Legal:Donor Thank You Survey Privacy Statement/pt

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Revision as of 11:10, 26 May 2023 by GVarnum-WMF (talk | contribs) (Imported translation using page migration)

Declaração de privacidade do inquérito de agradecimento a doadores

Esta declaração descreve como e quando a Wikimedia Foundation recolhe, utiliza e partilha as informações que recebemos das pessoas que participam no inquérito.

Por favor tenha em atenção que este inquérito é realizado pela Survey Monkey, o que significa que a utilização que esta entidade faça da sua informação é regida pela respectiva Política de Privacidade.

Finalidade deste inquérito

Agradecemos a sua opinião! As suas respostas irão ajudar-nos a melhorar os nossos processos de doação.

Que informações recolhemos

Este inquérito recolhe as respostas fornecidas às perguntas colocadas; existem dois tipos de respostas: respostas fechadas e respostas abertas. Também tem a opção de nos fornecer o seu endereço de e-mail; utilizaremos esta informação para estabelecer contacto consigo visando obter autorização para partilhar publicamente a sua opinião de forma não anónima e enviar informações atualizadas sobre os projetos Wikimedia e a Wikimedia Foundation.

Licensing of Survey Responses

By answering the free-form response questions, you agree that we may record your answers, and agree to donate them to the public domain under the terms of Creative Commons Zero 1.0 (full text available at

Information Sharing and Disclosure

With the exception of the circumstances described below, the raw data collected in this survey will only be accessible to the Wikimedia staff, contractors, and service providers who need to process this information in order to administer and improve our donation processes, and are subject to non-disclosure obligations.

The results of this survey will be shared publicly, in the following manner. Aggregate data about the defined-response questions, and anonymous raw answers to the free-form response questions, may be shared publicly. For that reason, we strongly suggest that you do not provide your real name, email address, or other personal information in response to any questions. If we would like to share your comment with attribution, we will email you to request your permission.

We may disclose any collected information when required by law, when we have your permission, when needed to protect our rights, privacy, safety, users, or the general public, and when necessary to enforce our Terms of Use or any other Wikimedia policy.

Important Information

Wikimedia Foundation is a global organization committed to promoting free and open knowledge. In submitting your response, you understand that the information transferred to Wikimedia Foundation will be collected, transferred, stored, processed, disclosed and otherwise used in the U.S. as described in this Privacy Statement. You also understand that the information may be transferred by us from the U.S. to other countries, which may have different or less stringent data protection laws than your country, in order to carry out the aforementioned purposes and objectives.

Wikimedia understands the importance of user privacy. For this reason, we work to protect our users from the unauthorized disclosure or use of information we maintain. Information provided in this survey may be kept indefinitely. See our Donor Privacy Policy for more information. For questions about this survey, or inquiries about accessing or deleting your answers, contact, and we will make reasonable efforts to comply with your request.

Thanks again for your feedback!

The Wikimedia Foundation

Tenha em atenção que, no caso de ocorrerem diferenças de significado ou interpretação entre a versão inglesa original desta Política de Privacidade de Doadores e uma tradução, prevalece a versão inglesa original.