Gracias. Merci. شكرا. 谢谢你. In every language, it means thank you. Thank you for sustaining Wikimedia and benefiting readers around the world. We are proud to list your name on this page, which celebrates those who gave at a very high level. Thank you again. We are honored to have you with us. Email if you are interested in becoming a benefactor. Donations in support of the Wikimedia Endowment are recognized here.
This page reflects gifts received after July 1, 2022.
Major benefactors
- Acton Family Giving
- Antoine Bello
- Arcadia
- Argosy Foundation
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Apple Inc. Matching Gifts Program
- Alan and Barbara Beattie
- Brave browser users
- Charina Endowment Fund
- Crankstart Foundation
- Foundation for a Better World
- David & Amy Fulton Foundation
- Robert Geltz and Elizabeth Hands Geltz
- Google Matching Gifts Program
- Mark Heising and Elizabeth Simons Fund
- The Hinman Charitable Foundation
- Horizons Ventures Techcracker: Miwa Seki, Yumiko Murakami, Kathy Matsui, Adam Maxwell, Erika Milczek, Andy Kleitsch, Michael Biercuk, Pierre-Yves Paslier, Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez, Cheri Ackerman
- I.W. Foundation
- James A Winker Family Trust
- Kaphan Foundation
- King Baudouin Foundation
- MathWorks
- Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
- Moneta Asset Management
- Montgomery Family Fund
- Katharine C. Pierce
- Evelyn and Kurt Riedel
- The Scheinberg Family
- Simons Foundation
- Stichting Sub3
- Bonnie and Daniel Tisch
- Tony Wheeler
- WoodNext Foundation
- Anonymous Donors (7)
Patron donors ($15,000 – $49,999)
- Brad Abernethy
- Adobe
- The Alison Family
- Kyle Aster
- Ethan Atkinson
- Bank of America Matching Gifts Program
- Andy & Elliot Berndt
- Bloomberg LP
- The Boeing Company Gift Match
- James Chambers
- The Charlene and David Howe Foundation
- Cisco
- Jean Circiello
- Liam Connell
- Cottonwood Spring
- David Cutler
- Carl De Marcken
- Fast Forward
- Carol Fryer and Bernard Moret
- Gwendolyn Gilbert-Snyder
- Arnaud Gourdol
- Heartsprung Fund WA
- Mark Heising and Elizabeth Simons Fund
- In memory of Hans Hertoghs
- Frances Hellman and Warren Breslau
- Tim Huang
- David Humm
- Hypertext Foundation
- David Ignat
- Intel Corporation Matching Gifts Program
- Amy and Josh Jernigan
- Asa Johnson
- Jay and Mary Jones
- Scott Eric Jordan
- JVR - Murray and Jan Ritland Fund
- Sung-Hou and Rosalind Kim
- Linda Kintzel
- Oleg Krot
- The Lehoczky Escobar Family
- LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program
- Chris Lu
- Adam Manning and the Mary H. Storer Foundation
- Alex Mashrabov
- In memory of Dr. Bradley W. Maring
- Darrin Massena
- Sarune Mickute
- Peter Wheeler and Elizabeth Munro
- Mycelium Foundation
- Gregory and Kathy Nelson
- Michael Noakes
- Chris Peterson
- Mark Quinn-Newall
- Ranae DeSantis Foundation
- The Revada Foundation of the Logan Family
- The Scheinberg Family
- Christopher Seiwald
- Tushar Shah and Sara Zion
- The Shor Family Foundation
- Russel Simmons
- Diana Strassmann and Jeff Smisek
- Arthur Strout
- Waymo
- In memory of Mary Helen Angelbeck Whitecotton
- XMind
- Anonymous Donors (22)
Leading donors ($5,000 – $14,999)
- A & J Saks Foundation
- The Aber D. Unger Foundation Inc.
- The Alwan Family Fund
- Amaltheia Foundation
- A-Mark Foundation
- Amtlock Family
- Robert G. Andrews
- Art Blocks Community
- Mohammad Azab
- Dr. Florian Bachelin
- Bader Family Fund
- Prabhu and Rina Balasubramanian
- Steedman Bass
- Joe and Rachel Beda
- The Behemoth
- Stefan Bengtsson
- William Benter
- Steve and Sandra Berglund
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gift Program
- Bill and Sue Birchard
- Jennifer and John Bird
- Blanchard Family
- Barry and Sharla Boehm
- Brady Family
- Lyons Brewer
- The Brickyard C Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation
- To Harry Brignull, for promoting ethical user design and transparency
- J.P. Brinker-Uys Foundation
- Phil & Valerie Brown
- In memory of Seth Brown
- Buchanan Programme & Colin Bate
- Burton Family Foundation
- Julia Butters
- John T Byrnes
- Calm Seas ADHD Coaching
- Ms. Annette J. Campbell-White
- In Honor of Aaron Swartz (Daniela Cammack and David Grewal)
- John Canfield
- Cards Against Humanity
- Century Arts Foundation
- The Charles Spear Charitable Foundation
- Bonnie Howard and Charles Charrow
- Kevin Cheng
- Chevron Matching Employee Funds
- Elmira Choopani & Khanh Vu
- Deborah Clemens
- Clementine Fund
- Peter Compo
- William Conger
- Ryan J. Conlon
- The Cooper-Siegel Family Foundation
- Stephen H. Cotterill
- CouponFollow
- Covington Family Fund
- Oisin Crawley
- Scott Dixon and Joan Cresse
- Crete Family Foundation
- Dauber Foundation
- Selena Deckelmann
- Dell Employees Giving Program
- The DeMars Family
- Dennis Levitt and Jane Gordon Donor Advised Fund
- Peter S. Dixon, MD
- The Donnelley Foundation
- William Dougherty
- DraftKings Promo
- The Durst Family
- The Durst Organization LP
- Eagleridge Foundation
- Electronic Arts Matching Gifts Program
