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From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
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Nuestro personal está dividido en tres departamentos de desarrollo: tecnología (operaciones del sitio web, desarrollo de software); comunidad (imagen pública, relaciones con los lectores y programas comunitarios, obtención de fondos) y desarrollo global (programas para promover el voluntariado y expansión mundial de Wikipedia). El resto de nuestro personal trabaja en dirección, finanzas y administración, lo que incluye la protección legal de nuestro trabajo. Además, tu apoyo ayuda a pagar la infraestructura tecnológica que incluye los servidores, transmisión de datos y el hosting de Internet que nos permite mantener funcionando y hacer crecer los proyectos de Wikimedia. Si haces una donación a un [[local chapter|capítulo local]] en tu zona geográfica, esa donación apoya tanto a la Fundación Wikimedia como las actividades de ésta en tu país.
AFundamentalmenteFundamentalmente la Fundación Wikimedia existe para apoyar y acrecentar la enorme red de voluntarios que escriben y editan Wikipedia, y sus proyectos afines: más de 100.000 personas alrededor del mundo.
=== ¿Dónde puedo encontrar más información financiera? ===
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Nos tomamos en serio esta visión. Cada mes, más de {{COMSCORE-UNIQUES|,|million=true}} millones de personas alrededor del mundo ya usan Wikipedia. Está disponible en línea, en tu dispositivo móvil, en DVD, en libros, y en muchas otras formas. Aspiramos a llegar a todos, y a proporcionar continuamente más y mejor información.
Con el apoyo de un intenso proceso de planificación dirigido por la comunidad, en 2010 la Junta Directiva de la Fundación Wikimedia estableció «metas grandes, peludas y audaces» para Wikimedia. Estos [[Media:Wikimedia Five-Year Targets.pdf|objetivos a cinco años]] (PDF) incluyen el aumento del alcance global de Wikimedia a '''nilmil millones de personas''' y el número de artículos en Wikipedia a '''50 millones'''. También estamos dispuestos a incrementar y diversificar drásticamente la '''participación''', y a medir y mejorar la '''calidad''' de todo el contenido de Wikimedia.
Wikimedia no es una organización común y corriente. Es un movimiento global. La base del trabajo es realizada por miles de voluntarios alrededor del mundo. Esta comunidad voluntaria está apoyada por una red de organizaciones, con la Fundación Wikimedia como su centro, trabajando en conjunto con [[local chapters|capítulos locales]] enfocados en una región geográfica en {{CHAPTER-COUNT}} regiones o países. Es nuestra comunidad voluntaria que nos permite lograr tanto con tan poco.
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{| class="wikitable"
| [[File:Wmf sdtpa servers 2009-01-20 34.jpg|300px]] || '''OperatingOperar thela world'squinta fifth largestpropiedad web propertymás grande del mundo.''' At its heart, Wikimedia requires operational excellence to continue to exist. As of 2011, we're operating several hundred servers in three locations. While our global traffic continues to grow, our aim is to provide the best possible site experience to everyone in the world, to maximize uptime, and to ensure that all the information in Wikimedia projects is safe and secure.
''PhotographFotografía: Wikimedia servers in our Florida hosting facility.''
| [[File:Wikipedia-Affinity.jpg|300px]]
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'''Giving Wikimedia's volunteers the best possible tools to do their work.''' The core technology that makes Wikipedia and its sister projects possible, the wiki, was invented in 1995. Things have changed quite a bit since then. Wikimedia projects run on an open source wiki software called MediaWiki, which we develop and improve. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to contribute knowledge, and to give volunteers and readers great tools for assessing and improving article quality. In some areas, we lead and innovate. At minimum, we must keep up with key trends in the ever-changing web we're part of. Because our software is open source, everyone can use and improve it.
''PhotographFotografía: [[w:Affinity diagram|Affinity diagram]] created based on Wikipedia usability research.''
| [[File:Great Feeling.ogv|300px]]
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'''Developing recruiting resources for new volunteers.''' Wikimedia is made of people. To grow our global community, we need to excite people about the prospect of being part of it – and help them with their first steps. To this end, we develop and maintain a library of outreach resources, such as videos and screencasts, but also printed "how-tos" and other more targeted resources (for teachers, librarians, students, and others). See the [[outreach:Bookshelf|bookshelf of outreach resources]].
