Policy:Non-wiki privacy policy/es

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Revision as of 05:57, 21 March 2023 by GVarnum-WMF (talk | contribs) (Imported translation using page migration)


Política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos de la Fundación Wikimedia


Esta es la política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos de la Fundación Wikimedia (WMF). Esta política de privacidad se aplica a los sitios web no colaborativos de WMF, a menos que se establezca de otro modo en un sitio en particular. Es posible que algunos de nuestros sitios web no colaborativos sean alojados por terceros proveedores de servicios. En estos casos, proporcionaremos un enlace a la política de privacidad del proveedor de servicios. La Política de privacidad principal de la Fundación Wikimedia se encuentra en un documento separado y se aplica a los sitios web colaborativos.

Esta Política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos se aplica a la recogida y el tratamiento de la información que recibimos sobre usted cuando usa sitios web no colaborativos. Al usar estos sitios, acepta atenerse a los términos de esta Política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos y a los Términos de uso de Wikimedia. Si no desea atenerse a los términos de esta Política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos o a nuestros Términos de uso, no use estos sitios.

Para mayor claridad, las definiciones que aparecen en la presente Política son las mismas que se encuentran en la Política de privacidad principal de la WMF. Los sitios amparados por esta Política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos son sitios web separados y no son amparados por la Política de privacidad general de Wikimedia. Si un sitio web no colaborativo tiene una política de privacidad alternativa, tendrá un enlace que lleve a esa política. Si tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia sobre esta Política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos o nuestros Términos de uso, Contáctenos.


Qué información recogemos y qué hacemos con ella

Datos de carácter personal: información que no hace a la persona identificable

Como la mayoría de los operadores de sitios web, la WMF recoge datos de carácter personal que no hacen a la persona identificable como los que suelen proporcionar los navegadores y servidores web, entre los que se incluyen, por ejemplo, el tipo de navegador, la preferencia de idioma, el sitio de referencia y la fecha y hora de la solicitud de cada visitante. Recogemos estos datos personales para entender cómo interactúa con estos sitios web no colaborativos y los materiales relacionados, para mantener y mejorar estos sitios y los materiales relacionados, y para brindar protección contra usuarios malintencionados. Periódicamente, la WMF puede comunicar públicamente dichos datos personales en forma conjunta o anonimizada, p. ej., mediante la publicación de un informe sobre tendencias de uso de cualquiera de nuestros sitios.

Datos de carácter personal: información que hace a la persona identificable

Según cómo elija usar este sitio, puede revelar diferentes datos personales que podrían utilizarse para identificarlo (como su dirección IP, información del agente de usuario o su ubicación general). Trataremos esta información en forma confidencial, salvo lo dispuesto en esta Política de privacidad para sitios web no colaborativos.

Usamos esta información para nuestros legítimos intereses, que incluyen entender cómo interactúa con estos sitios web no colaborativos y los materiales relacionados, mantener y mejorar estos sitios y los materiales relacionados, y brindar protección contra usuarios malintencionados.

Si nos suministra una dirección de correo electrónico, podremos usarla para contactarlo o enviarle encuestas a fin de entender mejor cómo usa nuestros servicios y cómo podemos mejorarlos o para brindarle actualizaciones sobre la Fundación Wikimedia, sus proyectos y actividades. Estas encuestas son siempre opcionales. Cada mensaje contendrá información sobre cómo cancelar la recepción de futuros mensajes de correo electrónico.

Cookies and other data collection tools

We may also use some common data storage technologies, including but not limited to: cookies, local storage, JavaScript, or tracking pixels, to obtain information that could identify you. We keep this information confidential, except as provided in this Non-wiki Privacy Policy. We use this information to make your experience with these non-wiki sites safer and better, to gain a greater understanding of user preferences and user interaction with these non-wiki sites, and to generally improve our services. You may remove or disable some or all cookies and locally stored data through your browser settings, depending on your browser. While cookies and locally stored data may not be necessary to use these non-wiki sites, some features may not function properly if you disable cookies and/or local storage. If we ever use third-party cookies on these non-wiki sites, we will update our Cookie Statement to provide details of the cookie(s) in question. You can read more about some of the specific cookies we use, when they expire, and what we use them for in the main WMF Privacy Policy's FAQ.

When We Can Share Information

With Your Permission

We may share your information for a particular purpose, if you agree, or as otherwise specified below.

Third-Party Service Providers

As hard as we may try, we can't do it all. We may share your information (including your email address and general location information) with people we work with (e.g., third-party service providers, contractors, community volunteers) in order to help maintain, better understand, or improve these non-wiki sites or other Wikimedia Projects and sites. In the course of providing their services to us, some of these third-party providers and contractors may also collect and retain user information, including but not limited to user emails and general user location information based on IP addresses, in accordance with their privacy policies and any additional requirements we may put in place with them. As necessary, we may put safeguards, such as confidentiality agreements, in place to help ensure that these service providers protect the confidentiality of your personal information.

For Legal Reasons

We may access, preserve, or disclose your personal information if we reasonably believe it necessary to satisfy a valid and legally enforceable warrant, subpoena, court order, law or regulation, or other judicial or administrative order. However, if we believe that a particular request for disclosure of a user's information is legally invalid or an abuse of the legal system and the affected user does not intend to oppose the disclosure themselves, we will try our best to fight it. We are committed to notifying you via email at least ten (10) calendar days, when possible, before we disclose your personal information in response to a legal demand. However, we may only be able to provide notice if we are not legally restrained from contacting you, there is no credible threat to bodily harm that is created or increased by disclosing the request, and you have provided us with an email address.

