Gracias. Merci. 谢谢你. شكراً
In every language, we wish to say “thank you.” This year, we received donations from millions of supporters. Those donations make our work possible. Thank you for sustaining Wikimedia and benefiting readers around the world.
We are proud to list donors who gave 1,000 USD and more between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. Thank you again for supporting free knowledge in the world. We are honored to have you with us.
Major benefactors ($50,000+)
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Antoine Bello
- Apple Inc. Matching Gifts Program
- Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin
- Brin Wojcicki Foundation
- Charina Endowment Fund
- Craig Newmark Philanthropic Fund
- craigslist Charitable Fund
- Humble Bundle
- MathWorks
- Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
- Richard Jay Seidel and Caren Kaplan
- Siegel Family Endowment
- Anonymous Donors (7)
Patrons ($49,999 – $15,000)
- Argosy Foundation
- Cards Against Humanity
- Donors to the National Combined Federal Campaigns
- Carl de Marcken
- Spencer Glendon and Lisa Tung
- Mark Heising and Liz Simons
- Intel Corporation Matching Gifts Program
- Scott Eric Jordan
- Keel Foundation
- Jack Little
- Frederick A. Miller III
- The Montgomery Family Foundation
- Tripling Elephants
- Two Sigma Investments LLC
- Anonymous Donors (7)
Leading donors ($14,999 – $5,000)
- The Aber D. Unger Foundation
- Adobe
- The Alwan Family Charitable Fund
- Autodesk Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
- Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
- Phillip L. Barrett and Noreen E. Reis
- Kathy Bates
- Stefan Bengtsson
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Matching Gift Program
- Bloomberg LP
- The Boeing Company Gift Match
- Tor Braham
- In memory of Seth Brown
- Timothy Carey
- James Chambers
- The Charles Spear Charitable Foundation
- Chevron Matching Employee Funds
- Cisco
- Liam and Francesca Connell
- CouponFollow
- Oisin Crawley
- The Denker Foundation
- Ranae DeSantis
- The Donnelley Foundation
- William Dougherty
- The Durst Family
- Educational Networks
- Fast Tempos & Odd Time Signatures
- Roger and Ada Fidler
- Jeff and Namy Folick
- William Forrest
- James Gleick and Cynthia Crossen
- Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Program
- The Grainger Foundation
- Holly Gray
- The Gray Family (Calgary)
- Hard Money Home
- Nick Hodulik & Jonathan Taylor
- Joan and John Horne
- Howard Gilman Foundation
- Macduff and Twyla Hughes
- William H Hurt
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel Society of North America
- Amy Jernigan
- John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- Jay Jones
- Mitch Kapor
- Igor Kopylov
- The Lehoczky Escobar Family
- Karen and Victor Linck
- LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program
- Merck Foundation
- Sheila Mossman
- Gregory Nelson
- Netflix
- Newgen KnowledgeWorks, Chennai
- Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
- Shyam Patel
- P&C Collins Fund at the Bessemer Trust
- PediaPress GmbH
- Pinion Street Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
- Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
- The Redner Family Foundation
- Rick & Susan Goings Foundation
- Robert M. Rosenthal
- Markus Rothkranz
- Barbara Ryan
- The Scheinberg Family
- Scooter Software
- Mick & Alison Seaman
- The Shor Family Foundation
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- Russel Simmons
- Space Exploration Technologies Corp
- Sprague Foundation
- John Stossel
- In honor of Heribert Tschofen (1934–1987)
- Tungare Manohar Family Foundation
- The Turner Family
- William Van der Kloot
- VMWare Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- Walt Disney Company Foundation
- Bill and Cynthia Wilby
- Samantha Xu
- Yardi Systems, Inc.
- David and Monica Zwirner
- Anonymous Donors (97)
Sustaining donors ($4,999 – $1,000)
- Ismail Abu Assi
- Aetna Foundation, Inc.
- Howard Ahmanson
- AIG Matching Grants Program
- Richard Allen
- Terry Allen
- In honor of Yousef A. Alsager
- American Express Foundation
- Employee Matching
- Ameriprise Financial
- Amgen Foundation
- Sam & Lillian Anderman
- Fred and Tiffany Anderson
- Dalibor Antonic
- Applied Materials Foundation
- Employee Engagement Fund
- Etienne Ardant
- Astex Pharmaceuticals
- Jesse Ausubel
- Autodesk Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
- Automatic Data Processing Inc.
