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Fabrice Florin

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
Revision as of 22:06, 7 September 2012 by Fflorin (talk | contribs) (Updated my WMF profile on the foundation site to match my external WMF profile.)
Fabrice Florin
Fabrice Florin, Product Manager
Fabrice Florin
Product Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
"Let's improve Wikipedia together, by making it easier for new and experienced users to collaborate productively."

About me

I am product manager for editor engagement tools for the Wikimedia Foundation. I started as a contractor in October 2011 and joined as an employee in January 2012. See also my personal Wikipedia account, which I created in 2006.

I am the founder of NewsTrust.net, a nonprofit social news network promoting quality journalism, which was just acquired by the Poynter Institute. I was elected an Ashoka Fellow for that work as social entrepreneur. For more info, see my online bio.

My previous ventures include: Handtap, a wireless content service for mobile phones; shockwave.com, a web entertainment site at Macromedia; Apple Computer's Multimedia Lab, a new media R&D group; and Videowest, a producer of rock journalism for ABC, MTV and public TV. I also produced "Hackers" (a documentary about the heroes of the computer revolution) and earned four patents for my interactive TV work at Apple.

I look forward to collaborating with you and other Wikipedians to help engage readers and editors to participate thoughtfully on Wikipedia. Please be patient with us, as good products take time to develop. With that in mind, I highly recommend reading this fine Wikipedia essay.

My work

My role at the foundation is to develop new tools to help readers and editors contribute more effectively on Wikipedia. We strive to encourage collaborations between new and experienced users -- so they can learn from each other and improve Wikipedia together. I'm honored to be working with you all to help make this possible!

Here are some of the first projects I am working on -- I will expand this list as I take on more assignments:

Disclaimer: I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, and this is the account I intend to use for edits or statements I make in that role. However, the Foundation does not vet all my activity, so edits, statements, or other contributions made by this account may not reflect the views of the Foundation.

Contact me


How can we make Wikipedia better?

At Wikimania 2012 in Washington DC, I asked some of the participants for ideas on how to make Wikipedia better.

Here are their suggestions, which can be viewed either as a short video slide-show (see thumbnail to the right) -- or in the photo gallery below.

To watch this quick video slide show, click the blue 'Play' button -- or view the full screen version.

You can also view in different file formats on YouTube and on Vimeo.

Thanks for the inspiration!


How can we make Wikipedia better?

For more recommendations, check out my full photo set on Flickr. See also my related slideshow on Wikimania 2012.

Enjoy these first photos. More to come!

© 2012 Wikimedia Foundation -- Text and images available under CC-BY-SA: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 and CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licenses.