- The Elevate Prize Foundation
- Aaron Epstein
- Irene Esteves
- Études
- Alex & Patricia Farman-Farmaian
- Jeff and Namy Folick
- William Forrest
- Nick Fotopoulos and Pepper Huynh
- Mr. Peter Ernst Francati
- Kathy French
- Joel David Friedly
- Michael Frohlich
- Frumkin Falco Family Foundation
- GE Foundation
- Brian & Rebecca Geisel, Geisel Family Foundation
- Genentech Employee Giving Program
- Russell Gersten
- The David and Patricia Giuliani Family Foundation
- James Gleick
- Spencer Glendon and Lisa Tung
- Goldman, Sachs, and Co. Matching Gifts Program
- Gabriela Vello Gomes
- Donald E. Graham
- The Grainger Foundation
- Holly Gray
- Alexander Green
- Marie Griffin and Robert Coffey
- Kiwan Gu
- Guttman Family Donor Advised Fund gGmbH
- Carolyn and Don Hansen
- Richard and Janet Hart
- F. Dok Harris
- Helen Ingham Foundation
- Hewlett Packard Company Foundation
- Don & Paula Heye
- Matthew Hinshaw
- Nick Hodulik & Jonathan Taylor
- Joan & John Horne
- Howard Gilman Foundation
- Alan and Christine Huber
- Daniel and Celia Huber
- Huebner Waller Family Fund
- William H Hurt
- Roger Ibbotson
- In memory of Irma, Julia, and Renee
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel Society of North America
- Maryana Iskander
- Mark Jacobson and Ilona Frieden
- Anna Jenefsky
- Charles and Laura Kahn Family Fund
- Paul Haahr and Susan Karp
- The Calvin K. Kazajian Economics Fund
- Keel Foundation
- Dr. Susan and Esabeau Kendall
- Keough Family Foundation
- Frank Kienast
- L. William and Elizabeth Ann Kirby Fund
- Eric Klusman
- Jennifer Secoy Krach Fund
- Janna Smith Lang and Kurt F. Lang
- Kusik Family Foundation
- Laxmi Family Charitable Fund
- In memory of Alice Finch Lee
- Kirk Laughton and Chang Woo Lee
- Edward A. Lee and Rhonda Righter
- Mary Soon Lee and Andrew Moore
- Li Lu Humanitarian Foundation
- Karen and Victor Linck
- Leo Liu, MD
- Leon Levy Foundation
- Theresa W. Long & Emil L. Hanzevack
- Philip Loughlin
- John and Luanne Hernandez-Storr Fund
- Josh & Sara Leslie
- Lucy
- Luetschine Consulting LLC
- Liz and Greg Lutz
- Greg and Elizabeth Stanton Marra
- The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Inc.
- William Mayo-Smith & Leslie Vensel
- McKinsey & Company Matching Gift Program
- Al and Margo Merck
- Uncle Mike
- Frederick A. Miller III
- The Jeff and Jacqueline Miller Fund
- Dr. L. David Mirkin
- Colin and Roberta Moore
- Morino Institute
- Mosek
- Sheila Mossman
- David Mumford
- Neil Murray
- Ruediger Naumann-Etienne
- Netflix
- Nike Employee Matching Gift Program
- Nvidia Employee Giving Program
- The Old Stones Foundation
- Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
- John and Rita Ousterhout
- Deepak Parayanken
- Artem Hachikyan Paredes
- Paryani Family
- P&C Collins Fund
- Pearlstein-Hollingsworth Family Fund
- Drew and Lola Perkins
- En souvenir de Gemma Coulombe Perrier
- John Peters
- Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- Pinion Street Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
- Pipkin Family Foundation
- Pond Family Foundation
- Jonathan Pool and Susan Colowick
- Laura Murphy and Bill Psillas
- Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
- Sarah Reade
- The Redner Family Foundation
- Anne Reece
- In Memory of Katherine Truscott Reese
- Phillip L. Barrett and Noreen E. Reis
- The Renée B. Fisher Foundation
- Louis Ricalde-Miguel
- Joe Rice
- In memory of Barbara Brookover Richards
- Rick & Susan Goings Foundation
- Tim & Mary Riordan
- Robert and Nina Rosenthal
- Fredric J. Rowland
- Ruth and Peter Metz Family Foundation
- Barbara Ryan
- Timothy D. Ryan Family Foundation
- Foundation Matching Gifts
- Yann Samuelides
- Fabian Schlieper
- The Schmale Family
- Roy Schneiderman
- Scooter Software
- Mick & Alison Seaman
- The Selz Foundation
- The Shanbrom Family Foundation
- H Rodney Sharp III
- Bradford Sherburne
- Ed and Elaine Shoben
- The Sigler Family
- The Sigrid Rausing Trust
- Silverleaf Foundation
- Niharika Ranjan Singh and Sarvjeet Singh
- Sprague Foundation
- James T. Stephens
The Strompolos Family Foundation
- Paul Sween
- Steve Tai & Kin-Ching Wu
- The Taylor Family
- In loving memory of Dolly Marguerite Thompson
- Pamela and Leslie Thompson
- Kristof and Katherine Toth
- In honor of Heribert Tschofen (1934-1987)
- Edward Tufte
- The Turner Family
- Twitter Employee Matching Gift Program
- Valhalla Foundation
- Jennifer Van Dalsen and Tor Braham
- Jason VanWees
- David Vickrey
- Visa Matching Gifts Program
- VMWare Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- Charlotte von der Hude
- Bret Walker AO SC
- Walt Disney Company Foundation
- Cynthia and Zhen Wang
- John and Jennifer Webley Foundation
- Melanie Webster and T. Richard Lin
- Clare and Richard Weinberg
- Pam Kochiss Werth
- Reinhard Wiesemann
- Wikiwand
- Bill & Cynthia Wilby
- Dwight Wilkins
- Adam and Abigail Winkel
- Wisdom for the World Foundation (Jagodzinski Family)
- Tom van der Woerdt
- In honor of Dr. Richard Wolfenden
- Bill and Debbie Woolley
- Workday, Inc.
