquestes condicions d'ús en la seva totalitat.
Please be aware that you are legally responsible for all of your contributions, edits, and re-use of Wikimedia content under the laws of the United States of America and other applicable laws (which may include the laws where you live or where you view or edit content). This means it is important that you use caution when posting content. In light of this responsibility, we have some rules about what you cannot post, most of which is either for your own protection or for the protection of other users like yourself. Please keep in mind that the content we host is for general informational purposes only, so if you need expert advice for a particular question (such as medical, legal, or financial issues), you should seek the help of a licensed or qualified professional. We also include other important notices and disclaimers, so please read these Terms of Use in their entirety.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Per a major claredat: altres organitzacions, com ara els [[wmf:Chapters/en|capítols locals de Wikimedia]] o associacions que poden compartir la mateixa missió, són jurídicament independents i separades de la Fundació Wikimedia i no tenen cap responsabilitat en les operacions del lloc web o en el seu contingut.
For clarity, other organizations, such as local [[Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia chapters|Wikimedia chapters]] and associations, that may share in the same mission are nevertheless legally independent and separate from the Wikimedia Foundation and have no responsibility for the operations of the website or its content.

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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==1. Els nostres serveis==
==1. Our Services==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
La Fundació Wikimedia es dedica a fomentar el creixement, desenvolupament i distribució de contingut multilingüe gratuït i a hostatjar el contingut complet d'aquests projectes basats en wiki per al públic de forma gratuïta. La nostra funció és hostatjar alguns dels projectes de referència més grans del món que s'editen de manera col·lectiva i que es poden trobar a [http://www.wikimedia.org aquí]. No obstant això, actuem només com un servei d'hostatjament, mantenim la infraestructura i el marc organitzatiu que permet els nostres usuaris de bastir els projectes de Wikimedia, aportant i editant-ne ells mateixos els continguts. A causa del nostre paper tan particular, hi ha un parell de coses que hauríeu de tenir en compte en considerar la nostra relació amb vós, amb els projectes i amb els altres usuaris:
The Wikimedia Foundation is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free multilingual content, and to hosting the full content of these wiki-based Projects for the public free of charge. Our role is to host some of the largest collaboratively edited reference Projects in the world, which can be found [http://www.wikimedia.org here]. However, we act only as a hosting service, maintaining the infrastructure and organizational framework that allows our users to build the Wikimedia Projects by contributing and editing content themselves. Because of our unique role, there are a couple of things you should be aware of when considering our relationship to you, the Projects, and the other users:

<ol STYLE="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><li>'''Nosaltres no tenim una funció editorial:''' Com que els projectes de Wikimedia són editats de manera col·lectiva, tot el contingut que hostatgem és proporcionat pels usuaris com vós i nosaltres no tenim una funció editorial. Això vol dir que en general no controlem o editem el contingut dels llocs web del projecte i que no assumim cap responsabilitat sobre aquest contingut. De la mateixa manera, no compartim cap opinió expressada a través dels nostres serveis i no assumim ni garantim la veracitat, exactitud o fiabilitat de qualsevol contingut presentat per la comunitat; només facilitem l'accés als continguts que els altres usuaris han aportat i editat.</li>
<ol STYLE="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''We do not take an editorial role:''' Because the Wikimedia Projects are collaboratively edited, all of the content that we host is provided by users like yourself, and we do not take an editorial role. This means that we generally do not monitor or edit the content of the Project websites, and we do not take any responsibility for this content. Similarly, we do not endorse any opinions expressed via our services, and we do not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any submitted community content. Instead, we simply provide access to the content that your fellow users have contributed and edited.</span></li>
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''You are responsible for your own actions:''' You are legally responsible for your edits and contributions on Wikimedia Projects, so for your own protection you should exercise caution and avoid contributing any content that may result in criminal or civil liability under any applicable laws. For clarity, applicable law includes at least the laws of the United States of America. Although we may not agree with such actions, we warn editors and contributors that authorities may seek to apply other country laws to you, including local laws where you live or where you view or edit content. WMF generally cannot offer any protection, guarantee, immunity or indemnification.</span></li></ol>
<li>'''Vós sou el responsable de les vostres accions:''' Vós sou legalment responsable de les modificacions i de les aportacions als projectes de Wikimedia, de manera que per a la vostra pròpia protecció hauríeu d'anar amb compte i evitar aportar qualsevol contingut que pugui donar lloc a responsabilitat penal o civil sota qualsevol llei que sigui aplicable. Com a aclariment: per lleis aplicables s'entèn com a mínim les dels Estats Units d'Amèrica. Encara que potser no estem d'acord amb actuacions d'aquesta mena, volem avisar els editors i els contribuents que les autoritats poden intentar aplicar-los lleis d'altres països, en particular les del país on veieu o editeu els continguts. En general la Fundació Wikimedia no pot oferir cap protecció, garantia, immunitat ni indemnització.</li></ol>

==2. Política de privadesa==
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==2. Privacy Policy==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Us demanem que reviseu els termes de la [[: wmf: Política de privadesa|Política de privadesa]], de manera que estigueu assabentat de com recopilem i utilitzem la vostra informació. Com que els nostres serveis els utilitzen persones de tot el món, la informació personal que recollim pot ser emmagatzemada i processada als Estats Units d'Amèrica o a qualsevol altre país on nosaltres o els nostres agents tenen instal·lacions. En utilitzar els nostres serveis, accepteu aquesta transferència d'informació fora del vostre país.
We ask that you review the terms of our [[:wmf:Privacy Policy|Privacy Policy]], so that you are aware of how we collect and use your information. Because our services are used by people all over the world, personal information that we collect may be stored and processed in the United States of America or any other country in which we or our agents maintain facilities. By using our services, you consent to any such transfer of information outside your country.

==3. Contingut que hostatgem==
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<OL STYLE="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><li>'''Potser algun material el trobareu qüestionable o erroni:''' Com que proporcionem una àmplia gamma de continguts que són generats o recollits per altres usuaris, podrieu trobar material que considereu ofensiu, erroni, enganyós, fora de context o bé qüestionable per altres motius. Per tant, us demanem que apliqueu el sentit comú i bon judici en utilitzar els nostres serveis.</li>
==3. Content We Host==
<li>'''El nostre contingut és de caràcter informatiu:''' Tot i que hostatgem una gran quantitat d'informació referida a temes professionals, entre altres qüestions mèdiques, legals o financeres, aquest contingut es presenta com a informació general; no s'ha de prendre com a consell professional. Si us plau, busqueu assessorament professional independent d'algú que tingui llicència o estigui qualificat en l'àrea d'aplicació, en lloc d'actuar seguint qualsevol informació, opinió o consell continguts en algun dels llocs web del projecte.</li></OL>
== 4. Abstenir-se de certes activitats ==
<OL STYLE="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''You may find some material objectionable or erroneous:''' Because we provide a wide array of content that is produced or gathered by fellow users, you may encounter material that you find offensive, erroneous, misleading, mislabeled, or otherwise objectionable. We therefore ask that you use common sense and proper judgment when using our services.</span></li>
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Our content is for general informational purposes only:''' Although we host a great deal of information that pertains to professional topics, including medical, legal, or financial issues, this content is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be taken as professional advice. Please seek independent professional counseling from someone who is licensed or qualified in the applicable area in lieu of acting on any information, opinion, or advice contained in one of the Project websites.</span></li></OL>

Els projectes hostatjats per la Fundació Wikimedia són possibles només gràcies a l'activa comunitat d'usuaris com vós, que col·laboren per a escriure'n, editar-ne i conservar-ne el contingut. Amb molt de gust acollim la vostra participació en aquesta comunitat. Esperem que sigueu cívic i educat en la vostra interacció amb altres dins la comunitat, que actueu de bona fe i que feu edicions i aportacions dirigides a impulsar la missió del projecte compartit.
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==4. Refraining from Certain Activities==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Certes activitats, ja siguin legals o il·legals, poden ser perjudicials per a altres usuaris i violar les nostres regles, i poden seguir-se'n responsabilitats. Per tant, per a la vostra protecció i la d'altres usuaris, no podeu practicar activitats d'aquesta mena en els nostres llocs. Aquestes activitats inclouen:
The Projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation only exist because of the vibrant community of users like you who collaborate together to write, edit, and curate the content. We happily welcome your participation in this community. We encourage you to be civil and polite in your interactions with others in the community, to act in good faith, and to make edits and contributions aimed at furthering the mission of the shared Project.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Assetjament i maltractament d'altri'''
Certain activities, whether legal or illegal, may be harmful to other users and violate our rules, and some activities may also subject you to liability. Therefore, for your own protection and for that of other users, you may not engage in such activities on our sites. These activities include:

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:: * Participar en assetjament, amenaces, espionatge, difamació o vandalisme i
:'''Harassing and Abusing Others'''
:: * Transmetre correu electrònic en cadena, correu brossa o correu no desitjat a altres usuaris.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::* Engaging in harassment, threats, stalking, spamming, or vandalism; and
::* Transmitting chain mail, junk mail, or spam to other users.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Violating the Privacy of Others'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::* Infringing the privacy rights of others under the laws of the United States of America or other applicable laws (which may include the laws where you live or where you view or edit content);
::* Soliciting personally identifiable information for purposes of harassment, exploitation, violation of privacy, or any promotional or commercial purpose not explicitly approved by the Wikimedia Foundation; and
::* Soliciting personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18 for an illegal purpose or violating any applicable law regarding the health or well-being of minors.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Engaging in False Statements, Impersonation, or Fraud'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::* Intentionally or knowingly posting content that constitutes libel or defamation;
::* With the intent to deceive, posting content that is false or inaccurate;
::* Attempting to impersonate another user or individual, misrepresenting your affiliation with any individual or entity, or using the username of another user with the intent to deceive; and
::* Engaging in fraud.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Committing Infringement'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::* Infringing copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other proprietary rights under applicable law.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Misusing Our Services for Other Illegal Purposes'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::* Posting child pornography or any other content that violates applicable law concerning child pornography;
::* Posting or trafficking in obscene material that is unlawful under applicable law; and
::* Using the services in a manner that is inconsistent with applicable law.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Engaging in Disruptive and Illegal Misuse of Facilities'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::* Posting or distributing content that contains any viruses, malware, worms, Trojan horses, malicious code, or other device that could harm our technical infrastructure or system or that of our users;
::* Engaging in automated uses of the site that are abusive or disruptive of the services and have not been approved by the Wikimedia community;
::* Disrupting the services by placing an undue burden on a Project website or the networks or servers connected with a Project website;
::* Disrupting the services by inundating any of the Project websites with communications or other traffic that suggests no serious intent to use the Project website for its stated purpose;
::* Knowingly accessing, tampering with, or using any of our non-public areas in our computer systems without authorization; and
::*Probing, scanning, or testing the vulnerability of any of our technical systems or networks unless all the following conditions are met:
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::*such actions do not unduly abuse or disrupt our technical systems or networks;
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::*such actions are not for personal gain (except for credit for your work);
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::*you report any vulnerabilities to MediaWiki developers (or fix it yourself); and
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:::*you do not undertake such actions with malicious or destructive intent.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Paid contributions without disclosure'''
{{anchor|paid contributions|PAID}}