''VideoVídeo: Wikimedia volunteers speak about their motivations, shot at the Wikimania 2010 conference (best played in Firefox).''
| [[File:Pelatihan Peserta di Universitas Mercubuana.JPG|300px]]
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'''Staging outreach and community events world-wide.''' Once a year, hundreds of Wikimedia volunteers come together at [http://wikimania.wikimedia.org/ Wikimania], in a different location around the world each year. (You should come! In Summer 2012 [http://wikimania2012.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Wikimania will be in Washington DC, USA].) And, Wikimedia's chapter organizations have staged dozens of additional events, competitions and conferences around the world. Some are targeted at recruiting new volunteers; some give the community space to think about its work, and to do it. Recognizing the value of people coming together because they are passionate about Wikimedia's mission has been key to our success.
''PhotographFotografía: Participants of the "Free Your Knowledge" student competition in Indonesia listening to an introductory presentation (2010).''
| [[File:Backstage Pass at the British Museum 18.jpg|300px]] || '''Partnering with cultural institutions.''' Galleries, libraries, archives, and museums protect and make available the world's history, culture and knowledge. Their mission is to serve and inform the public, just like Wikimedia's. We've successfully partnered with cultural institutions around the world – not just in working with them to make digital reproductions available for free, but also in improving Wikipedia articles and other content related to their collections and archives. Wikimedia chapters are playing a lead role in organizing conferences and meetings targeting the cultural sector, and executing partnerships.
''PhotographFotografía: Wikipedia volunteers at a "backstage pass" event organized by the British Museum (2010).''
| [[File:IndianaPPIclass.jpg|300px]] || '''Working with the educational sector.''' In the age of the open web, there's the potential for student projects to be more than just exercises. Pioneering professors have long assigned Wikipedia writing as coursework to their students. Everybody wins: students get an audience for their work, teachers successfully motivate their students, and readers get better articles. Wikimedia chapters have also reached out to schools to develop media literacy and to promote responsible use of Wikipedia in the classroom.
''PhotographFotografía: Indiana University students of Barry Rubin's Seminar in Urban Economic Development are improving Wikipedia articles as part of their coursework.''
| [[File:PSP using the new interface for Wikipedia mobile - 2.jpg|300px]]
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'''Providing access to Wikipedia everywhere.''' The next billion people to discover the web will do it using mobile phones, some without ever having touched a laptop. We need to make sure that our sites and services work both on modern smartphones and (to the extent it's possible) on lower-end devices. Our current mobile version is a start and we'll continue to improve it (including moving beyond the read-only experience). And for people with no or intermittent Internet access, we're supporting copies of Wikipedia that can be used completely offline, including projects like [http://thewikireader.com/ the WikiReader], offline readers for desktops and smartphones, and printed versions of Wikimedia content.
''PhotographFotografía: Wikipedia'sLa mobileversión versionmóvil worksde onWikipedia thefunciona en el PlayStation Portable, y anden on yourtu ''smartphone''.''
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'''Informing our decision-making with facts and data.''' Analytics, research, experiments and forecasts are essential to make good decisions in a complex environment like Wikimedia. The [http://stats.wikimedia.org/reportcard/ Wikimedia Foundation Report Card] and the [http://stats.wikimedia.org/ Statistics Portal] provide a wealth of up-to-date analysis which helps us understand the impact of our work. The [[strategy:Main Page|Strategy Wiki]] is a public planning space where longer term trends are analyzed. [[m:Research/Projects|Research projects]] provide us with in-depth analysis and experiments, supported by the volunteer-driven [[m:Research Committee|Research Committee]]. We're data nerds – what else would you expect from the kinds of people who love working on an online encyclopedia?
''IllustrationIlustración: Projection regarding availability of mature language editions useful to different segments of the world's population.''
La Fundación Wikimedia no es una compañía que desaparecerá en algunos años. Estamos en esto a largo plazo. Todo lo que estamos haciendo tiene como objetivo proporcionarte a ti, y al resto del mundo, acceso gratuito e inmediato a todo el conocimiento del mundo. ¡Únete a nosotros!
The Wikimedia Foundation isn't a start-up company that will fade away in a few years. We're in this for the long haul. Everything we do is aimed at providing you, and the rest of the world, with free and immediate access to all the world's knowledge. Join us!