- Yen Family
- Greg and Margo Young
- Kenneth and Anna Zankel
- Zegar Family Fund
- George Zimmerman
- Brian Zingale
- Richard and Angela Ziock
- David and Monica Zwirner
- To my kids, the best thing I can impart; truth & freedom. Hug them close
- Anonymous Donors (118)
Sustaining donors ($1,000 – $4,999)
- 10Four Youth Center
- John Greenwood Aaronson
- In loving memory of Syed Anwar Abbas
- Richard Clark Abbott
- Alex and Sam Abecasis
- In honor of Professor S.T.H. Abidi
- Nadim AbuHaidar
- Daniel Adams
- Rita Adams
- John and Monica Adractas
- Agentives Fund
- Ahmad Tea
- Howard Ahmanson
- AIG Matching Grants Program
- AirBnb
- Akaoui Hani & Carmen
- The Albert E. Harrison Foundation
- In memory of Faisal Abdulaziz Asad Alawadhi
- Rob and Louise Albrecht-Mallinger
- Benjamin and Marissa Alden
- Nick Alexander
- David and Ann Allen
- James Ryan Alexander
- Affinity Answers Corporation
- In honor and with love for Esra'a Al Shafei
- Albert Hans, LLC
- Nasib Albitar
- The Alice Greene McKinney and E. Kirk McKinney, Jr. Fund, a fund of Central
Indiana Community Foundation. - Keith Alleman
- Rebecca Allen
- Terence Allen
- Ian Almond
- Dennis Alp
- Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC)
- A & M Inspection Services
- A-Mark Foundation
- American Cardrooms
- American Express Company Employee Giving Program
- Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
- Amgen Foundation
- Tasha Amy
- Eric Anderholm
- Sam & Lillian Anderman
- Gretta Anderson and Paul Bay
- Patricia C Anderson
- Paul Bernard Anderson
- Paul & Missy Anderson
Sarah Anderson
- Joe and Barbara Andrade
- "Toycat" Andrews
- Alexandros Andrianopoulos
- The Alexandros and Christyann Andrianopoulos Family
- Flavia & Bernie Anger
- The Ann D Foundation
- Ross and Michele Annable
- Dalibor Antonic
- Aon
- Kathleen and Jack Applewhite
- Applied Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
- In Memory of Shuichi and June Arakawa
- Nancy Archer
- Erland Arctaedius
- Etienne Ardant and Laurence Lapeyre
- Edward and Sallie Arens
- Bob Armstrong
- Jesse and Kimberly Kinder
- John Arwe and Kari Kinder
- Ashok K. Moza Foundation
- Siddharth Asnani
- Astex Pharmaceuticals
- AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
- Robert Atkinson
- Patricia Aufderheide
- Mark Augenstern
- Autodesk Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
- Sam & Sylvia Autrey
- Dr Ava
- Daniel Avants
- Rick and LaNae Avra Giving Fund
- Dr Natalio Awaida
- RB
- James F. Babcock
- Bae Systems
- James Bailey
- Rose and Neil Baird
- Ken and Valerie Baker
- Thomas Ball
- Steve and Carol Baskauf
- Paul Bay
- Ellen Balaguer and Mark Chase
- Saul and Nan Chase
- Kenneth Baldauf
- Isaac Ball
- Ball Corporation
- Beverly Bandler
- Scott & Cyan Banister Freedom Fund
- John Bantivoglio
- Simrita Banwatt
- Cindy Barber
- Anne and Leslie Barnes
- Mr. Steven Barnes
- The Barnik Tarbut Foundation
- Ken Baron
- Thomas Barta
- Douglas Bates and Mini Pathria
- Kathy Bates
- Dr. Carl Batlin and Susan Hinko
- The Bauch Family
- In honor Esther Bay and Lily Weitzenkamp
- BD Group Matching Gift
- Bears Heart Fund
- Morris and Carolyn Beazley
- Cameron Beck
- Nicolette Getty Beck
- Brent Beckley
- Eric Beckman
- John Beckwith
- Émile Beguin
- Alex and Lea Belianinov
- Driss Ben-Brahim
- Samy Bengio and Elaine McMurray
- Andrew Bennett
- Barak Berkowitz
- Joan Berman
- Frank Dudley Berry, Jr.
- John Berry
- Sue Berryman
- Mangala Deepthi Betha
- BetVega
- Sravan Bhamidipati
- Ajay Bidani
- Sudha Bidani
- Gary and Audrey Billerbeck
- René Bilodeau and Naomi Black
- David Blau
- Biogen MA Inc.