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Vulnerar la privacitat d'altri'''
::These Terms of Use prohibit engaging in deceptive activities, including misrepresentation of affiliation, impersonation, and fraud. As part of these obligations, you must disclose your employer, client, and affiliation with respect to any contribution for which you receive, or expect to receive, compensation. You must make that disclosure in at least one of the following ways:
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::*a statement on your user page,
::*a statement on the talk page accompanying any paid contributions, or
::*a statement in the edit summary accompanying any paid contributions.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::Applicable law, or community and Foundation policies and guidelines, such as those addressing conflicts of interest, may further limit paid contributions or require more detailed disclosure.
::A Wikimedia Project community may adopt an alternative paid contribution disclosure policy. If a Project adopts an alternative disclosure policy, you may comply with that policy instead of the requirements in this section when contributing to that Project. An alternative paid contribution policy will only supersede these requirements if it is approved by the relevant Project community and listed in the [[:m:Special:MyLanguage/Alternative paid contribution disclosure policies|alternative disclosure policy page]].
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::For more information, please read our [[:m:Special:MyLanguage/Terms of use/FAQ on paid contributions without disclosure|FAQ on disclosure of paid contributions]].

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:: * Vulnerar els drets de privacitat d'altres persones sota les lleis dels Estats Units o altres lleis aplicables (que poden incloure les lleis del país on viviu o del país on veieu o editeu els continguts);
We reserve the right to exercise our enforcement discretion with respect to the above terms.
:: * Sol·licitar informació d'identificació personal amb finalitat d'assetjar, d'extorsionar, de vulnerar la privacitat o qualsevol altre propòsit comercial o promocional no aprovat explícitament per la Fundació Wikimedia i
:: * Sol·licitar informació d'identificació personal a menors de 18 anys amb propòsits il·legals o que vulneren qualsevol llei aplicable en relació amb la salut o el benestar dels menors d'edat.

:'''Participar en declaracions falses, suplantació o frau'''
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==5. Password Security==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:: * Publicar continguts que constitueixin injúria o difamació de manera intencionada o sabent-ho;
You are responsible for safeguarding your own password and should never disclose it to any third party.
:: * Publicar continguts falsos o inexactes amb la intenció d'enganyar;
:: * Intentar suplantar un altre usuari o persona, falsejant la vostra relació amb qualsevol persona o entitat o bé fent servir el nom d'un altre usuari amb la intenció d'enganyar i
:: * Cometre frau.

:'''Cometre infraccions'''
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==6. Trademarks==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:: * Vulnerar els drets d'autor, marques registrades, patents o altres drets de propietat.
Although you have considerable freedoms for re-use of the content on the Project websites, it is important that, at the Wikimedia Foundation, we protect our trademark rights so that we can protect our users from fraudulent impersonators. Because of this, we ask that you please respect our trademarks. All Wikimedia Foundation trademarks belong to the Wikimedia Foundation, and any use of our trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, or domain names must be in compliance with these Terms of Use and in compliance with our [[:wmf:Trademark Policy|Trademark Policy]].

:'''Fer mal ús dels nostres serveis amb altres propòsits il·legals'''
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==7. Licensing of Content==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:: * Publicar pornografia infantil o qualsevol altre contingut que vulneri la llei aplicable en matèria de pornografia infantil;
To grow the commons of free knowledge and free culture, all users contributing to the Projects are required to grant broad permissions to the general public to re-distribute and re-use their contributions freely, so long as that use is properly attributed and the same freedom to re-use and re-distribute is granted to any derivative works. In keeping with our goal of providing free information to the widest possible audience, we require that when necessary all submitted content be licensed so that it is freely reusable by anyone who cares to access it.
:: * Publicar o traficar material obscè il·legal i
:: * Utilitzar els serveis de manera incompatible amb la legislació aplicable.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:'''Fer un ús desordenat o il·legal de les instal·lacions'''
You agree to the following licensing requirements:
<OL STYLE="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><LI><div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Text to which you hold the copyright:''' When you submit text to which you hold the copyright, you agree to license it under:
* [//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License] (“CC BY-SA”), and
* [//www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html GNU Free Documentation License] (“GFDL”) (unversioned, with no invariant sections, front-cover texts, or back-cover texts).
(Re-users may comply with either license or both.)

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
:: * Publicar o distribuir continguts que continguin virus, troians, codi maliciós o d'altres continguts perjudicials;
The only exception is if the Project edition or feature requires a different license. In that case, you agree to license any text you contribute under that particular license. For example, at the publication of this version of the Terms of Use, English Wikinews mandates that all text content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic License (CC BY 2.5) and does not require a dual license with GFDL.
:: * Participar en una utilització automatitzada del lloc que sigui abusiva o interfereixi en els serveis i que no hagi estat aprovada per la comunitat de Wikimedia;
:: * Pertorbar els serveis carregant de manera excessiva el lloc web d'un projecte o les xarxes o els servidors connectats amb el lloc web d'un projecte;
:: * Pertorbar els serveis inundant qualsevol dels llocs web d'un projecte amb comunicacions o d'altres tipus de tràfic sense la intenció seriosa de fer servir el lloc web del projecte per al seu objectiu declarat;
:: * Sondejar, escanejar o provar la vulnerabilitat de qualsevol dels nostres sistemes tècnics o xarxes sense autorització, i
:: * Sabent-ho, accedir, manipular o utilitzar qualsevol de les nostres àrees no públiques dels nostres sistemes informàtics sense autorització.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
::: *accions d'aquesta mena no abusen indegudament o interrompeixen les nostres instal·lacions tècniques o xarxes;
Please note that these licenses do allow commercial uses of your contributions, as long as such uses are compliant with the terms.
::: *accions d'aquesta mena no són per a benefici propi (excepte el reconeixment de la feina feta);
::: *informeu de qualsevol vulnerabilitat als desenvolupadors de MediaWiki (o la repareu vós mateix); i
::: *no feu aquesta mena d'accions amb intenció maliciosa o destructiva.

<li><span id="7b"></span><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Attribution:''' Attribution is an important part of these licenses. We consider it giving credit where credit is due – to authors like yourself. When you contribute text, you agree to be attributed in any of the following fashions:</span>
Ens reservem el dret d'exercir la nostra discreció pel que fa als termes anteriors.
<OL STYLE="list-style:lower-roman">
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the article to which you contributed (since each article has a history page that lists all authors and editors);</span></li>
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy that is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on the Project website; or</span></li>
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Through a list of all authors (but please note that any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions).</span></li>
<li><span id="7c"></span><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Importing text:''' You may import text that you have found elsewhere or that you have co-authored with others, but in such case you warrant that the text is available under terms that are compatible with the CC BY-SA 3.0 license (or, as explained above, another license when exceptionally required by the Project edition or feature)("CC BY-SA"). Content available only under GFDL is not permissible.</span></li><br><br>

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== 5. Seguretat de la contrasenya==
You agree that, if you import text under a CC BY-SA license that requires attribution, you must credit the author(s) in a reasonable fashion. Where such credit is commonly given through page histories (such as Wikimedia-internal copying), it is sufficient to give attribution in the edit summary, which is recorded in the page history, when importing the text. The attribution requirements are sometimes too intrusive for particular circumstances (regardless of the license), and there may be instances where the Wikimedia community decides that imported text cannot be used for that reason.

<li><span id="7d"></span><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Non-text media:''' Non-text media on the Projects are available under a variety of different licenses that support the general goal of allowing unrestricted re-use and re-distribution. When you contribute non-text media, you agree to comply with the requirements for such licenses as described in our [[foundation:Resolution:Licensing policy|Licensing Policy]], and also comply with the requirements of the specific Project edition or feature to which you are contributing. Also see the [[:c:Special:MyLanguage/Commons:Licensing|Wikimedia Commons Licensing Policy]] for more information on contributing non-text media to that Project.</span></li>
Sou responsable de salvaguardar la vostra contrasenya i de no revelar-la mai a tercers.

<li><span id="7e"></span><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''No revocation of license:''' Except as consistent with your license, you agree that you will not unilaterally revoke or seek invalidation of any license that you have granted under these Terms of Use for text content or non-text media contributed to the Wikimedia Projects or features, even if you terminate use of our services.</span></li>
== 6. Marques registrades==

<li><span id="7f"></span><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Public domain content:''' Content that is in the public domain is welcome! It is important however that you confirm the public domain status of the content under the law of the United States of America as well as the laws of any other countries as required by the specific Project edition. When you contribute content that is in the public domain, you warrant that the material is actually in the public domain, and you agree to label it appropriately.</span></li>
Encara que teniu força llibertat per a la reutilització dels continguts dels llocs web dels projectes, és important que, a la Fundació Wikimedia, protegim els nostres drets de marca registrada de manera que puguem protegir els nostres usuaris contra impostors. Per això us demanem que respecteu les nostres marques registrades. Totes les marques registrades de la Fundació Wikimedia pertanyen a la Fundació Wikimedia i qualsevol ús dels nostres noms comercials, marques registrades, marques de servei, logotips o noms de domini han de complir amb el present acord i ser conformes amb la nostra [[:wmf:Trademark Policy|política de marques registrades]]. Podeu trobar una llista no exhaustiva de les nostres marques [[foundation:Our projects|aquí]].