=== Which¿Qué projectsproyectos do you supportsostienen? ===
TheLa WikimediaFundación FoundationWikimedia supportssostiene Wikipedia, anuna onlineenciclopedia encyclopediaen andlínea oney ofuno thede fivelos most-visitedcinco websitessitios world-wideweb más visitados del mundo. FromDesde thela foundingfundación ofde Wikipedia inen Januaryenero de 2001, andy thela incorporationincorporación ofde thela Fundación Wikimedia Foundationen injunio Junede 2003, ournuestro growthcrecimiento hasha beensido staggeringasombroso. The English-languageLa Wikipedia en idioma inglés, ournuestro firstprimer projectproyecto, hasse expandedha toexpandido morehasta thanposeer más de {{EN-WP-COUNT}} articlesartículos todayhoy. AllTodos Wikipedialos languagesidiomas de Wikipedia combinedjuntos containcontienen moremás thande {{ALL-WP-COUNT}} articlesartículos.
BesidesAdemás de Wikipedia, thela WikimediaFundación FoundationWikimedia alsotambién supportssostiene:
* [http://commons.wikimedia.org/ Wikimedia Commons], aun mediarepositorio repositoryde containingmultimedia moreque thancontiene más de {{COMMONS-MEDIA-COUNT}} freelyimágenes, usablevídeos images,y videos,sonidos disponibles para andsu sounduso fileslibre
* [http://en.wikibooks.org/ Wikibooks], aun projectproyecto topara createcrear freelibros textbooksde texto libres
* [http://en.wiktionary.org/ Wiktionary], aun multilingualdiccionario dictionaryy andtesauro thesaurusmultilingüe
* [http://en.wikisource.org/ Wikisource], auna librarybiblioteca ofde sourcetextos textsoriginales containingque morecontiene thanmás de {{WIKISOURCE-PROOFREAD-COUNT}} proofreadpáginas pages<!--proofread-->corregidas*** inen {{WIKISOURCE-PROOFREAD-EDITIONS-COUNT}} languagesidiomas
* [http://en.wikinews.org/ Wikinews], aun citizensitio newsweb websitede noticias ciudadanas
* [http://en.wikiversity.org/ Wikiversity], anuna interactiveplataforma learninginteractiva platformde aprendizaje
* [http://en.wikiquote.org/ Wikiquote], auna collectioncolección ofde quotationscitas
* [http://species.wikimedia.org/ Wikispecies], aun directorydirectorio ofde lifela onvida Earthen la Tierra
WeDirigimos leady andapoyamos supportel thedesarrollo development ofde [http://mediawiki.org/ MediaWiki], theel open sourcesoftware wiki softwarede behindcódigo allabierto ourque publicestá websitesdetrás de todos nuestros sitios web públicos. WeAyudamos helpa toorganizar organizeeventos outreachde anddivulgación communityy eventsde tola encouragecomunidad peoplepara toalentar contributea tolas ourpersonas projects,a andque contribuyan a nuestros proyectos, wey provideproporcionamos [http://static.wikipedia.org/ downloadablecopias offline copiesdescargables] andy [http://download.wikimedia.org/ databasearchivos archivesde base de datos] ofdel Wikipediacontenido contentde Wikipedia.
TheLa Fundación Wikimedia Foundation is [[w:Wikipedia:WikiLeaks is not part of Wikipedia|notno está affiliatedafiliada]] withcon WikiLeaks.
MoreEncuentra informationmás mayinformación been foundla onpágina the page aboutsobre [[our projects|nuestros proyectos]].
=== How¿Cómo dosopesan youentre balancemantener keepinga Wikipedia openabierta withcon makinghacerla itmás more reliableconfiable? ===
WeCreemos believeque increasedincrementar participationla makesparticipación hace a Wikipedia bettermejor. At theAl samemismo timetiempo, wedebemos mustmantener maintainarduamente thelos [[w:en:Wikipedia:Editorial_oversight_and_control|toughEditorial standardsoversight and control|estándares]] thatque han havehecho madea Wikipedia ser [[Wikipedia:Reliability_of_Wikipedia#Assessments|respectedrespetada]] bypor muchos [http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/07/wikipedia-training-scientists-on-wiki-culture/ scientists,científicos], [[Wikipedia:Reliability_of_Wikipedia#Academia|academics,académicos]], [http://www.cjr.org/behind_the_news/health_care_and_wikipedia.php journalists,periodistas] andy [[Benefactors|foundationsfundaciones]].
=== How is the Wikimedia Foundation run? ===

Revision as of 04:12, 20 October 2011


Fundación Wikimedia – Preguntas frecuentes