- Graeme Birchall
- Locke Bircher
- Judith and Ashley Bird
- Marc Birling
- Mike & Emilie Bishop
- Andrew Black
- Paul Black
- Dominika Blackappl
- Blackburn Family
- Mark and Debby Blackman
- BlackRock Matching Gifts Program
- Russell Blair
- Jack Blaisdell and Radha Jain
- Gordon and Julie Blewis
- Will Bloch
- BLT Communications
- Jeremy Blum
- Michael Boberschmidt and Nancy Gross
- Ashwini & Ramesh Bodapati
- Edward Boehme
- Winnie Scheuer and Kevin Bonebrake
- Douglas A. Booth and Margaret Simpson
- Helga Borck
- In memory of Cleona "Ione" Botkin
- Mohamed Bougheroumi
- Jeff and Lauren Bowman
- David and Debra Boyle
- Brent Blumenstein & Anne Ryan
- Jabe Blumenthal & Julie Edsforth
- Bluestem Asset Management, LLC
- Alan Blush
- Charu and Jeff Bogdan
- Artem Bolgar
- Honoring Beverly & George Bond
- Luca Bonissi
- Walter and Marguerite Bopp
- To our beloved Jack and Henry — Seek God, truth and wisdom
- Paul Nicholas Boylan
- Sandra Boynton
- David Bradley
- David H. Bradley, Sr.
- Glenn Brandimarte
- Ian Branum
- In memory of Jordan Breeding
- Joe Bremner
- Bridget Brennan & Andrés Botero
- Rebecca Berens Koop
… a writer always in search of new knowledge who found Wikipedia as her most reliable source. - Dr. Ben Horne & Mary Breton
John Briggs & Hisayo Tago
- Kevin and Claudia Bright
- Andrew Brill
- Jordan Brisgel
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Employee Giving Program
- Zach Brock
- Brodie Charitable Fund
- Bernhard Brodowsky
- Daniel Brönnimann
- Diana Brooks
- Brian and Melissa Brothers
- In memory of Roger Edward Broughton
- Allen and Janice Browne
- Charles H. and Ellen D. Brown
- Charley and Kathy Brown
- David Brown
- Neil Brown
- Spencer Brown
- Jeffrey and Marguerite Browne
- Stanley Brubaker
- The Jeffrey R. Bruce Charitable Fund
- Kay Smith Bruce
- The Bruner Family
- Ernest L. Bruns Jr. and Sue Ann Kendall
- In loving memory of Mary Von Mohr Brunson
- Sailesh R Buddhavarapu
- Ellen Bunch
- Karen Burch
- Robin and Thomas Burch Family Fund
- Tom Burch
- Clement Burcier
- Nicholas and Lenore Burckel
- Louis Burgener
- Eleanor Burgess
- The Burkehaven Family Foundation
- Roger Burkhart
- In memory of Dacia Burn
- Romain Burnand
- John Bush
- Orlando Bustos
- In memory of Patrick Butler III
- Barry Buzan
- Niverplast BV
- David Bydeley
- Cabin Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation
- Cadence Design Systems, Inc
- Christie Cadwell
- Cadwell Family Foundation
- Mendell Calabia
- Marta B. Calás
- Lisa and Trey Calfee
- Francisco Camacho
- In honor of Colin Chandler Campbell
- Craig Campbell
- In memory of Gary Duncan Campbell
- Maria Cancian and Charles Kalish
- Erin Mindell Cannon
- The Camp at Capilla Peak
- Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
- Max Carlson
- Rebecca and Irad Carmi
- K. Bradford Carr
- Toby Carrodus
- Terry Carroll
- Charlie & Darian Carson
- The Carter Family
- David Carter
- Paul Cartwright
- Linda Carver & Wayne Hathaway
- Margaret Casbourne
- William Cassidy
- Suzanne and Jerry Caswell
- Caterpillar Foundation
- Kay and Elliot Cattarulla
- John Caulkins
- Carlton Caves
- Tantek Çelik
- The Cellini Family
- Central Indiana Grant
- Sumir Chadha
- Merle Chambers
- Jess Chan
- In memory of Dileep Jivanlal Champaneria
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, LLC
- Andy Chiang
- Chris and Monika Chapman
- Keith Chapman
- Charles Maxfield Parrish and Gloria F. Parrish Foundation
- Anjan Chatterjee
- Antoine Chauchat
- In loving memory of my Mother Jyoti Chawla
- Crystal Chen
- Curtis Chen and Jennifer Lee
- Ken Chen & Serena Liu
- Pengyuan Chen
- Stephen Chen
- Viola Chen
- Veeraswami Chennamsetty
- Paul Chernick
- Gilbert Chin
- Andy Chiang
- Eric & Christine Cho
- Judy Chow
- Michael Choy & Shannon Moffett
- Steven Christe
- Lee and Amy Christel
- Nicholas Chu & Vivian Fuh
- In remembrance of Cima
- Citrix Systems
- In memory of Jos Claerbout 1974-1999
- Charles Winthrop Clark and Deborah Jabon-Clark
- Frank O. Clark, Ph.D.
