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User:NeilK/Worklog/2011-01-11 to 2011-01-18

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki

Projects: Upload Wizard, MediaStorage, Resource Loader Status: shaving yaks

Last week:

Short week -- in Canada for most of it

  • UploadWizard bugs (IE)
  • UploadStash backend? (did not do much here)
  • MediaStorage (did nothing, Russell & Ryan Lane seem to be doing this)
  • HR - am now signed on to the WMF as the "Multimedia Engineer".

This week:

  • UploadWizard bugs continuing (bugs continue to be revealed and gate other bugs...)
    • was contemplating a rewrite of mw.Language.js parsing but mdale may have fixed an issue
    • trying to get a "IE compatible" release for Calcey & community to debug...
  • but perhaps UploadStash should be more urgent due to 1.17 deadlines, for reasons already specified in previous exciting episodes.

January 11, 2010

continuing to wrestle with IE bugs

discussed the plural-gives-blank issue in IE6-7, mdale produced a patch (but combined with his previous omnibus patch). Can't tell for sure but it looks like the main thing was to replace implicit indexes of strings (with array subscript) with charAt().

discussed mdale's big patch and various complaints he has about this process

January 12, 2010

Choice of which yak to shave -- issues with mdale's parser stuck me for a while, he fixed it, but in an omnibus patch that Trevor feels dubious about

Question: integrate mdale's big patch, or, write our own from scratch (as we have often felt like doing).

So, choice of yak to shave (for now) is to write our own

Talked with RobLa about getting new code into 1.17, since some of the stuff in trunk related to UploadStash is in retrospect misguided. RobLa feels not a great idea since branched in Dec 7, long ago. However, might be better just to present the bloody code and maybe that will force the issue.

January 13, 2010

January 14, 2010


January 18, 2010