- Sam & Sylvia Autrey
- Bae Systems
- Prabhu & Rina Balasubramanian
- R & A Bandela
- Shai Bandmann
- Peter Barker
- Karen Barker-Gentile - CEO at
- Douglas Bates and Mini Pathria
- Juan Battle & Michael Bennett
- BD Group
- Belay Foundation
- Frank Dudley Berry, Jr.
- Jayashree and K.S. Bhaskar
- Andrew W. Billyk Jr.
- Alpheus and Deidre Bingham
- Biogen MA Inc.
- Graeme Birchall
- BlackRock Matching Gifts Program
- Nancy Blood
- BP Foundation, Inc.
- Artem Bolgar
- Honoring Beverly & George Bond
- Michael Boswood
- Brickell Analytics LLC
- Kevin and Claudia Bright
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Employee Giving Program
- Daniel Brönnimann
- Brian and Melissa Brothers
- Charley and Kathy Brown
- Ernest L. Bruns Jr. & Sue Ann Kendall
- James Buckingham
- Josh Bult
- In celebration of the lives of Foxxy, Stella and Oliver Bunford
- Burt and Diana Cutler Family Foundation
- Barry Buzan
- David Bydeley
- CA Technologies Matching Gift Program
- Brian Cairns
- Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
- Timothy Carey
- Raul Carmenate
- In Memory of Andrea F. Carret
- In memory of Tom Carruthers
- Charlie & Darian Carson
- Linda Carver & Wayne Hathaway
- William Cassidy
- Century Arts Foundation
- Nathan Chan
- Chip Chapin
- Charles Schwab Foundation Employee Matching Gifts Program
- Alexander Chee
- Constance Chen
- Curtis Chen and Jennifer Lee
- Viola Chen
- Zhangxi Chen and Ricky Chen
- James Cho & Sophia Kim
- Nicholas Chu & Vivian Fuh
- Joe Climan
- Elmira Choopani & Khanh Vu
- Coca-Cola Company
- Kathleen Collins
- Peter Compo
- Ryan Conlan
- Guy Connolly
- Conoco Phillips Gift Matching
- Morgan Conti
- John D. & Margarete Cooke
- Ryan Coonan
- Art Copeland
- Christopher Cowart
- Ardelle Cowie
- David Cush
- Cyan
- Daboosh Family, Israel
- Helen Darling & Brad Gray
- Dauber Foundation
- Claudia Davidoff and Joseph Kahan
- Mark Davis
- Laszlo Deak
- DECA Global LLC
- Carole Deitrich
- Dell Employees Giving Program
- Stephen & Elizabeth Detwiler
- Det Vidunderliga AB
- Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation U.S. Matching Gifts Program
- David Dickey
- Christopher C. Dixon
- A Sibbald Doan
- In Loving Memory of our brother Dr. Daivesh Doshi
- Pierre Drion
- Dropbox, Inc.
- Mark Duttweiler and Christine Pajak
- Brendan Dyson
- EA Outreach
- eBay Foundation
- Kenneth Eddings
- Stanley Eisenberg
- Larry and Kas Eldridge
- Andreas Ennemoser
- Ericsson Employee Engagement Fund
- Exelon Employee Giving Campaign
- Expedia Inc.
- ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- Malcolm and Emily Fairbairn
- Peter Farrell
- Megan and Matthew Feinberg
- Yoseph Feit
- Russell Fernald
- Eric Ferraiuolo and Leslie Verploegen
- Tatiana Finkelsteyn
- John Fisher
- Margaret Flickinger
- Norman & Jill Fogelsong
- Robert T. Foley
- Wesley Ford
- Luca Formenton
- Lewis Frain
- Elizabeth and Paul Fraley
- Bernard and Melinda Francois
- Joel Frantzman
- Freeman Foundation
- Bernie Friedberg
- David Fry and Meidee Goh
- Gartner (The Matching Gift Center)
- Richard and Lois Garwin
- GE Foundation
- Genentech Employee Giving Program
- George & Alice Rich Charitable Foundation
- Betty Harrell Gerlack
- Darril & Nimfa Gibson
- Tyson & Elizabeth Gill
- John, Christie, & James Glanville
- Jeff & Kelly Glisch
- Globalgiving Foundation Inc
- Monica and Danny Gold
- Jack Goodman
- Robert J. and Julie P. Gordon
- Phil Gormley & Erica Bisguier
- J. Alex Graeffe
- Grainger Matching Gifts Program
- Robert Grossman
- Mary Beth Guard
- Egils and Anne Gulbis
- Pauliana and Eric Hall
- Christian Halper
- Mark D Halperin
- Bob Hanek & Michele Wall
- Ellen Hanson and Richard Perlman
- The Harrity Family
- Janet and Richard Hart
- Marshall Hawks
- Joachim Heck
- Vanessa Heckman and Brett Babin
- Dick Heiser
- Jay Hellman
- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henry
- In honor of Bela Herlong
- Søren Fabian Heupel
- Hewlett Packard Company Foundation
- Bryan Hilderbrand (PG&E)
- Matthew Hinshaw
- Jerry Hirsch
- Ken Holden
- HP Inc
- Tim Huang
- Alan and Christine Huber
- Hull Family Foundation
- David Humm
- Jeffrey Hutchins
- David Ignat
- In memory of Kazuo Ikeda
- Illinois Tool Works Foundation
- International Monetary Fund
- Intetics Inc.
- Intuit Foundation
- Stephen Ippolito
- Roy Jablonka
- Mark Jacobson
- Douglas Jaffe
- Kent Janér
- The Jannasch Family
- The Joh Family Charitable Fund
- Polly Johnson
- JP Morgan Chase Foundation
- In memory of Shaynon “Shayne” MaGee Jordan
- In memory of Lawrence Judd
- Juniper Networks’ Company Matching Gifts Program
- Bakul & Stawan Kadepurkar
- In honor of APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India
- Kae Kanya 清鸿 / Januaca 张贻新 and Family
- Sylvia Karasu
- Steve Kass
- Aruna and Sudhakar Kaveeshwar
- KDSM Fund
- Susan S Kelly
- The Keough Family Foundation
- Nicholas Keplinger Coelius
- Steve Keplinger
- Susan Coelius Keplinger
- Robert M. Kern
- Kher-Padki Family Fund
- Michael W. Kidd
- Kye Kim
- Sam King
- Louise Kinkel & William August Boehmke
- Igor Kliakhandler and Ekaterina Podossinnikova
- Klorfine Foundation
- Jeffrey Knauth
- Don & Jill Knuth
- Martin Kúšik
- Peter Kütemann (Monaco)
- Thomas Kwiatkowski
- En souvenir de Réal Labelle
- Jeff Laird
- In memory of Nadia Lamb Mead
- Jeffrey Lamkin
- Lam Research
- Laurence Lapeyre
- Lawrence Livermore Labs
- Skylar Lee
- Peter Leest
- Marvin and Isa Leibowitz
- Leo Model Foundation
- Leon Levy Foundation
- David Levy
- Li Lu Humanitarian Foundation
- Richard Lin
- Greg Linden
- 乐进会
- Yonghong Lily Li
- Maarten Litmaath
- Jack Liu
- Joseph Love & Laurie Reynolds
- Yang Luo
- In honor of Pessie Madan
- Anup Mantri
- Greg and Elizabeth Stanton Marra
- The Mart Family
- John Marx AIA
- Bill and Marilyn McCune
- Shane McDaniel
- Elizabeth McGlynn
- McKinsey & Company Matching Gift Program
- Camille and Ian McLeod
- Medtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant Program
- Inspired by Ann Melim
- Himanshu Mhatre
- In memory of George A. Miller
- Steven Miller & Patricia Meyer
- Ryan Mills
- Dr. L. David Mirkin
- Jeff Moe
- Mildred & Radhe Mohan
- Marcel Molina
- Moneta Asset Management
- Bert and Loretta Moniz
- Patricia Moore and Arthur Cotton Moore
- Brigitte Morel-Curran
- Bernard Moret
- Carol and Les Moss
- MRC-Holland bv
- Chandra Mukerji
- Mutable Instruments
- In memory of Don & Joyce Neufeld
- Corinne Nevinny
- Nike Employee Matching Gift Program
- Ninja, Ninja Academy and CrazyRun
- Benjamin Novak
- Navin Nukavarapu
- Nvidia Employee Giving Program
- NYSE Eurnonext Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- OceanRain Foundation
- John O’Donnell
- Motohisa Ohno
- Jocelyn Olcott
- Online Casinos UK
- Emmanuel Osti
- Cora L. Page
- PayPal Gives Employee Engagement Fund
- Paradox Interactive
- Jean Park and Jacob Taylor Family Fund
- Dylan Parker
- Philipp Patch
- In memory of our beloved mothers Pravinaben Bhulabhai and Hiraben Ramubhai
- Judy Peck, M.D.
