What happens when you give a Wikipedia editor a research library?

The Wikipedia Visiting Scholars program gives editors special access to university and library resources, which helps them improve content quality and support new collaborations, as part of the Wikipedia Library project.

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Who links to Wikipedia?

To learn more about who links to Wikipedia, University of Sheffield researchers analyzed the structure of links that point to Wikipedia pages from external websites. Here's what they found. (...)

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Top 10 Most Edited Pages on Wikipedia in 2014

Wikipedia is the world’s largest free knowledge resource, but what makes it so unique is its dynamism–it is a living, breathing knowledge network that changes all the time, thanks to hundreds of thousands of editors around the world who keep it growing and current. ... Here are the top 10 most edited pages on English-language Wikipedia in 2014. Many of the topics are to be expected, like Deaths in 2014 or the Israel-Gaza Conflict. (...)

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