Policy:User-Agent policy/zh

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 10:07, 6 March 2022 by Stang (talk | contribs)







User-Agent: CoolTool/0.0 (https://example.org/cool-tool/; cool-tool@example.org) generic-library/0.0

The generic format is <client name>/<version> (<contact information>) <library/framework name>/<version> [<library name>/<version> ...]. Parts that are not applicable can be omitted.



网络浏览器一般会自动包括User-Agent字符串,如果你遭遇上述错误,请参阅所使用浏览器的用户手册修改User-Agent字符串。请注意某些插件或隐私保护代理可能消除这个头部。建议使用一个一般的User-Agent字符串,而不是消除之或留空。请注意其他特性更有可能被网站用于确定你的身份:如阁下对保护隐私感兴趣,请浏览Panopticlick project



Code examples

On Wikimedia wikis, if you don't supply a User-Agent header, or you supply an empty or generic one, your request will fail with an HTTP 403 error. Other MediaWiki installations may have similar policies.

If you are calling the API from browser-based JavaScript, you won't be able to influence the User-Agent header: the browser will use its own. To work around this, use the Api-User-Agent header:

// Using XMLHttpRequest
xhr.setRequestHeader( 'Api-User-Agent', 'Example/1.0' );

// Using jQuery
$.ajax( {
    url: remoteUrlWithOrigin,
    data: queryData,
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Api-User-Agent': 'Example/1.0' },
    success: function(data) {
       // do something with data
} );

// Using mw.Api, specify it when creating the mw.Api object
var api = new mw.Api( {
    ajax: {
        headers: { 'Api-User-Agent': 'Example/1.0' }
} );
api.get( {...} ).done(function(data) {
    // do something with data

// Using fetch
fetch( remoteUrlWithOrigin, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: new Headers( {
        'Api-User-Agent': 'Example/1.0'
    } )
    // Other init settings such as 'credentials'
} ).then( function ( response ) {
    if ( response.ok ) {
        return response.json();
    throw new Error( 'Network response was not ok: ' + response.statusText );
} ).then( function ( data ) {
    // do something with data

In PHP, you can identify your user-agent with code such as this:

ini_set('user_agent', 'MyCoolTool/1.1 (https://example.org/MyCoolTool/; MyCoolTool@example.org) BasedOnSuperLib/1.4');

Or if you use cURL:

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'MyCoolTool/1.1 (https://example.org/MyCoolTool/; MyCoolTool@example.org) BasedOnSuperLib/1.4');


  1. The Wikitech-l February 2010 Archive by subject
  2. User-Agent: | Wikipedia | Wikitech
  3. API:FAQ - MediaWiki
  4. [Wikitech-l] User-Agent:
  5. Anomie (31 July 2014). "Clarification on what is needed for "identifying the bot" in bot user-agent?". Mediawiki-api. 
  6. gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical/83870 (deadlink)