- Lawrence Clark
- In memory of Ruth Clark
- Stuart & Wendi Clark
- Virginia Clark
- Christine and Michael Clarke
- Helen Clawson
- Rich and Joana Clayton
- Montgomery Cleworth
- Jacqueline Clinton
- Davis Clute
- The CMS Trust
- Coca-Cola Company
- Anthony Coccia
- Heath Coffman
- Camille Colaizzo
- Matthew Coleman
- Nancy B. Coleman & Paul M. Resch
- The College Board
- Daniel P Collins
- Condren Family Giving Fund
- Costantino Colnaghi
- Coltman Family Foundation
- The Common Sense Fund
- Spencer Commons
- Michael Connelly
- Guy and Helen Connolly
- Conoco Phillips Gift Matching
- Andrew Cook
- John Cooke
- Jim Cooper
- Stephanie and Ted Coopman
- Tom & Rachel Cortese
- Tom and Nairika Cornett
- Alex Mendes Da Costa
- David Costanzo
- Gretchen Cotter
- Dennis Covington
- Christopher Cowart
- Ardelle Cowie
- In memory of Matt Cowan
- In honour of Jo Cox MP
- Stone Coxhead
- Alan R. Crain, in honor of Diana Strassmann in recognition of her extensive contributions to education by her teaching, writing, and years of active engagement with Wikipedia.
Beth Crane and Richard McKee
- Lillian Creighton
- Samuël Croteau & Miriam Schurman
- Tim Crothers
- George Crow
- In memory of Susan Crow
- Steven Crowe
- James Crump
- Jack and Valerie Cumming
- Burt and Diana Cutler Family Foundation
- Cyan
- Daily Fantasy Cafe
- Dairy Mary
- Terrence Daly
- Greg and Lucia Choi-Dalton
- AnnaMarie Daniels
- Jeff and Nanci Daniher
- Rolf Danner & Jeff Rothenbach
- Peter D'Ascoli MD. MPH
- The J.T. Darais Charitable Fund
- Philip and Elayne Dauber
- David D Schleich Family
- Claudia Davidoff and Joseph Kahan
- Davis-King & Associates
- James Davies
- Scott Davies
- In honor of Mannie Davis
- Mari Davis
- Martha K. Davis
- Dawn and Randy Standke
- Larry and Cherri Dawson
- DECA Global LLC
- H. Andrew Decker
- Carole Deitrich
- Jacqueline Dejean
- Patricia de la Sota and Jerry Knorr
- Caroline and Lloyd de Llamas
- Pierre Deligne
- Marilyn and Frank DeMarco
- Christopher DeMuth
- David Deniger
- Amy Derosier
- Douglas Derrer
- Yonca Dervişoğlu
- Niraj Desai
- Guillaume Desrat
- Stephen & Elizabeth Detwiler
- Wen & William Devanney
- B. Devereaux
- Gayatri Devi
- Joshua Dezube and Heather Waldron
- Dianne Adelberg Humanities Fund
- Steven DiCarlo
- David Dickey
- Lucia Digirolamo
- Josh Dillon & Effie Seiberg
- Gordon Dibble
- Disney Employee Matching Gifts
- Christopher C. Dixon
- A Sibbald Doan
- James Docauer
- James Dodenhoff and Nancy Sicotte
- Dan Dodge
- Anne Doerr
- The Doig Machin Family Trust
- Dokali Megharief Educational Foundation
- Dolby Match Program
- Cory and Bob Donnalley
- Laura Donnelley
- In Memory of Paul L. Donoho, Ph.D.
- Peter and Linda B. Dooley
- in memory of our brother Dr. Daivesh Doshi
- Olivier Douce
- John Dove
- John Downing
- Jesse Drake
- Jim and Wendy Drasdo
- In memory of Karen Berger Drastal
- Scott Draves
- Charles & Margot Drekmeier
- Dropbox, Inc.
- Jonah Dubin and the Dubin/Klem Charitable Fund
- Joev Dubach
- Denis and Sandra DuBois
- Andrei Dunca
- Laramie Duncan
- Edgar Durbin
- Greg Durrett
- Larry Durham
- Mark Duttweiler and Christine Pajak
- eBay Foundation
- D.J. Edwards
- Ron Bailey and Bill Edwards
- Mary Ann Eddy
- David and Casey Eichenberger
- Stanley Eisenberg
- Stephen and Leslie Ehrmann, in memory of Dorothy Ehrmann
- Elasticsearch
- Ralph Edler
- Larry and Kas Eldridge
- Elia Games
- Simon Ellgas
- Elite Music Foundation
- Ellis Family Fund
- Shawn and Rika Ellis Family Fund
- In memory of Bill Ellison
- Hashem Emami
- Peter Emch
- Emigre Fonts
- Staffan Encrantz
- Allison Eness
- The Entheogen Fund
- Ericsson Community
- Marius Eriksen
- Jianhong Zhou & Ben Escoto
- Hilary Estes and Peter Hildebrandt
- Gordon Eubanks
- Gwen Ewart and Bob Thomas
- Expedia Inc.
- ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gifts Program
- F5 Networks, Inc.
