Wikimedia Foundation statement on volunteer processes on reliable sources
There has been recent media coverage regarding a decision by Wikipedia's volunteer community on the reliability of the Anti-Defamation League as an encyclopedic source in specific subject areas. In an effort to promote better understanding of how Wikipedia works, the Wikimedia Foundation has issued a statement.

The Wikipedia Library
Wikipedia: A research resource Every month, people around the world view Wikipedia more than 15 billion times and read its articles in more than 300 languages. Students and researchers often refer to Wikipedia as a starting point and for fact-checking. They discover new academic books, articles, and journals from publishers through the citations used on….

The Wikimedia Endowment welcomes Mayree Clark as its newest Board member
The Wikimedia Endowment is delighted to welcome Mayree Clark as a new member of its Endowment Board. Mayree, a finance expert, will bring her extensive governance expertise to the Wikimedia Endowment, a nonprofit charitable organization providing a permanent safekeeping fund to support the Wikimedia projects in perpetuity.

Carta aberta para proteger a Wikipédia e outros projetos de interesse público no Pacto Digital Global
Uma nova carta aberta da Fundação Wikimedia, a organização sem fins lucrativos que opera a Wikipédia e outros projetos Wikimedia, e afiliadas do Movimento Wikimedia ao redor do mundo, apela aos Estados Membros da ONU para protegerem a Wikipédia e outros projetos de interesse público no futuro Pacto Digital Global.

Wikimedia Foundation and global communities call on UN Member States to protect Wikipedia and other public interest projects in the Global Digital Compact
New open letter calls for UN Member States to include three key commitments in the Global Digital Compact that can allow public interest projects and the people who create them to thrive.

Open letter to protect Wikipedia and other public interest projects in the Global Digital Compact
A new open letter from the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, and Wikimedia affiliates around the world calls on UN Member States to protect Wikipedia and other public interest projects in the forthcoming Global Digital Compact.

Annual Reports Home
Annual Report 2022-2023 The humans behind a year of impact around the world All reports Access to all reports of the Wikimedia Foundation 2022-2023 The humans behind a year of impact around the world July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 2021-2022 Pillars that inspire July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 2020-2021 The people….
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