Lisa Seitz Gruwell is the Chief Advancement Officer and Deputy to the CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation. Lisa’s role includes leading the Wikimedia Foundation’s fundraising activities across a broad and varied spectrum that includes both individual donors and philanthropic institutions, as well as a focus on community growth and partnerships. In 2016, she helped launch the Wikimedia Endowment and serves as its President.

Before joining the Wikimedia Foundation in 2011, Lisa previously worked as Chief Operating Officer at the Rappaport Family Foundation and Skyline Public Works, a fund that blends venture capital with philanthropy; as the District Director and Press Secretary for the California Assembly Majority Leader and in several roles for then-mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom. She also has previously worked as a political consultant and campaign manager for Democratic candidates in California, Montana, Michigan, Connecticut and Oregon. Lisa was also appointed to serve as a Civil Service Commissioner for the City and County of San Francisco. In addition, Lisa has served as a board member of several organizations including the Montana Environmental Information Center and the Progressive States Network, and the San Francisco Rock Project.

Lisa earned a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and Political Science from Carroll College. She studied as a Coro Fellow before attending the Stanford University Graduate School of Business Center for Social Innovation in the Executive Program for Philanthropy Leaders.

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Other members of Advancement

Silvia Gutiérrez De La Torre
Senior Program Officer, Libraries, Community Programs
Jacqueline Chen
Senior Program Officer for East, Southeast Asia, and Pacific and South Asia Regions, Community Resources
Chris “Jethro” Schilling
Senior Program Officer for Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia & the United States and Canada Regions, Community Resources

Recent posts by Lisa Seitz Gruwell View all

7 reasons you should donate to Wikipedia

People give to Wikipedia for many different reasons. The Wikimedia Foundation ensures that every donation we receive is invested back into serving Wikipedia, Wikimedia projects, and our free knowledge mission.

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7 motivos para você doar para a Wikipédia

A Fundação Wikimedia, garante que cada doação que recebemos é reinvestida para servir a Wikipédia, projetos Wikimedia e nossa missão de conhecimento livre.

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