- Arjona Fabien
- Fred Falkner
- Ann Fallon
- Famiglia Gazzetta
- Hany Farid
- Mark Farley
- Kairsten Fay
- Megan and Matthew Feinberg
- Yoseph Feit
- Arlen Feldman
- Felix Moses
- Barry and Ali Fell
- John Feminella
- Andrew Feng
- Feral Interactive Limited
- Luisa and Robert Fernholz
- Fia Ewald Consulting AB
- Roger and Ada Fidler
- Larry & Alison Fiedler
- Howard and Carol Fields
- Andrzej Fiedukowicz
- Alan and Elizabeth Finkel
- Joseph Fisch
- Brian Lucas Fischer
- Eric Fischl
- Stanley Fishman
- Patrick Fitzgerald
- Michael F. Flanagan
- The Flat Network Society
- Jody Fleischer
- Florida First Capital Finance Corporation
- Carla and Charlie Flournoy
- In memory of Ventura County Supervisor John K Flynn (1933-2022)
- FM Global
- Paul Fogarty
- Norman & Jill Fogelsong
- For everyone who wonders
- James Forbes
- Ford Foundation Matching Gift Program
- William Ford
- Wesley Ford
- Luca Formenton
- Will Forrest
- The Foundation for Community Empowerment
- Fournier Family Foundation
- James Fox
- Cody Franchetti
- Juanita Francis
- Bernard E Francois
- Bernard and Melinda Francois
- In loving memory of George H. Frank, a brilliant, kind man and a loving father who is missed every day
- James S. Frank
- Joel Frantzman
- Andrew Fraser
- In Honor of Free and Factual Knowledge
- Jean Fregeau
- Kathy French
- Hunter Freyer
- Nick Freygang
- Galina Friedland
- Jonathan Friedland and Victoria Godfrey
- Larry Friedland
- Irene Hanson Frieze
- Peter Frishauf & KC Rice
- Tom Fruth
- Jennifer V. Furman
- Laurie and Thomas Fusco
- Charles James Gallant III
- Patrick and David Wright Gibson
- Terence Go
- David Fry and Meidee Goh
- Vanistendael Gaí‚tan
- Henrique Gama
- John & Paula Gambs
- Samantha Garbus
- Julie and Rafael Garcia Giving Fund
- Margaret Gardiner
- Charles Garrett
- Gartner (The Matching Gift Center)
- Richard and Lois Garwin
- Mary Beth Guard
- Michèle Ray Gavras
- Pavel Gavrilin
- The GC Companies
- The Geels Family
- Joel Geldin and Jeanne Nelson
- Don Gensler
- James George
- Anton Geraschenko
- Betty Harrell Gerlack
- Gary Gerrard
- Aaron Getz & Sheila Geraghty Getz
- Neil and Elise Getz
- Thomas and Elizabeth Gewecke
- Yusuf & Leila Giansiracusa
- Darril & Nimfa Gibson
- Mary Gibbs
- Gilead Sciences, Inc.
- Tyson & Elizabeth Gill
- Gillian Coote in memory of her sister, Robyn Coote
- Donald L. Gilman
- GitHub
- Tommaso Giulini
- ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver
- David Glance
- K. Reed Gleason
- Mary Glidden
- Kelly & Jeff Glisch
- Christopher Goad
- Norman Godinho
- Louis Godron
- In Memory of Ira Gold
- Monica and Danny Gold
- Annelise Goldberg in honor of Max Goldberg
- Rita Goldberg and Oliver Hart
- Maksim Golivkin
- Jim (James) Good
- Erik Goodlett and Pamela Wat
- Jack Goodman
- In memory of my father, Norman J. Gordon, who taught me that ’skeptical’ and ‘critical thinking’ are not dirty words
- Phil Gormley and Erica Bisguier
- In memory of Connie Gossett
- Carl Gould
- Gerard A. Goulet
- Venugopalan Govindarajan
- Taher Gozel
- Gpe and Gmo Charitable Fund
- J. Alex Graeffe
- Joe Graham
- Grainger Matching Gifts Program
- Temple Grandin
- Stephen Green
- Babette Krolik and Harry Greenwald in honor of their children
- Gail and Roy Greenwald
- Bruce and Erica Greer Family Foundation
- Neil Daryl Grime
- Paul Grimes
- Steven Grimson
- Grist Labs Inc.
- The Gross Family Super Helping Fund
- Caroline and Dan Grossman
- Cornelius N. Grove
- Eric Grubman and Elizabeth Compton
- Alexander M. Guest
- George Gund
- Jerome Guillen and Jeremy Gallaher
- Egils and Anne Gulbis
- Heath and Jordan Gurganus
- Henry Gurr
- Richard and Doris Gurtler
- David Gwinn
- Hacker Noon
- Kelsey and Scott Hadley
- Eric and Catherine Haines
- The Hakel Family
- Mark and Regina Hall
- Pauliana Hall and Eric Hall, Esq.
- Terry Hall
- The Hallick Family Foundation
- Mark D Halperin
- Ryan Hamerly
- Lang Hames
- Jon Hamkins and Meera Srinivasan
- Bob Hammond
- Guy and Julia Hands
- Mark Hanley
- Michael Hanley
- Wells Hansen
- Matthew Harad
- Jesses Harder and Randolph
- Hardin Family Gift Fund
- In memory of Richard Harding, who instilled in us the curiosity to constantly learn
- Ann Hardham
- John Harmon
- The Harmonious Bilingualism Network
- Mari Hill Harpur
- Clifford Harrison
- In Memory of Dana Harrison
- The Harrity Family
- Jake Hart
- Mia and David Hartley
- In memory of Titus Hartman
- Barry Harvey
- Barbara Hase
- Robin Hassani
- Wayne Hathaway
- Have a Money, Share a Money
- Marshall Hawks
- M. Hawley, in Honor of Ryan Turner
- Kathryn Hayashi
- Philipp Haydn
- Elizabeth Steiner Hayward
- In memory of Nancy Patricia Roberts Haywood
- Daniel Hazelbaker
- Joachim Heck
- Vanessa Heckman and Brett Babin
- In memory of John L Hedges
- Ron and Beth Heiby Family Charitable Fund
- Matt Hellige
- Oscar Helm
- Martin and Ellen Henion
- Anne Henry
- Mary and Paul Henry
- Travis Heppe
- In memory of Ben Hesper
- Jerome Herr
- Michael and Kimberly Hicks
- Ben and Sonny Hilton
- Christopher Hinton
- Kath and Les Hinton
- Jake Hirsch-Allen
- Jim Hobart
- Dale Hoffman
- In memory of Robert Holland
- Hugh Holman
- In loving memory of Emily Catherine Holzer
- Home Depot Foundation
- Carol Hooker
- hopeful earth foundation
- Peter Hornbeck
- Dermot Horgan
- Host Agency Review
- Morgan Hough
- The Timothy Householder Family
- In Memory of Orville E. Howard
- Jeremy Howes
- Else Hoyrup
- Jiang Hu & Yancheng Mei Family
- Ying-Sheng Hu
- Alan and Alice Huang
- Daniel and Celia Huber
- Jeff and Kristin Huget
- H Scott Huizenga
- Thom and Kelly Hulme
- Zachary W. and Elizabeth S. Hulsey
- The Human Fund
- Doug Hunt and Carolyn Perry
- Hunter-Garcia Family
- I gladly support Wikipedia
- Carla and Philippe Ifrah
- In honor of all teachers who have dedicated their lives to education, especially during this ongoing pandemic
- In Honor of Emergency Responders Everywhere
- In support of those who cannot give
- Indeed, Inc.