<li><span id="7g"></span><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Re-use:''' Re-use of content that we host is welcome, though exceptions exist for content contributed under "fair use" or similar exemptions under copyright law. Any re-use must comply with the underlying license(s).</span><br><br>
== 7. Concessió de llicències dels continguts==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Per a fer créixer el patrimoni comú del coneixement i de la cultura lliure, tots els usuaris que contribueixen als projectes estan obligats a concedir permisos generals al públic en general per a redistribuir i reutilitzar les seves contribucions lliurement, igual que aquest ús s'atribueix apropiadament i la mateixa llibertat de reutilització i redistribució s'atorga a qualsevol treball derivat. D'acord amb el nostre objectiu de proporcionar informació gratuïta a l'audiència més àmplia possible, cal que quan sigui necessari tots els continguts presentats tinguin una llicència de manera que siguin reutilitzables lliurement per qualsevol persona que es preocupa d'accedir-hi.
When you re-use or re-distribute a text page developed by the Wikimedia community, you agree to attribute the authors in any of the following fashions:

Esteu d'acord amb els requisits de llicència següents:
<OL STYLE="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><LI>'''Text del qual posseiu els drets d'autor:''' Quan envieu el text del qual teniu els drets d'autor, us comprometeu a concedir una llicència sota:
* [//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License] ("CC BY-SA"), i
* [//www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html GNU Free Documentation License] ("GFDL") (sense versió, sense seccions invariables, textos de portada, ni textos de contraportada).
(Els reutilitzadors poden complir ja sigui amb una llicència o ambdues.)<br /><br />

L'única excepció és si el projecte local o funció requereix una llicència diferent. En aquest cas us comprometeu a autoritzar qualsevol text que aporteu amb aquesta llicència concreta. Per exemple, la Wikinews en anglès obliga a que tot el contingut que sigui text estigui sota una llicència Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic License (CC BY 2.5) i no requereix una segona llicència amb GFDL.<br /><br />

Tingueu en compte que aquestes llicències permeten l'ús comercial de les vostres aportacions sempre que aquests usos siguin compatibles amb les condicions d'ús.<li>

<li>'''Atribució:''' L'atribució és una part important d'aquestes llicències. Considerem que és donar crèdit on cal donar-lo -als autors com vós mateix. En aportar text accepteu que se us ha d'atribuir en alguna de les següents formes:
<OL STYLE="list-style:lower-roman">
<OL STYLE="list-style:lower-roman">
<li>Mitjançant un hipervincle (on sigui possible) o URL a l'article al qual heu contribuït (ja que cada article una pàgina d'història que enumera tots els autors i editors);</li>
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the page or pages that you are re-using (since each page has a history page that lists all authors and editors);</span></li>
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy that is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on the Project website; or</span></li>
<li>Mitjançant un hipervincle (on sigui possible) o URL a una còpia en línia alternativa i estable que és de lliure accés, que és conforme a la llicència i que acredita els autors d'una manera equivalent a l'acreditació atorgada en el lloc web del projecte, o</li>
<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Through a list of all authors (but please note that any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions).</span></li>
<li>Mitjançant una llista de tots els autors (però tingueu en compte que qualsevol llista d'autors pot ser filtrada per a excloure contribucions insignificants o irrellevants).</li>
<li>'''Importar text:''' Podeu importar el text que heu trobat en un altre lloc o que heu co-escrit amb altres, però en aquest cas garantiu que el text està disponible sota condicions compatibles amb la llicència CC BY-SA 3,0 (o, com s'ha explicat més amunt, una altra llicència quan excepcionalment sigui requerit pel projecte local o funció) ("CC BY-SA"). No es permeten continguts disponibles només sota GFDL.</li><br /><br />

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Accepteu que, si importeu text sota una llicència CC BY-SA que exigeix atribució, heu d'acreditar l'autor (o autors) d'una manera raonable. Allà on aquesta acreditació es dóna normalment mtjançant historials de les pàgines (com a les còpies internes de Wikimedia), és suficient per a l'atribució en el resum d'edició, que es registra en l'historial de la pàgina, en importar el text. Els requisits d'atribució de vegades són massa intrusius per circumstàncies particulars (amb independència de la llicència) i pot haver casos en què la comunitat de Wikimedia decideixi que el text importat no pot ser utilitzat per aquesta raó.</li>
If the text content was imported from another source, it is possible that the content is licensed under a compatible CC BY-SA license but not GFDL (as described in “Importing text,” above). In that case, you agree to comply with the compatible CC BY-SA license and do not have the option to re-license it under GFDL. To determine the license that applies to the content that you seek to re-use or re-distribute, you should review the page footer, page history, and discussion page.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<li>'''Materials que no són text:''' Els materials que no són text estan disponibles en els projectes sota diferents llicències que recolzen l'objectiu general de permetre la seva reutilització i redistribució sense restriccions. Quan aporteu material que no és text, us comprometeu a complir amb els requisits d'aquestes llicències, tal com es descriu a la nostra [[foundation:Resolution:Licensing policy|política de llicències]], i també complir amb els requisits del projecte o de la característica concrets als quals esteu contribuint. Veure també [[: commons:Commons:Licensing|política de llicències de Wikimedia Commons]] per tal d'obtenir més informació sobre la contribució de materials que no són text a aquest projecte.</li>
In addition, please be aware that text that originated from external sources and was imported into a Project may be under a license that attaches additional attribution requirements. Users agree to indicate these additional attribution requirements clearly. Depending on the Project, such requirements may appear for example in a banner or other notations pointing out that some or all of the content was originally published elsewhere. Where there are such visible notations, re-users should preserve them.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<li>'''No revocació de la llicència:''' Llevat que la vostra llicència indiqui el contrari, accepteu no revocar unilateralment o invalidar qualsevol llicència que hàgiu concedit en virtut del present acord, tant per a text com per a materials que no són text, aportats a projectes o característiques de Wikimedia, fins i tot si deixeu d'usar els nostres serveis.</li>
For any non-text media, you agree to comply with whatever license under which the work has been made available (which can be discovered by clicking on the work and looking at the licensing section on its description page or reviewing an applicable source page for that work). When re-using any content that we host, you agree to comply with the relevant attribution requirements as they pertain to the underlying license or licenses.

<li><span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">'''Modifications or additions to material that you re-use:''' When modifying or making additions to text that you have obtained from a Project website, you agree to license the modified or added content under CC BY-SA 3.0 or later (or, as explained above, another license when exceptionally required by the specific Project edition or feature).</span><br><br>
<li>'''Continguts de domini públic:''' Els continguts que són al domini públic són benvinguts! És important tanmateix que confirmeu llur condició de domini públic als Estats Units i a qualsevol altre país quan així ho requereixi el projecte local. En aportar continguts que es troben al domini públic, garantiu que el material és realment al domini públic i accepteu d'etiquetar-lo com a tal.</li>

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">When modifying or making additions to any non-text media that you have obtained from a Project website, you agree to license the modified or added content in accordance with whatever license under which the work has been made available.</span><br><br>
<li>'''Reutilització:''' La reutilització dels continguts que hostatgem és ben acollida, encara que hi ha excepcions per als continguts aportats com a '"ús just" o exempcions anàlogues en la legislació de drets d'autor. Qualsevol reutilització ha d'estar conforme amb la llicència o llicències respectives.<br /><br />

<span lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">With both text content and non-text media, you agree to clearly indicate that the original work has been modified. If you are re-using text content in a wiki, it is sufficient to indicate in the page history that you made a change to the imported text. For each copy or modified version that you distribute, you agree to include a licensing notice stating which license the work is released under, along with either a hyperlink or URL to the text of the license or a copy of the license itself.</span></li></ol>
En reutilitzar o redistribuir una pàgina de text elaborat per la comunitat de Wikimedia, accepteu d'atribuïr-la als autors en qualsevol de les següents formes:
<OL STYLE="list-style:lower-roman">
<li>Mitjançant un hipervincle (on sigui possible) o URL a la pàgina o pàgines que esteu reutilitzant (ja que cada pàgina té una pàgina d'historial que n'enumera tots els autors i editors);</li>
<li>Mitjançant un hipervincle (on sigui possible) o URL a una còpia en línia, alternativa i estable, que sigui de lliure accés, que s'ajusta a la llicència i que acredita els autors d'una manera equivalent al crèdit atorgats en el lloc web del projecte, o</li>
<li>Mitjançant una llista de tots els autors (però tingueu en compte que qualsevol llista d'autors pot ser filtrada per a excloure'n contribucions insignificants o irrellevants).</li>

Si el contingut de text va ser importat d'una altra font, és possible que estigui sota una llicència compatible amb CC BY-SA, però no GFDL (com es descriu a "Importar text," més amunt). En aquest cas us comprometeu a complir amb la llicència compatible amb CC BY-SA i no teniu l'opció de re-llicenciar-lo sota GFDL. Per a determinar la llicència que s'aplica als continguts que es tracten de reutilitzar o redistribuir, reviseu el peu de pàgina, l'historial de la pàgina i la pàgina de discussió.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==8. DMCA Compliance==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
A més, tingueu en compte que el text que es va originar a partir de fonts externes i s'ha importat a un projecte pot estar sota una llicència que comporta requisits d'atribució addicionals. Els usuaris accepten d'indicar aquests requisits addicionals de manera clara. Depenent del projecte, aquests requisits poden aparèixer per exemple en un banner o en altres anotacions i indicar que una part del contingut o tot ell va ser publicat originalment en una altre lloc. Quan hi hagi anotacions visibles com les descrites, els reutilizadors han de preservar-les.
The Wikimedia Foundation wants to ensure that the content that we host can be re-used by other users without fear of liability and that it is not infringing the proprietary rights of others. In fairness to our users, as well as to other creators and copyright holders, our policy is to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the formalities of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Pursuant to the DMCA, we will terminate, in appropriate circumstances, users and account holders of our system and network who are repeat infringers.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Per a qualsevol material que no sigui text accepteu de complir amb qualsevol llicència sota la qual s'hagi publicat l'obra (pot fer-se visible fent clic en l'obra i mirant la secció de llicències a la seva pàgina de descripció o revisant la pàgina font de l'obra). Quan reutilitzeu qualsevol contingut que hostatgem nosaltres, us comprometeu a complir amb els requisits d'atribució rellevants tal com dicta la llicència o llicències respectives.</li>
However, we also recognize that not every takedown notice is valid or in good faith. In such cases, we strongly encourage users to file counter-notifications when they appropriately believe a DMCA takedown demand is invalid or improper. For more information on what to do if you think a DMCA notice has been improperly filed, you may wish to consult the [https://lumendatabase.org/ Lumen Database] (formerly known as Chilling Effects).

