Resolution:Licensing policy/ko

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용어 정의

프로젝트 (Project)
특정 언어나 다국어로 된 위키미디어 재단 프로젝트를 의미한다. 예를 들어 영어 위키백과, 프랑스어 위키문헌, 메타위키 등이 있다.
자유 컨텐츠 라이선스 (Free Content License)
Free Cultural Works의 정의에 부합하는 라이센스를 의미하며, 이는 버전 1.0 문서에서 볼 수 있다.
예외 원칙 (Exemption Doctrine Policy; EDP)
미국 법과 주로 컨텐츠를 접할 주요 국가의 법에 의거하여, 프로젝트에 적용되는 저작권법과 판례 상의 한계를 인식하고, 저작권법의 제한이 미치지 않는 범위 내에서 라이선스와는 별도의 이유로 사용이 가능한 저작물의 업로드를 허가하는 특정 프로젝트 마다의 정책을 말한다. 예를 들어 가 있다.


위키미디어 재단의 사명은 "세계 도처의 사람들에게 자유 컨텐츠 라이선스 하에서 교육적 자료를 수집하고 발전하는 것을 장려하는 것"이므로,

  1. All projects are expected to host only content which is under a Free Content License, or which is otherwise free as recognized by the 'Definition of Free Cultural Works' as referenced above.
  2. In addition, with the exception of Wikimedia Commons, each project community may develop and adopt an EDP. Non-free content used under an EDP must be identified in a machine-readable format so that it can be easily identified by users of the site as well as re-users.
  3. Such EDPs must be minimal. Their use, with limited exception, should be to illustrate historically significant events, to include identifying protected works such as logos, or to complement (within narrow limits) articles about copyrighted contemporary works. An EDP may not allow material where we can reasonably expect someone to upload a freely licensed file for the same purpose, such as is the case for almost all portraits of living notable individuals. Any content used under an EDP must be replaced with a freely licensed work whenever one is available which will serve the same educational purpose.
  4. Media used under EDPs are subject to deletion if they lack an applicable rationale. They must be used only in the context of other freely licensed content.
  5. For the projects which currently have an EDP in place, the following action shall be taken:
    • As of March 23, 2007, all new media uploaded under unacceptable licenses (as defined above) and lacking an exemption rationale should be deleted, and existing media under such licenses should go through a discussion process where it is determined whether such a rationale exists; if not, they should be deleted as well.
  6. For the projects which currently do not have an EDP in place, the following action shall be taken:
    • As of March 23, 2007, any newly uploaded files under an unacceptable license shall be deleted.
    • The Foundation resolves to assist all project communities who wish to develop an EDP with their process of developing it.

By March 23, 2008, all existing files under an unacceptable license as per the above must either be accepted under an EDP, or shall be deleted.

Passed with 7 supporting, 23 March 2007.