- Robert and Karen Indergand
- Anne Infeld
- Insight Designs Web Solutions, LLC
- Intetics Inc.
- Intuit Foundation
- Intuitive Foundation
- Roshan Isaac
- Anne and John Iskrant
- David Israel
- ITW Matching Gifts Program
- Sigrid and Roy Jablonka
- Chip Jackson
- Peter Jackson
- Frances Jacob
- Brian Jaffe
- Douglas Jaffe
- Micah Jaffe
- Dirk Jagdmann
- In honor of Henry Jakowsky
- Rob Janes
- Jason Andrew Jenkins
- Jericho
- Jericho Charitable Fund
- Jerry Newman Willowridge Partners, Inc.
Liquidity for Private Equity Investors - The Jersin Foundation
- Barbara Jezl
- JK Family Foundation
- Bruce Johnson
- Chris Johnson
- Dwight Johnson
- John B. Johnson
- Lee Johnson
- Lee A. Johnson
- Lynn H. Johnson
- Michael and Jennifer Johnson
- Robert Johnson
- Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
- Daniel Jones
- Vivien Jones
- In memory of Marius & Rina Joosten
- To the many fond memories of Shaynon MaGee (Shayne) Jordan and his love of people, knowledge, and sharing.
- In loving memory of Kim 'Sissy' Jorgensen
- Robert Joss
- Boyan Jovanovic
- Jonathan Jove and Moriel Levy
- Martin Joyce
- Tanya Joyce
- In honor of Karen Jurewicz
- Karla Jurvetson
- Juno Apps
- Rajendra Kadari and Bhargavi Gorukant
- Kalpatharu Foundation
- William Kamer
- Robert H. Kanner
- Dan Kappes at Kappes, Cassiday & Associates
- Ram Kapoor
- Kae Kanya 清鸿 / Januaca 张贻新 and Family
- Mitch Kapor
- Ausrine Karaitis
- John and Maryann Karlen
- Kevin Karplus
- Steve Kass
- Joseph Katz
- Rebecca Krantz and Donald Katz
- Jonathan Kaufelt and Holly Corn
- David and Jan Kaufman
- Lloyd Kaufman to honor NYC Commissioner Patricia Kaufman
- Aruna and Sudhakar Kaveeshwar
- Catherine Kayser
- KDSM Fund
- Keating Investment Counselors
- Brett and Susan Kennelly
- Kevin Kelly and Germaine Fuh-Kelly
- Susan S Kelly
- Mary Lowe Kennedy
- In honor of John Patrick Kennedy
- Robert Kennedy and Linda Cicero
- Tom and Laura Kent
- Angela Kepler
- Susan Coelius Keplinger
- Robert M. Kern
- Jack Kessler
- Keysight Technologies
- Farida Khelfa
- Kher-Padki Family Fund
- Kheterpal Family
- Lynn Khuu and Khoa Do
- Elizabeth and Albert Kidd
- Michael W. Kidd
- Stephan Kieu and Julie Timm
- Anthony, Su-Hyun and Tae-Yang Kim
- Kimberly-Clark
- Donald A & Janemarie D King
- Jerry King
- Sam King
- King Cheadle Family
- Louise Kinkel & William August Boehmke
- In Memory of Anne Kinnel
- The Robert McNeal and James Kinsella Family Fund
- The Kipping Family
- Kirtikar-Jacob family
- Marc Kjerland
- KLA-Tencor Employee Funds
- Nancy Kleinrock
- Igor Kliakhandler and Ekaterina Podossinnikova
- Eric Klusman
- Ron Knapp
- Jeffrey Knauth
- Dillon Knezacek
- Elizabeth Knight
- David Koepp
- Inder Pal and Swarn Kohli
- Igor Kopylov
- Bryce Kornreich
- Ellen Koshland and James McCaughey
- Jessica R. Kraemer
- In loving memory of Viola Sanchez Kremer
- David Krinsky and Augusta Ridley
- Peter Kroll
- George Krumme
- Aahd Kubbara
- Chris & Joanne Kudrna Fund on behalf of Laura Kudrna
- Kurt Kufeld & Monica Paris
- Perry Kuhl
- Peter Kuniholm
- Matthias Kunze
- Peter Kütemann (Monaco)
- Bill Kutik
- Hiroyuki Kuwana
- Raymon and Phyllis Lafrey
- Georges Lagrange
- Jeff Laird
- David Lake
- Lam Research
- Tom and Evelyn LaMers
- In Honor of Spencer Lang
- Tanja Lange
- Jane Lansing
- Jay and Sally Lapeyre
- LATI High Performance Thermoplastics
- Wayne and Karen Lattuca
- Dan Laufer
- Launchbury Fund
- Lawrence Livermore Labs
- Nathan and Diana Lane
- Janet Lawson
- Phillip Lawson
- Ned Lecky
- Edward Lee
- Eunjin Lee
- Peter Lee
- Skylar Lee
- Tim Lee
- Bonnie Lemert
- Mark A. Lemley