- Larry Peluso
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- PG&E Corporation Foundation
- In memory of Andrew G. Phillips
- Duane Phillips
- Joel and Tamara Podolny
- Nathaniel Pond
- Michael Poulshock and Sunanda Ghosh
- Rob and Anna Prestezog
- Thomas G. Pretlow II
- Prudential Financial Inc
- Qamcom Research & Development AB
- Qualcomm Matching Gifts Program
- Robert Quillin
- Martin Rasmussen
- Tom and Xiaoling Rawson
- Kristin Rechberger
- Red Hat Matching Gift Program
- Paul Resnick and Caroline Richardson
- Paul & Lori Reszutek
- The Rex Flash Ministries
- Tim and Mary Riordan
- Green Rives
- Jeanne and Harry Robinson
- Kathleen Rogers & Rick Teller
- Donald Rosenfeld
- Dennis Rossman
- Robert Rubenstein
- Ruth and Peter Metz Family Foundation
- M. Duane Rutledge
- Jason Ryan
- David Sassen
- Shell Oil Company Foundation
- Sarva Mangal Family Trust
- Stanley Schade
- Jay and Anne Schamberg
- Peter Schattner
- Erika Schimik and Lorenzo Maggiore
- E. Schmale
- Richard Schmidt
- Roy Schneiderman
- Robert Schroeder
- Merijn Seelt
- Selz Foundation
- Justin Senterfitt
- Jerome Seydoux
- Graham Sharman
- H Rodney Sharp III
- Nate and Julia Sharpe Charitable Gift Fund
- Felix Shvaiger
- Verbeck Smith
- Sara Smollett
- Some old physicist
- S&P Global Community Matching Gifts Program
- The Sparkjoy Foundation
- Theodore Spencer
- Stuart Spigel
- D. Squire
- Standard Insurance
- Stormy and Rusty
- Colin Stryker
- G. & M. Swaminathan
- Symantec Giving Station
- Tableau Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
- TD Ameritrade Clearing
- Hiroaki Takamatsu
- Vincent Talbot
- In memory of Andrea Tallant
- Yew-Koon Tan
- Dale Taylor
- Tyrus and Samantha Tenneson
- Joanne Thornton and Evangelina Ariana
- T-Mobile USA, Inc
- Jonathan Tobert
- Stephen Todd
- Vianney Tran
- Casey and Jessica Trail
- TRSB inc
- Rui Ueyama
- United HealthCare
- UnitedHealth Group
- United Technologies Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Programs
- In Memory of Mary and Theodore Urzy
- James Uttley
- Valsem Industries SAS
- John Vandermeer
- Tom van der Woerdt
- Jason VanWees
- Barbara Vdovc
- Shaun Verch
- Verizon Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- Caitlin, Patrick & Molly Virtue
- Visa Matching Gifts Program
- Jennifer and Luke Wagner
- In memory of Jack Wahl
- Rich Warner
- Martha Watson in honor of Stephen Watson
- Doug, Rhonda, and Truman Way
- Mickey Weinstein
- Wellness Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Inc.
- Janet White and Michael Clark
- Luke and Lauren White
- Pete White
- Robert Whitehair
- In honor of Blenda Wilson, Past CSUN President
- Wil Wilstro
- The Witter Family
- Daniel Wong - Love trumps hate
- Michael Woo and Yi-Li Chuang
- Workday, Inc.
- Yahoo Employee Funds Matching Gifts
- Stanley Yamane
- Eric Yen
- Alice Young
- Zephyr Charitable Foundation
- Yuan Zheng & Jeffrey van Gogh
- Mingzhe Zhu, Yellow River Foundation
- Richard Zimmerer
- Anonymous Donors (1099)
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