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<li>'''Modifications o addicions al material que es torni a usar:''' En modificar o fer addicions al text que heu obtingut a partir d'una pàgina web del projecte, accepteu de llicenciar el contingut modificat o afegit sota la llicència CC BY-SA 3.0 o posteriors (o, com s'ha explicar més amunt, una altra llicència quan excepcionalment sigui requerits pel projecte local o funció).<br /><br />
If you are the owner of content that is being improperly used on one of the Projects without your permission, you may request that the content be removed under the DMCA. To make such a request, please email us at <code>legal</code>{{@}}<code>wikimedia.org</code> or snail mail our designated agent at this [[foundation:Designated agent|address]].

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
En modificar o fer addicions a qualsevol material que no sigui text i que heu obtingut a partir d'una pàgina web d'un projecte, accepteu de llicenciar el contingut modificat o afegit d'acord amb la llicència sota la qual s'ha fet disponible el material.<br /><br />
Alternatively, you may make a request to our community, which often handles copyright issues faster and more effectively than prescribed under the DMCA. In that case, you can post a notice explaining your copyright concerns. For a non-exhaustive and non-authoritative list of the relevant processes for the different Project editions, look [[:m:Copyright problems|here]]. Before filing a DMCA claim, you also have the option of sending an email to the community at <code>info</code>{{@}}<code>wikimedia.org</code>.

Tant amb el text com amb el material que no sigui text, accepteu d'indicar clarament que el treball original ha estat modificat. Si esteu reutilitzant text en una wiki, n'hi ha prou amb indicar a lala pàgina d'història que heu fet un canvi en el text importat. Per cada còpia o versió modificada que es distribueixi, accepteu d'incloure un avís de llicència que indica sota quina llicència s'ha publicat el treball juntament amb un hipervincle o bé una URL al text de la llicència, o bé una còpia de la pròpia llicència.</li></ol>
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==9. Third-party Websites and Resources==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==8. Conformitat amb DMCA ''(Digital Millenium Copyright Act)''==
You are solely responsible for your use of any third-party websites or resources. Although the Projects contain links to third-party websites and resources, we do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for their availability, accuracy, or the related content, products, or services (including, without limitation, any viruses or other disabling features), nor do we have any obligation to monitor such third-party content.

La Fundació Wikimedia vol assegurar-se que els continguts que hostatgem poden ser reutilitzats per altres usuaris sense por d'incórrer en responsabilitats i que no està infringint cap dret de propietat. Per a ser honestos amb els nostres usuaris, i també amb altres creadors i amb titulars de drets d'autor, la nostra norma és respondre als avisos de suposades infraccions si compleixen els formalismes de la Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). De conformitat amb la DMCA i en les circumstàncies apropiades, trencarem la relació amb els usuaris i titulars de comptes del nostre sistema i de la nostra xarxa que siguin reincidents.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==10. Management of Websites==

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
No obstant això, també reconeixem que no tots els avisos d'infracció són vàlids o de bona fe. En aquests casos recomanem amb insistència als usuaris que presentin al·legacions quan considerin que una demanda d'infracció DMCA no és vàlida o no és correcta. Per a més informació sobre què fer si creieu que un avís d'infracció DMCA no és pertinent, consulteu el lloc web [//www.chillingeffects.org/ Chilling Effects].
The community has the primary role in creating and enforcing policies applying to the different Project editions. At the Wikimedia Foundation, we rarely intervene in community decisions about policy and its enforcement. In an unusual case, the need may arise, or the community may ask us, to address an especially problematic user because of significant Project disturbance or dangerous behavior. In such cases, we reserve the right, but do not have the obligation to:

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Si vós sou el propietari del contingut que s'està utilitzant indegudament en algun dels projectes sense el vostre permís, podeu demanar que el contingut sigui eliminat d'acord amb la DMCA. Per a fer aquesta sol·licitud, escriviu al nostre agent designat a <tt>legal</tt>{{@}}<tt>wikimedia.org</tt> o bé envieu per correu la sol·licitud a aquesta [[foundation:Designated agent|adreça]].
* Investigate your use of the service (a) to determine whether a violation of these Terms of Use, Project edition policy, or other applicable law or policy has occurred, or (b) to comply with any applicable law, legal process, or appropriate governmental request;
* Detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues or respond to user support requests;
* Refuse, disable, or restrict access to the contribution of any user who violates these Terms of Use;
* Ban a user from editing or contributing or block a user's account or access for actions violating these Terms of Use, including repeat copyright infringement;
* Take legal action against users who violate these Terms of Use (including reports to law enforcement authorities); and
* Manage otherwise the Project websites in a manner designed to facilitate their proper functioning and protect the rights, property, and safety of ourselves and our users, licensors, partners, and the public.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Altrament podeu fer una sol·licitud a la nostra comunitat, que s'encarrega sovint de qüestions de drets d'autor de manera més ràpida i eficaç que a través de la DMCA. En aquest cas podeu publicar un avís explicant el vostre cas sobre drets d'autor. Per a obtenir una llista no exhaustiva i no autoritzada dels processos pertinents per a cada projecte, veieu [[meta:Copyright problems|aquí]]. Abans de presentar una reclamació DMCA, també teniu l'opció d'enviar un correu electrònic a la comunitat a <tt>info</tt>{{@}}<tt>wikimedia.org</tt>.
In the interests of our users and the Projects, in the extreme circumstance that any individual has had his or her account or access blocked under this provision, he or she is prohibited from creating or using another account on or seeking access to the same Project, unless we provide explicit permission. Without limiting the authority of the community, the Wikimedia Foundation itself will not ban a user from editing or contributing or block a user's account or access solely because of good faith criticism that does not result in actions otherwise violating these Terms of Use or community policies.

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==9. Llocs web i recursos de tercers ==
The Wikimedia community and its members may also take action when so allowed by the community or Foundation policies applicable to the specific Project edition, including but not limited to warning, investigating, blocking, or banning users who violate those policies. You agree to comply with the final decisions of dispute resolution bodies that are established by the community for the specific Project editions (such as arbitration committees); these decisions may include sanctions as set out by the policy of the specific Project edition.

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Vós sou l'únic responsable de la utilització dels llocs web o dels recursos de tercers. Tot i que els projectes contenen enllaços a llocs web i recursos de tercers, no garantim ni ens fem responsables de llur disponibilitat, exactitud, o la dels continguts relacionats, productes o serveis (incloent, sense limitació, qualsevol tipus de virus o d'altres elements perjudicials), ni tampoc tenim cap obligació de controlar continguts de tercers.
Especially problematic users who have had accounts or access blocked on multiple Project editions may be subject to a ban from all of the Project editions, in accordance with the [[meta:Global bans|Global Ban Policy]]. In contrast to Board resolutions or these Terms of Use, policies established by the community, which may cover a single Project edition or multiple Projects editions (like the Global Ban Policy), may be modified by the relevant community according to its own procedures.

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==10. Gestió de llocs web ==
The blocking of an account or access or the banning of a user under this provision shall be in accordance with Section 12 of these Terms of Use.

La comunitat té la responsabilitat principal per a tractar vulneracions de normes de projectes i qüestions similars. A la Fundació Wikimedia rarament intervenim en les decisions de la comunitat sobre la normativa i sobre la seva aplicació. En un cas especial pot sorgir la necessitat o la comunitat pot demanar-nos que ens ocupem d'un usuari especialment problemàtic arran d'una pertorbació significativa en algun projecte o d'un comportament perillós. En aquests casos ens reservem el dret, però no tenim l'obligació de:
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==11. Resolutions and Project Policies==

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* Investigar el vostre ús del servei (a) per a determinar si s'ha produït una vulneració del present acord, de la normativa d'un projecte o de qualsevol altra llei o normativa, o (b) per a complir amb qualsevol llei aplicable, procés legal o sol·licitud governamental pertinent;
The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees releases [[:wmf:Resolutions|official policies]] from time to time. Some of these policies may be mandatory for a particular Project or Project edition, and, when they are, you agree to abide by them as applicable.
* Detectar, impedir o de qualsevol altra manera ocupar-nos de temes de frau, seguretat o aspectes tècnics o bé respondre a sol·licituds d'assistència dels usuaris;
* Rebutjar, desactivar o restringir l'accés a la contribució de qualsevol usuari que vulneri el present acord;
* Bloquejar un compte d'usuari o inhabilitar un usuari per accions que vulnerin el present acord, inclosa la reincidència en infringir drets d'autor;
* Prendre mesures legals contra els usuaris que vulnerin el present acord (incloent la presentació d'informes a les autoritats policials), i
* Gestionar els llocs web de projectes d'una manera dissenyada per a facilitar-ne el bon funcionament i protegir els drets, propietat i seguretat de nosaltres mateixos i dels nostres usuaris, concessionaris, socis i públic en general.