Nothing in this Non-wiki Privacy Policy is intended to limit any legal objections or defenses you may have to a third party's request (whether it be civil, criminal, or governmental) to disclose your information. We recommend seeking the advice of legal counsel immediately if such a request is made involving you.

Transfer of WMF

In the extremely unlikely event that ownership of all or substantially all of the Foundation changes, or we go through a reorganization (such as a merger, consolidation, or acquisition), information collected under this Non-wiki Privacy Policy may transferred to the new owner(s) of the Foundation or become subject to a different privacy policy such as the privacy policy of an acquirer.

To Protect You, Ourselves, or Others

We may need to share your personal information if it is reasonably believed to be necessary to: enforce or investigate potential violations of our Terms of Use or this Non-wiki Privacy Policy; investigate and defend ourselves against legal threats or actions; prevent imminent and serious bodily harm or death to a person; protect our organization, employees, contractors, users, or the public; or detect, prevent, or otherwise assess and address potential spam, malware, fraud, abuse, unlawful activity, and security or technical concerns.

To Learn and Experiment

We may share non-personal or aggregated information with researchers, scholars, academics, and other interested third parties who wish to study the Wikimedia Sites, including these non-wiki sites. Sharing this information helps them understand usage, viewing, and demographics statistics and patterns. They then can share their findings with us and our users so that we can all better understand and improve the Wikimedia Sites.

When we give access to personal information to third-party developers or researchers, we put requirements, such as reasonable technical and contractual protections, in place to help ensure that these service providers treat your information consistently with the principles of this Policy and in accordance with our instructions. If these developers or researchers later publish their work or findings, we ask that they not disclose your personal information. Please note that, despite the obligations we impose on developers and researchers, we cannot guarantee that they will abide by our agreement, nor do we guarantee that we will regularly screen or audit their projects. (You can learn more about re-identification in the main WMF Privacy Policy’s FAQ.)

In general, WMF does not disclose personal information obtained through these WMF non-wiki sites other than as described in this Non-wiki Privacy Policy.

Information You Share with Third Party Services

These non-wiki sites may allow you to access third-party services through their interface. For example, if you click on a "Share" button, or a link contained in a blog post, you may be connected to an external website such as a Twitter post or a New York Times article. Please note that this Privacy Policy only governs information we collect, and you are responsible for reading and understanding privacy policies and practices of the third-party services that you use.

How Do We Protect Your Data?

We strive to protect your information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We use a variety of physical and technical measures, policies, and procedures (such as access control procedures, network firewalls, and physical security) designed to protect our systems and your personal information. Unfortunately, there's no such thing as completely secure data transmission or storage, so we can't guarantee that our security will not be breached (by technical measures or through violation of our policies and procedures).

Accessing Your Information

WMF works hard to accurately process and maintain information. If you would like to access, correct, update, suppress, restrict or delete the personal information we have about you, object to our processing of such personal information or if you would like to request to receive an electronic copy of your personal information for purposes of transmitting it to another organization (to the extent this right to data portability is provided to you by applicable law), or if you would like to change your WMF communication preferences, you (or an authorized representative) can let us know by contacting us at privacy@wikimedia.org. While we will make reasonable efforts to comply with your request, there are certain situations where we will not grant your request (such as when we cannot adequately verify your identity to give you access to personal information, when we are legally required to retain information, or when we are not technologically able to change or delete information). Therefore, the granting of such requests remains at the sole discretion of WMF.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

Once we receive personal information from you, we keep it for the shortest possible interval that is consistent with the maintenance, understanding, and improvement of these non-wiki sites and our obligations under applicable U.S. law. For more information on Wikimedia's data retention policies, please see our Data Retention Guidelines.

Transfer of Information to the United States

If you decide to access or use these non-wiki sites, whether from inside or outside of the U.S., you consent to the collection, transfer, storage, processing, disclosure, and other uses of your information in the U.S. as described in this Non-wiki Privacy Policy. You also consent to the transfer of your information by us from the U.S. to other countries, which may have different or less stringent data protection laws than your country, in connection with providing services to you.

Our Response to Do Not Track

We are strongly committed to protecting users’ nonpublic information. Under this Policy, we may share your information only under particular situations, which you can learn more about in the "When We Can Share Information" section of this Privacy Policy.

Because we protect all users in accordance with this Non-wiki Privacy Policy, we do not change our behavior in response to a web browser's "do not track" signal. For more information regarding Do Not Track signals and how we handle them, please visit the main WMF Privacy Policy's FAQ.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Because things naturally change over time and we want to ensure our Privacy Policy accurately reflects our practices and the law, we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will provide notice of changes to this Privacy Policy in a reasonable time and manner.

We ask that you please review the most up-to-date version of this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of these non-wiki sites after any subsequent version of this Privacy Policy becomes effective constitutes acceptance of that version of the Privacy Policy on your part.

Contact Us

If you have questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, or the information collected under this Privacy Policy, please email us at privacy@wikimedia.org or contact us directly.

Depending on your jurisdiction, you also may have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority competent for your country or region.

Thank You!

Thank you for reading our Non-wiki Privacy Policy. We hope you enjoy using the Wikimedia sites, and appreciate your participation in creating, maintaining, and constantly working to improve the largest repository of free knowledge in the world.

This policy was approved by Eileen Hershenov on July 24, 2018, pursuant to the Delegation of policy-making authority by the Board, and went into effect on July 30, 2018.

Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this Privacy Policy and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.