En interès dels nostres usuaris i dels projectes i en l'extrema circumstància que a algú li hàgim bloquejat el compte en virtut d'aquesta disposició, té prohibit de crear o utilitzar un altre compte en el mateix projecte, llevat que expressament li donem permís.
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==12. Termination ==

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Els membres autoritzats de la comunitat de Wikimedia també poden prendre mesures d'acord amb la normativa de la comunitat de cada projecte, incloent entre d'altres la investigació, el bloqueig i la prohibició dels usuaris que vulnerin aquestes polítiques. Els usuaris especialment problemàtics als qui s'han bloquejat comptes en diversos projectes podran ser objecte de prohibició en tots els projectes, d'acord amb la [[Global Ban Policy|política global de prohibició]]. A diferència dels acords del Consell o del present acord, la normativa establerta per la comunitat, que pot ser aplicable a un sol projecte o a diversos projectes (com la Normativa de prohibició global), pot ser modificada per la comunitat pertinent d'acord amb els seus propis procediments.
Though we hope you will stay and continue to contribute to the Projects, you can stop using our services any time. In certain (hopefully unlikely) circumstances it may be necessary for either ourselves or the Wikimedia community or its members (as described in Section 10) to terminate part or all of our services, terminate these Terms of Use, block your account or access, or ban you as a user. If your account or access is blocked or otherwise terminated for any reason, your public contributions will remain publicly available (subject to applicable policies), and, unless we notify you otherwise, you may still access our public pages for the sole purpose of reading publicly available content on the Projects. In such circumstances, however, you may not be able to access your account or settings. We reserve the right to suspend or end the services at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Even after your use and participation are banned, blocked or otherwise suspended, these Terms of Use will remain in effect with respect to relevant provisions, including Sections 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9-15, and 17.

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Als usuaris especialment problemàtics que han tingut els comptes o l'accés bloquejats en les edicions de diferents projectes se'ls podrà prohibir tota edició de projectes, d'acord amb la [[meta:Global bans|política global de prohibició]]. En contrast amb les resolucions del Consell o amb aquestes condicions d'ús, les polítiques establertes per la comunitat, que poden incloure tant l'edició d'un únic projecte com la de múltiples projectes (com ara la política global de prohibició), poden ser modificades per la comunitat pertinent d'acord amb els seus propis procediments.

El bloqueig d'un compte o la prohibició d'un usuari en virtut d'aquesta disposició es farà de conformitat amb la secció 12 del present acord.
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==13. Disputes and Jurisdiction==

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==11. Resolucions i normativa d'un projecte==
''Highlighted for emphasis''

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De tant en tant el consell d'administració de la Fundació Wikimedia publica [[:wmf:Resolutions|normes oficials]]. Algunes d'aquestes normes poden ser obligatòries per a un projecte particular i, en aquest cas, vós accepteu d'acatar-les, segons correspongui.
We hope that no serious disagreements arise involving you, but, in the event there is a dispute, we encourage you to seek resolution through the dispute resolution procedures or mechanisms provided by the Projects or Project editions and the Wikimedia Foundation. If you seek to file a legal claim against us, you agree to file and resolve it exclusively in a state or federal court located in San Francisco County, California. You also agree that the laws of the State of California and, to the extent applicable, the laws of the United States of America will govern these Terms of Use, as well as any legal claim that might arise between you and us (without reference to conflict of laws principles). You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, the courts located in San Francisco County, California, in any legal action or proceeding relating to us or these Terms of Use.

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==12. Prescripció del present acord ==
To ensure that disputes are dealt with soon after they arise, you agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action you might have arising out of or related to use of our services or these Terms of Use must be filed within the applicable statute of limitations or, if earlier, one (1) year after the pertinent facts underlying such claim or cause of action could have been discovered with reasonable diligence (or be forever barred).

Encara que esperem que romandreu i que seguireu contribuint als projectes, podeu deixar d'utilitzar els nostres serveis en qualsevol moment. En algunes circumstàncies (esperem que improbables) pot ser necessari que nosaltres o membres autoritzats de la comunitat de Wikimedia donem per acabada part o la totalitat dels nostres serveis, resoldre el present acord, bloquejar el vostre compte o vetar-vos com a usuari. Ens reservem el dret de deixar en suspens o de donar fi als serveis en qualsevol moment, amb causa o sense, i amb previ avís o sense. Si el vostre compte ha estat bloquejat o anul·lat per qualsevol motiu, vós i altres usuaris conservareu l'accés a les vostres aportacions públiques, però no podreu accedir al vostre compte o als paràmetres de configuració. Fins i tot després d'haver estat bloquejat o anul·lat el vostre compte, el present acord seguirà vigent.

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==13. Controvèrsies i jurisdicció==

''Realçat per èmfasi''
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==14. Disclaimers==

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Encara que esperem que no sorgeixin discrepàncies serioses, en el cas que hi hagi cap conflicte entre vós i la Fundació Wikimedia, us comprometeu a dirimir-lo exclusivament en un tribunal estatal o federal del comtat de San Francisco, Califòrnia. També accepteu que les lleis de l'estat de Califòrnia i, allà on siguin d'aplicació, les lleis dels Estats Units d'Amèrica governin el present acord, així com qualsevol reclamació que pogués sorgir entre vós i nosaltres (sense referència a conflicte de principis legals). Vós accepteu sotmetre a la jurisdicció personal dels tribunals ubicats al comtat de San Francisco, Califòrnia, i accepteu que el lloc és adequat, qualsevol acció o procediment legals relacionats amb nosaltres o amb el present acord.
''Highlighted for emphasis''

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Per a assegurar que els conflictes es tracten immediatament després que sorgeixen, vós accepteu que -independentment de qualsevol estatut o llei en contra- qualsevol reclamació o acció que pogués sorgir relativa a la utilizació dels nostres serveis o al present acord han de ser presentades dins del termini aplicable o, si és més curt, un (1) any després del descobriment dels fets subjacents en les esmentades reclamació o acció o bé ser descartat per sempre.
At the Wikimedia Foundation, we do our best to provide educational and informational content to a very wide audience, but your use of our services is at your sole risk. We provide these services on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and we expressly disclaim all express or implied warranties of all kinds, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We make no warranty that our services will meet your requirements, be safe, secure, uninterrupted, timely, accurate, or error-free, or that your information will be secure.

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==14. Avisos legals==
We are not responsible for the content, data, or actions of third parties, and you release us, our directors, officers, employees, and agents from any claims and damages, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with any claim you have against any such third parties. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through or from our services creates any warranty not expressly stated in these Terms of Use.

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''Realçat per èmfasi''
Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through your use of our services is done at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. You agree that we have no responsibility or liability for the deletion of, or the failure to store or to transmit, any content or communication maintained by the service. We retain the right to create limits on use and storage at our sole discretion at any time with or without notice.

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A la Fundació Wikimedia fem tot el possible per a proporcionar serveis didàctics i informatius per a un públic molt ampli, però l'ús que en feu és sota la vostra responsabilitat. Oferim aquests serveis en modalitat "tal qual" i "segons estigui disponible", i expressament refusem donar garanties explícites o implícites de qualsevol mena, incloent entre d'altres, les garanties implícites de comercialització, d'idoneïtat per a un propòsit particular i de no infracció. No oferim cap garantia de que els nostres serveis satisfacin les vostres necessitats, de que siguin segurs, ininterromputs, puntuals, precisos o sense errors, o de que la vostra informació estarà segura.
Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the types of disclaimers in this section, so they may not apply to you either in part or in full depending on the law.

No ens fem responsables del contingut, dades o accions de tercers, i vós ens exonereu a nosaltres, als nostres directors, funcionaris, empleats i agents de qualsevol reclamació i danys, tant coneguts com desconeguts, que sorgeixin o estiguin relacionats d'alguna manera amb qualsevol reclamació que tingueu contra aquests tercers. Cap consell o informació, ja siguin orals o escrits, que hàgiu obtingut de nosaltres o a través dels nostres serveis no generen garantia de cap mena si no ha estat expressament establerta en el present acord.
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==15. Limitation on Liability==

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Qualsevol material descarregat o obtingut mitjançant l'ús dels nostres serveis ho és sota la vostra discreció i responsabilitat i vós sereu l'únic responsable de qualsevol dany al vostre sistema informàtic o de pèrdua de dades que resultin de la descàrrega d'aquest material. Vós accepteu que no tenim cap responsabilitat o obligació per l'esborrament o per la fallada en l'emmagatzematge o en la transmissió de continguts o de comunicacions mantinguts pel servei. Ens reservem el dret d'establir límits sobre l'ús i emmagatzematge a discreció nostra i en qualsevol moment, amb o sense previ avís.
''Highlighted for emphasis''

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En alguns estats o jurisdiccions no permeten la mena d'avisos legals d'aquesta secció, de manera que pot ser que no us siguin d'aplicació.
The Wikimedia Foundation will not be liable to you or to any other party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses, regardless of whether we were advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall our liability exceed one thousand U.S. dollars (USD 1000.00) in aggregate. In the case that applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, although our liability will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

==15. Limitació de responsabilitat==
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==16. Modifications to these Terms of Use ==

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''Realçat per èmfasi''
Just as the Wikimedia community's input is essential for the growth and maintenance of the Projects, we believe that community input is essential for these Terms of Use to properly serve our users. It is also essential for a fair contract. Therefore, we will provide these Terms of Use, as well as any substantial future revisions of these Terms of Use, to the community for comment at least thirty (30) days before the end of the comment period. If a future proposed revision is substantial, we will provide an additional 30 days for comments after posting a translation of the proposed revision in at least three languages (selected at our discretion). The community will be encouraged to translate the proposed revision in other languages as appropriate. For changes for legal or administrative reasons, to correct an inaccurate statement, or changes in response to community comments, we will provide at least three (3) days' notice.

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La Fundació Wikimedia no serà responsable davant vós o davant terceres parts per danys directes, indirectes, incidentals, especials, derivats o punitius, incloent entre d'altres danys per lucre cessant, danys a l'honor, pèrdua d'ús, de dades o altres pèrdues intangibles, independentment de si se'ns havia informat de la possibilitat d'aquests danys. En cap cas la nostra responsabilitat superarà en conjunt els mil dòlars dels Estats Units d'Amèrica (1000,00 USD). En el cas que la llei aplicable no permeti la limitació o exclusió de responsabilitat o danys incidentals o resultants, la limitació o l'exclusió anteriors poden no ser-vos d'aplicació, però la nostra responsabilitat es limitarà al mínim que permeti la llei aplicable.</div>
Because it may be necessary to modify these Terms of Use from time to time, we will provide notice of such modifications and the opportunity to comment via the Project websites, and via a notification on [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/WikimediaAnnounce-l WikimediaAnnounce-L]. However, we ask that you please periodically review the most up-to-date version of these Terms of Use (available at [[foundation:Terms of use|http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Terms of use]]). Your continued use of our services after the new Terms of Use become official following the notice and review period constitutes an acceptance of these Terms of Use on your part. For the protection of the Wikimedia Foundation and other users like yourself, if you do not agree with our Terms of Use, you cannot use our services.
==16. Modificacions a aquest acord==

De la mateixa manera que l'aportació de la comunitat de Wikimedia és essencial per al creixement i el manteniment dels projectes, creiem que la participació de la comunitat és essencial per a que el present acord sigui útil als nostres usuaris. També és essencial per a un contracte just. Per tant nosaltres facilitarem el present acord a la comunitat, així com qualsevol futura modificació substancial del mateix, per a fer-hi comentaris com a mínim trenta (30) dies abans d'exhaurir-se el període de comentaris. Si hi ha una futura proposta de revisió que sigui rellevant, donarem 30 dies addicionals per a comentaris després de publicar una traducció de la proposta de revisió en almenys tres idiomes. Animarem a la comunitat a traduir la proposta de revisió a altres idiomes, segons correspongui. Per als canvis per raons legals o administratives, per a corregir una declaració inexacta, o per als canvis derivats de comentaris de la comunitat, donarem com a mínim un avís de tres (3) dies.
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==17. Other Terms==

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Com que de tant en tant pot ser necessari modificar el present acord o la normativa relacionada amb ell, donarem avís de les modificacions i l'oportunitat de comentar-ho a través dels llocs web del projecte i mitjançant una notificació a [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/WikimediaAnnounce-l Announce-L]. No obstant això, us demanem que reviseu regularment la versió més actualitzada del present acord (disponible a [[foundation:Condicions d'ús|http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Condicions_d'ús]]), ja que la utilització continuada per part vostra dels nostres serveis un cop el nou acord és oficial després de la notificació i del període de revisió, suposa la vostra acceptació de l'acord. Per a la protecció de la Fundació Wikimedia i altres usuaris com vós, si no esteu d'acord amb les nostres condicions d'ús, no podeu utilitzar els nostres serveis.
These Terms of Use do not create an employment, agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and us, the Wikimedia Foundation. If you have not signed a separate agreement with us, these Terms of Use are the entire agreement between you and us. If there is any conflict between these Terms of Use and a signed written agreement between you and us, the signed agreement will control.

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==17. Altres condicions==
You agree that we may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the Terms of Use, by email, regular mail, or postings on Project websites.

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Aquest acord no constitueix relació laboral, agència, associació ni relació empresarial de cap mena entre vós i nosaltres, la Fundació Wikimedia. Si no heu signat cap altre acord amb nosaltres, el present acord defineix tota la relació entre vós i nosaltres. En cas de conflicte entre el present acord i un altre acord signat per escrit entre vós i nosaltres, l'acord signat preval.
If in any circumstance, we do not apply or enforce any provision of these Terms of Use, it is not a waiver of that provision.

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Accepteu que podem enviar-vos avisos, incloent els relatius a canvis en el present acord, per correu electrònic, correu ordinari o publicant-los als llocs web de projectes.
You understand that, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by us, you have no expectation of compensation for any activity, contribution, or idea that you provide to us, the community, or the Wikimedia Projects or Project editions.

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Si en alguna circumstància no apliquem o fem complir alguna disposició del present acord, això no suposa renúncia a tal disposició.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in these Terms of Use, we (the Wikimedia Foundation) and you agree not to modify the applicable terms and requirements of any free license that is employed on the Projects or Project editions when such free license is authorized by these Terms of Use.

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Llevat que nosaltres acordem el contrari per escrit, sou conscient que no teniu dret a compensació per qualsevol activitat, aportació o idea que ens oferiu a nosaltres, a la comunitat, o als projectes de Wikimedia.
These Terms of Use were written in English (U.S.). While we hope that translations of these Terms of Use are accurate, in the event of any differences in meaning between the original English version and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.

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No obstant qualsevol disposició en contrari en el present acord, nosaltres (la Fundació Wikimedia) i vós no tenim intenció de modificar els termes i requisits aplicables de qualsevol llicència lliure que s'empri en els projectes quan l'esmentada llicència lliure sigui autoritzada pel present acord.
If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms of Use is found unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that provision or part of the provision is deemed severable from these Terms of Use and will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and all other provisions of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect.

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El present acord ha estat escrit en anglès (dels Estats Units d'Amèrica). Si bé confiem en que les traduccions són exactes, si hi hagués qualsevol discrepància de significat entre la versió original en anglès i una traducció, prevaldrà la primera.
==Thank You!==

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Si alguna disposició o part d'una disposició del present acord es considera il·legal, nul·la o no exigible, es considerarà que es pot segregar del present acord i s'aplicarà en la màxima extensió possible, i totes les altres disposicions del present acord romandran en ple vigor i efecte.
We appreciate your taking the time to read these Terms of Use, and we are very happy to have you contributing to the Projects and using our services. Through your contributions, you are helping to build something really big – not only an important collection of collaboratively edited reference Projects that provides education and information to millions who might otherwise lack access, but also a vibrant community of like-minded and engaged peers, focused on a very noble goal.

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'''These Terms of Use went into effect on June 16, 2014. Previous versions of the terms:'''
* '''<span class='plainlinks'>[https://wikimediafoundation.org/w/index.php?title=Terms_of_Use&oldid=82013 Terms of Use (2012-2014)]</span>: effective from May 24, 2012 until June 16, 2014'''
* '''<span class='plainlinks'>[https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Archive:Terms_of_Use_(2009) Terms of Use (2009)]</span>: effective from 2009 until May 24, 2012.'''

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Us agraïm el temps que heu dedicat a llegir el present acord i estem molt contents de tenir-vos com a contribuïdor als projectes i com a usuari dels nostres serveis. Amb les vostres aportacions esteu ajudant a construir quelcom realment gran, no només un conjunt important de projectes de referència editats de manera col·lectiva que proporciona educació i informació a milions de persones que sense ells no hi tindrien accés, sinó també una activa comunitat de col·legues compromesos i d'idees afins orientada a un molt noble objectiu.
'''In the event of any differences in meaning between the original English version and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.'''

::'''''These updated Terms of Use went into effect on May 25, 2012. The previous version, at [[Terms_of_use_(2009)|http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_use_(2009)]], was effective until May 24, 2012.'''''
[[Category:Terms of Use]]
[[Category:Terms of Use]]

Revision as of 07:59, 16 March 2023

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Our Terms of Use

Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment.Our Vision Statement

Welcome to Wikimedia! The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (“we” or “us”), is a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally, free of charge.

To support our vibrant community, we provide the essential infrastructure and organizational framework for the development of multilingual wiki Projects and their editions (as explained here) and other endeavors which serve this mission. We strive to make and keep educational and informational content from the Projects available on the internet free of charge, in perpetuity.

We welcome you (“you” or the “user”) as a reader, editor, author, or contributor of the Wikimedia Projects, and we encourage you to join the Wikimedia community. Before you participate, however, we ask that you please read and agree to the following Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”).


These Terms of Use tell you about our public services at the Wikimedia Foundation, our relationship to you as a user, and the rights and responsibilities that guide us both. We want you to know that we host an incredible quantity of educational and informational content, all of which is contributed and made possible by users like yourself. Generally we do not contribute, monitor, or delete content (with the rare exception of policies like these Terms of Use or legal compliance for DMCA notices). This means that editorial control is in the hands of you and your fellow users who create and manage the content. We merely host this content.

The community - the network of users who are constantly building and using the various sites or Projects - are the principal means through which the goals of the mission are achieved. The community contributes to and helps govern our sites. The community undertakes the critical function of creating and enforcing policies for the specific Project editions (such as the different language editions for the Wikipedia Project or the Wikimedia Commons multi-lingual edition).

You are welcome to join as a contributor, editor, or author, but you should follow the policies that govern each of the independent Project editions. The largest of our Projects is Wikipedia, but we host other Projects too, each with different objectives and work methods. Each Project edition has a team of contributors, editors or authors who work together to create and manage the content on that Project edition. You are welcome to join these teams and work with them to improve these Projects. Because we are dedicated to making content freely accessible to the public, we generally require that all content you contribute is available under a free license or in the public domain.

Please be aware that you are legally responsible for all of your contributions, edits, and re-use of Wikimedia content under the laws of the United States of America and other applicable laws (which may include the laws where you live or where you view or edit content). This means it is important that you use caution when posting content. In light of this responsibility, we have some rules about what you cannot post, most of which is either for your own protection or for the protection of other users like yourself. Please keep in mind that the content we host is for general informational purposes only, so if you need expert advice for a particular question (such as medical, legal, or financial issues), you should seek the help of a licensed or qualified professional. We also include other important notices and disclaimers, so please read these Terms of Use in their entirety.

For clarity, other organizations, such as local Wikimedia chapters and associations, that may share in the same mission are nevertheless legally independent and separate from the Wikimedia Foundation and have no responsibility for the operations of the website or its content.

1. Our Services

The Wikimedia Foundation is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free multilingual content, and to hosting the full content of these wiki-based Projects for the public free of charge. Our role is to host some of the largest collaboratively edited reference Projects in the world, which can be found here. However, we act only as a hosting service, maintaining the infrastructure and organizational framework that allows our users to build the Wikimedia Projects by contributing and editing content themselves. Because of our unique role, there are a couple of things you should be aware of when considering our relationship to you, the Projects, and the other users:

  1. We do not take an editorial role: Because the Wikimedia Projects are collaboratively edited, all of the content that we host is provided by users like yourself, and we do not take an editorial role. This means that we generally do not monitor or edit the content of the Project websites, and we do not take any responsibility for this content. Similarly, we do not endorse any opinions expressed via our services, and we do not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any submitted community content. Instead, we simply provide access to the content that your fellow users have contributed and edited.
  2. You are responsible for your own actions: You are legally responsible for your edits and contributions on Wikimedia Projects, so for your own protection you should exercise caution and avoid contributing any content that may result in criminal or civil liability under any applicable laws. For clarity, applicable law includes at least the laws of the United States of America. Although we may not agree with such actions, we warn editors and contributors that authorities may seek to apply other country laws to you, including local laws where you live or where you view or edit content. WMF generally cannot offer any protection, guarantee, immunity or indemnification.

2. Privacy Policy

We ask that you review the terms of our Privacy Policy, so that you are aware of how we collect and use your information. Because our services are used by people all over the world, personal information that we collect may be stored and processed in the United States of America or any other country in which we or our agents maintain facilities. By using our services, you consent to any such transfer of information outside your country.

3. Content We Host

  1. You may find some material objectionable or erroneous: Because we provide a wide array of content that is produced or gathered by fellow users, you may encounter material that you find offensive, erroneous, misleading, mislabeled, or otherwise objectionable. We therefore ask that you use common sense and proper judgment when using our services.
  2. Our content is for general informational purposes only: Although we host a great deal of information that pertains to professional topics, including medical, legal, or financial issues, this content is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be taken as professional advice. Please seek independent professional counseling from someone who is licensed or qualified in the applicable area in lieu of acting on any information, opinion, or advice contained in one of the Project websites.

4. Refraining from Certain Activities

The Projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation only exist because of the vibrant community of users like you who collaborate together to write, edit, and curate the content. We happily welcome your participation in this community. We encourage you to be civil and polite in your interactions with others in the community, to act in good faith, and to make edits and contributions aimed at furthering the mission of the shared Project.

Certain activities, whether legal or illegal, may be harmful to other users and violate our rules, and some activities may also subject you to liability. Therefore, for your own protection and for that of other users, you may not engage in such activities on our sites. These activities include:

Harassing and Abusing Others
  • Engaging in harassment, threats, stalking, spamming, or vandalism; and
  • Transmitting chain mail, junk mail, or spam to other users.
Violating the Privacy of Others
  • Infringing the privacy rights of others under the laws of the United States of America or other applicable laws (which may include the laws where you live or where you view or edit content);
  • Soliciting personally identifiable information for purposes of harassment, exploitation, violation of privacy, or any promotional or commercial purpose not explicitly approved by the Wikimedia Foundation; and
  • Soliciting personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18 for an illegal purpose or violating any applicable law regarding the health or well-being of minors.
Engaging in False Statements, Impersonation, or Fraud
  • Intentionally or knowingly posting content that constitutes libel or defamation;
  • With the intent to deceive, posting content that is false or inaccurate;
  • Attempting to impersonate another user or individual, misrepresenting your affiliation with any individual or entity, or using the username of another user with the intent to deceive; and
  • Engaging in fraud.
Committing Infringement
  • Infringing copyrights, trademarks, patents, or other proprietary rights under applicable law.
Misusing Our Services for Other Illegal Purposes
  • Posting child pornography or any other content that violates applicable law concerning child pornography;
  • Posting or trafficking in obscene material that is unlawful under applicable law; and
  • Using the services in a manner that is inconsistent with applicable law.
Engaging in Disruptive and Illegal Misuse of Facilities
  • Posting or distributing content that contains any viruses, malware, worms, Trojan horses, malicious code, or other device that could harm our technical infrastructure or system or that of our users;
  • Engaging in automated uses of the site that are abusive or disruptive of the services and have not been approved by the Wikimedia community;
  • Disrupting the services by placing an undue burden on a Project website or the networks or servers connected with a Project website;
  • Disrupting the services by inundating any of the Project websites with communications or other traffic that suggests no serious intent to use the Project website for its stated purpose;
  • Knowingly accessing, tampering with, or using any of our non-public areas in our computer systems without authorization; and
  • Probing, scanning, or testing the vulnerability of any of our technical systems or networks unless all the following conditions are met:
  • such actions do not unduly abuse or disrupt our technical systems or networks;
  • such actions are not for personal gain (except for credit for your work);
  • you report any vulnerabilities to MediaWiki developers (or fix it yourself); and
  • you do not undertake such actions with malicious or destructive intent.

Paid contributions without disclosure

These Terms of Use prohibit engaging in deceptive activities, including misrepresentation of affiliation, impersonation, and fraud. As part of these obligations, you must disclose your employer, client, and affiliation with respect to any contribution for which you receive, or expect to receive, compensation. You must make that disclosure in at least one of the following ways:
  • a statement on your user page,
  • a statement on the talk page accompanying any paid contributions, or
  • a statement in the edit summary accompanying any paid contributions.
Applicable law, or community and Foundation policies and guidelines, such as those addressing conflicts of interest, may further limit paid contributions or require more detailed disclosure.
A Wikimedia Project community may adopt an alternative paid contribution disclosure policy. If a Project adopts an alternative disclosure policy, you may comply with that policy instead of the requirements in this section when contributing to that Project. An alternative paid contribution policy will only supersede these requirements if it is approved by the relevant Project community and listed in the alternative disclosure policy page.
For more information, please read our FAQ on disclosure of paid contributions.

We reserve the right to exercise our enforcement discretion with respect to the above terms.

5. Password Security

You are responsible for safeguarding your own password and should never disclose it to any third party.

6. Trademarks

Although you have considerable freedoms for re-use of the content on the Project websites, it is important that, at the Wikimedia Foundation, we protect our trademark rights so that we can protect our users from fraudulent impersonators. Because of this, we ask that you please respect our trademarks. All Wikimedia Foundation trademarks belong to the Wikimedia Foundation, and any use of our trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, or domain names must be in compliance with these Terms of Use and in compliance with our Trademark Policy.

7. Licensing of Content

To grow the commons of free knowledge and free culture, all users contributing to the Projects are required to grant broad permissions to the general public to re-distribute and re-use their contributions freely, so long as that use is properly attributed and the same freedom to re-use and re-distribute is granted to any derivative works. In keeping with our goal of providing free information to the widest possible audience, we require that when necessary all submitted content be licensed so that it is freely reusable by anyone who cares to access it.

You agree to the following licensing requirements:

  1. Text to which you hold the copyright: When you submit text to which you hold the copyright, you agree to license it under:

    (Re-users may comply with either license or both.)

    The only exception is if the Project edition or feature requires a different license. In that case, you agree to license any text you contribute under that particular license. For example, at the publication of this version of the Terms of Use, English Wikinews mandates that all text content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic License (CC BY 2.5) and does not require a dual license with GFDL.

    Please note that these licenses do allow commercial uses of your contributions, as long as such uses are compliant with the terms.

  2. Attribution: Attribution is an important part of these licenses. We consider it giving credit where credit is due – to authors like yourself. When you contribute text, you agree to be attributed in any of the following fashions:
    1. Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the article to which you contributed (since each article has a history page that lists all authors and editors);
    2. Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy that is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on the Project website; or
    3. Through a list of all authors (but please note that any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions).
  3. Importing text: You may import text that you have found elsewhere or that you have co-authored with others, but in such case you warrant that the text is available under terms that are compatible with the CC BY-SA 3.0 license (or, as explained above, another license when exceptionally required by the Project edition or feature)("CC BY-SA"). Content available only under GFDL is not permissible.

  4. You agree that, if you import text under a CC BY-SA license that requires attribution, you must credit the author(s) in a reasonable fashion. Where such credit is commonly given through page histories (such as Wikimedia-internal copying), it is sufficient to give attribution in the edit summary, which is recorded in the page history, when importing the text. The attribution requirements are sometimes too intrusive for particular circumstances (regardless of the license), and there may be instances where the Wikimedia community decides that imported text cannot be used for that reason.

  5. Non-text media: Non-text media on the Projects are available under a variety of different licenses that support the general goal of allowing unrestricted re-use and re-distribution. When you contribute non-text media, you agree to comply with the requirements for such licenses as described in our Licensing Policy, and also comply with the requirements of the specific Project edition or feature to which you are contributing. Also see the Wikimedia Commons Licensing Policy for more information on contributing non-text media to that Project.
  6. No revocation of license: Except as consistent with your license, you agree that you will not unilaterally revoke or seek invalidation of any license that you have granted under these Terms of Use for text content or non-text media contributed to the Wikimedia Projects or features, even if you terminate use of our services.
  7. Public domain content: Content that is in the public domain is welcome! It is important however that you confirm the public domain status of the content under the law of the United States of America as well as the laws of any other countries as required by the specific Project edition. When you contribute content that is in the public domain, you warrant that the material is actually in the public domain, and you agree to label it appropriately.
  8. Re-use: Re-use of content that we host is welcome, though exceptions exist for content contributed under "fair use" or similar exemptions under copyright law. Any re-use must comply with the underlying license(s).

    When you re-use or re-distribute a text page developed by the Wikimedia community, you agree to attribute the authors in any of the following fashions:

    1. Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the page or pages that you are re-using (since each page has a history page that lists all authors and editors);
    2. Through hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy that is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on the Project website; or
    3. Through a list of all authors (but please note that any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions).

    If the text content was imported from another source, it is possible that the content is licensed under a compatible CC BY-SA license but not GFDL (as described in “Importing text,” above). In that case, you agree to comply with the compatible CC BY-SA license and do not have the option to re-license it under GFDL. To determine the license that applies to the content that you seek to re-use or re-distribute, you should review the page footer, page history, and discussion page.

    In addition, please be aware that text that originated from external sources and was imported into a Project may be under a license that attaches additional attribution requirements. Users agree to indicate these additional attribution requirements clearly. Depending on the Project, such requirements may appear for example in a banner or other notations pointing out that some or all of the content was originally published elsewhere. Where there are such visible notations, re-users should preserve them.

    For any non-text media, you agree to comply with whatever license under which the work has been made available (which can be discovered by clicking on the work and looking at the licensing section on its description page or reviewing an applicable source page for that work). When re-using any content that we host, you agree to comply with the relevant attribution requirements as they pertain to the underlying license or licenses.

  9. Modifications or additions to material that you re-use: When modifying or making additions to text that you have obtained from a Project website, you agree to license the modified or added content under CC BY-SA 3.0 or later (or, as explained above, another license when exceptionally required by the specific Project edition or feature).

    When modifying or making additions to any non-text media that you have obtained from a Project website, you agree to license the modified or added content in accordance with whatever license under which the work has been made available.

    With both text content and non-text media, you agree to clearly indicate that the original work has been modified. If you are re-using text content in a wiki, it is sufficient to indicate in the page history that you made a change to the imported text. For each copy or modified version that you distribute, you agree to include a licensing notice stating which license the work is released under, along with either a hyperlink or URL to the text of the license or a copy of the license itself.

8. DMCA Compliance

The Wikimedia Foundation wants to ensure that the content that we host can be re-used by other users without fear of liability and that it is not infringing the proprietary rights of others. In fairness to our users, as well as to other creators and copyright holders, our policy is to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the formalities of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Pursuant to the DMCA, we will terminate, in appropriate circumstances, users and account holders of our system and network who are repeat infringers.

However, we also recognize that not every takedown notice is valid or in good faith. In such cases, we strongly encourage users to file counter-notifications when they appropriately believe a DMCA takedown demand is invalid or improper. For more information on what to do if you think a DMCA notice has been improperly filed, you may wish to consult the Lumen Database (formerly known as Chilling Effects).

If you are the owner of content that is being improperly used on one of the Projects without your permission, you may request that the content be removed under the DMCA. To make such a request, please email us at legal@wikimedia.org or snail mail our designated agent at this address.

Alternatively, you may make a request to our community, which often handles copyright issues faster and more effectively than prescribed under the DMCA. In that case, you can post a notice explaining your copyright concerns. For a non-exhaustive and non-authoritative list of the relevant processes for the different Project editions, look here. Before filing a DMCA claim, you also have the option of sending an email to the community at info@wikimedia.org.

9. Third-party Websites and Resources

You are solely responsible for your use of any third-party websites or resources. Although the Projects contain links to third-party websites and resources, we do not endorse and are not responsible or liable for their availability, accuracy, or the related content, products, or services (including, without limitation, any viruses or other disabling features), nor do we have any obligation to monitor such third-party content.

10. Management of Websites

The community has the primary role in creating and enforcing policies applying to the different Project editions. At the Wikimedia Foundation, we rarely intervene in community decisions about policy and its enforcement. In an unusual case, the need may arise, or the community may ask us, to address an especially problematic user because of significant Project disturbance or dangerous behavior. In such cases, we reserve the right, but do not have the obligation to:

  • Investigate your use of the service (a) to determine whether a violation of these Terms of Use, Project edition policy, or other applicable law or policy has occurred, or (b) to comply with any applicable law, legal process, or appropriate governmental request;
  • Detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues or respond to user support requests;
  • Refuse, disable, or restrict access to the contribution of any user who violates these Terms of Use;
  • Ban a user from editing or contributing or block a user's account or access for actions violating these Terms of Use, including repeat copyright infringement;
  • Take legal action against users who violate these Terms of Use (including reports to law enforcement authorities); and
  • Manage otherwise the Project websites in a manner designed to facilitate their proper functioning and protect the rights, property, and safety of ourselves and our users, licensors, partners, and the public.

In the interests of our users and the Projects, in the extreme circumstance that any individual has had his or her account or access blocked under this provision, he or she is prohibited from creating or using another account on or seeking access to the same Project, unless we provide explicit permission. Without limiting the authority of the community, the Wikimedia Foundation itself will not ban a user from editing or contributing or block a user's account or access solely because of good faith criticism that does not result in actions otherwise violating these Terms of Use or community policies.

The Wikimedia community and its members may also take action when so allowed by the community or Foundation policies applicable to the specific Project edition, including but not limited to warning, investigating, blocking, or banning users who violate those policies. You agree to comply with the final decisions of dispute resolution bodies that are established by the community for the specific Project editions (such as arbitration committees); these decisions may include sanctions as set out by the policy of the specific Project edition.

Especially problematic users who have had accounts or access blocked on multiple Project editions may be subject to a ban from all of the Project editions, in accordance with the Global Ban Policy. In contrast to Board resolutions or these Terms of Use, policies established by the community, which may cover a single Project edition or multiple Projects editions (like the Global Ban Policy), may be modified by the relevant community according to its own procedures.

The blocking of an account or access or the banning of a user under this provision shall be in accordance with Section 12 of these Terms of Use.

11. Resolutions and Project Policies

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees releases official policies from time to time. Some of these policies may be mandatory for a particular Project or Project edition, and, when they are, you agree to abide by them as applicable.

12. Termination

Though we hope you will stay and continue to contribute to the Projects, you can stop using our services any time. In certain (hopefully unlikely) circumstances it may be necessary for either ourselves or the Wikimedia community or its members (as described in Section 10) to terminate part or all of our services, terminate these Terms of Use, block your account or access, or ban you as a user. If your account or access is blocked or otherwise terminated for any reason, your public contributions will remain publicly available (subject to applicable policies), and, unless we notify you otherwise, you may still access our public pages for the sole purpose of reading publicly available content on the Projects. In such circumstances, however, you may not be able to access your account or settings. We reserve the right to suspend or end the services at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice. Even after your use and participation are banned, blocked or otherwise suspended, these Terms of Use will remain in effect with respect to relevant provisions, including Sections 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9-15, and 17.

13. Disputes and Jurisdiction

Highlighted for emphasis

We hope that no serious disagreements arise involving you, but, in the event there is a dispute, we encourage you to seek resolution through the dispute resolution procedures or mechanisms provided by the Projects or Project editions and the Wikimedia Foundation. If you seek to file a legal claim against us, you agree to file and resolve it exclusively in a state or federal court located in San Francisco County, California. You also agree that the laws of the State of California and, to the extent applicable, the laws of the United States of America will govern these Terms of Use, as well as any legal claim that might arise between you and us (without reference to conflict of laws principles). You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, the courts located in San Francisco County, California, in any legal action or proceeding relating to us or these Terms of Use.

To ensure that disputes are dealt with soon after they arise, you agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action you might have arising out of or related to use of our services or these Terms of Use must be filed within the applicable statute of limitations or, if earlier, one (1) year after the pertinent facts underlying such claim or cause of action could have been discovered with reasonable diligence (or be forever barred).

14. Disclaimers

Highlighted for emphasis

At the Wikimedia Foundation, we do our best to provide educational and informational content to a very wide audience, but your use of our services is at your sole risk. We provide these services on an "as is" and "as available" basis, and we expressly disclaim all express or implied warranties of all kinds, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. We make no warranty that our services will meet your requirements, be safe, secure, uninterrupted, timely, accurate, or error-free, or that your information will be secure.

We are not responsible for the content, data, or actions of third parties, and you release us, our directors, officers, employees, and agents from any claims and damages, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with any claim you have against any such third parties. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through or from our services creates any warranty not expressly stated in these Terms of Use.

Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through your use of our services is done at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. You agree that we have no responsibility or liability for the deletion of, or the failure to store or to transmit, any content or communication maintained by the service. We retain the right to create limits on use and storage at our sole discretion at any time with or without notice.

Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the types of disclaimers in this section, so they may not apply to you either in part or in full depending on the law.

15. Limitation on Liability

Highlighted for emphasis

The Wikimedia Foundation will not be liable to you or to any other party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses, regardless of whether we were advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall our liability exceed one thousand U.S. dollars (USD 1000.00) in aggregate. In the case that applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, although our liability will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.

16. Modifications to these Terms of Use

Just as the Wikimedia community's input is essential for the growth and maintenance of the Projects, we believe that community input is essential for these Terms of Use to properly serve our users. It is also essential for a fair contract. Therefore, we will provide these Terms of Use, as well as any substantial future revisions of these Terms of Use, to the community for comment at least thirty (30) days before the end of the comment period. If a future proposed revision is substantial, we will provide an additional 30 days for comments after posting a translation of the proposed revision in at least three languages (selected at our discretion). The community will be encouraged to translate the proposed revision in other languages as appropriate. For changes for legal or administrative reasons, to correct an inaccurate statement, or changes in response to community comments, we will provide at least three (3) days' notice.

Because it may be necessary to modify these Terms of Use from time to time, we will provide notice of such modifications and the opportunity to comment via the Project websites, and via a notification on WikimediaAnnounce-L. However, we ask that you please periodically review the most up-to-date version of these Terms of Use (available at http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Terms of use). Your continued use of our services after the new Terms of Use become official following the notice and review period constitutes an acceptance of these Terms of Use on your part. For the protection of the Wikimedia Foundation and other users like yourself, if you do not agree with our Terms of Use, you cannot use our services.

17. Other Terms

These Terms of Use do not create an employment, agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and us, the Wikimedia Foundation. If you have not signed a separate agreement with us, these Terms of Use are the entire agreement between you and us. If there is any conflict between these Terms of Use and a signed written agreement between you and us, the signed agreement will control.

You agree that we may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the Terms of Use, by email, regular mail, or postings on Project websites.

If in any circumstance, we do not apply or enforce any provision of these Terms of Use, it is not a waiver of that provision.

You understand that, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by us, you have no expectation of compensation for any activity, contribution, or idea that you provide to us, the community, or the Wikimedia Projects or Project editions.

Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in these Terms of Use, we (the Wikimedia Foundation) and you agree not to modify the applicable terms and requirements of any free license that is employed on the Projects or Project editions when such free license is authorized by these Terms of Use.

These Terms of Use were written in English (U.S.). While we hope that translations of these Terms of Use are accurate, in the event of any differences in meaning between the original English version and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.

If any provision or part of a provision of these Terms of Use is found unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that provision or part of the provision is deemed severable from these Terms of Use and will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and all other provisions of these Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect.

Thank You!

We appreciate your taking the time to read these Terms of Use, and we are very happy to have you contributing to the Projects and using our services. Through your contributions, you are helping to build something really big – not only an important collection of collaboratively edited reference Projects that provides education and information to millions who might otherwise lack access, but also a vibrant community of like-minded and engaged peers, focused on a very noble goal.

These Terms of Use went into effect on June 16, 2014. Previous versions of the terms:

In the event of any differences in meaning between the original English version and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.