- Daniel Lenski
- Leo Model Foundation
- Felicity W C Leong
- Richards and Leong Family Trust
- Andrew Lerner
- LetterPress Chocolate
- Nathan Leventhal
- Karen Levine and Andrew Sisson
- The LevmoreRoin Philanthropy Fund
- Marc Levoy and Laurie Winslow
- David Levy
- Marc Levy
- Lai-Yet Lam & Peter W. Lew
- Don Lewis
- Boldwin Li
- Lily Yonghong Li
- In Memory of Wei-Ching Liao
- Wen Li Looi
- Liberum Capital Ltd
- Dylan Liebgott
- Liz Liebman
- The Lillie Family
- Lilly US Matching Gifts Program
- Matt Limmer
- Tsung-Yin Lin
- Gregg and Libby Lindahl
- Greg Linden
- The Lindstrom Family Fund
- The Liner Notes Project
- Lineups
- Brenda and Roger Linfield
- Christopher Lingle
- LinkResearchTools (LRT)
- Susan Ellis and Mark Linton
- Barry & Marie Lipman
- Christopher Liu
- In memory of Yue Peh Loh
- Mario Londono
- John Longres
- The Lopker Family Foundation
- In memory of Felix Lopez
- Lincoln Loop
- Davia Loren
- Keith Loritz
- Rayson Lorrey
- Joseph Love & Laurie Reynolds
- ‘love of words’
- Anahita and Jim Lovelace
- Joyce Lowinson
- Marilyn Lucht
- The Lucy Fund
- Jennifer Luft
Margaret Lukens and Joe Corkery
- Jing Li and Yeming Luo
- George Lusztig and Gongqin Li
- Scott and Julie Lynch
- The Bruce MacEvoy and Janet Randall Trust
- Karen Mackain
- Scott Mackie and Alison Platt
- The Madabhushi Foundation
- Arya Madhura Andrews
- Melanie & Dale Magee
- Sean Maginnis and Stephanie Velasco
- Matt and Kristin Maguire
- Emily Maier
- Alexander Main
- Victor Mair
- Diana-Lynn B. Makes
- John Malatesta
- In honor of the late Steve Mihalik
- In memory of Frederick Maltz
- Paul Manahan
- Rafiq Maniar
- Lidia Manson, PhD
- Anup Mantri
- Maple Tree Fund
- Stuart & Pat Marchand
- Gary Marcus
- Marcy and Leona Chanin Foundation
- In memory of Dr Shirley Margolis
- The Marinelli Family
- Ken Garrett & Theresa Markle
- Goran & Kelly Marnfeldt
- Valli Marti
- Daniel L Martin
- Jean-Philippe Martin
- Jeffrey Martin
- Martin & Ottaway, Inc
- John Marx AIA
- Jack Mason
- John Mason
- Irene Mastelli
- MasterCard Matching Gift Program
- Match Group
- Catherine et Frank Mathis
- In memory of Alexandr Matievschii
- Richard Mazess
- Paul Marcus and Kitty Juda
- The Bertram, Elliott & Ronald Louis Marx Family Fund
- MCA Inc.
- Debra McAdoo
- Kristin and Preston McAfee
- Cornelia Walworth and Mark McCain
- Edward McCallum
- Drew Alexander McClelland
- Walter and Nance McClure
- Clara McCreery
- Edward McCullough
- Bill and Marilyn McCune
- Mr. and Mrs. Zachary McCune
- Billie & Tom McDavitt
- Sydney McDole and Naresh Lakhanpal
- In Memory of Marilyn McDonald
- Kathleen McDonald
- John McGeehan
- Jenna McGugan
- Brian Mcinnis
- Jane McLaughlin
- John McLaughlin
- Mike and Abbie McMillen
- Sunne and John McPeak
- Clare and Ross MacPhee
- Tom Mears & Bill Sexton
- Medtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant Program
- In honor of Lillian M. Mehr
- Brad Mendelson
- Joseph Mendez
- The Hayes & Menghrajani Families Charitable Fund
- Girish Menon
- MerchLogix, Inc
- Merck Foundation
- Kit and Liz Merker
- Elizabeth Meyer
- Leah Meyerholtz
- Jessica Mezzacappa
- Himanshu Mhatre
- Micron Technology, Inc.
- Matthew Midboe
- Middle Road Foundation
- The Milla Family Donor Advised Fund
- Kimberley Sloan Miller
- Steven Miller & Patricia Meyer
- Westin Miller
- Alicia Mills
- Ronald Minnich
- Sergio Mior
- Minassian Media
- Bette Midler
- James Alan Minor
- Charles and Patricia Mintz
- Jonathan Mitchell
- Perry Mitchell
- Eben Moglen
- Mildred B and Radhe Mohan For The Mohan Family Fund
- Riaz & Lily Moledina
- Marcel Molina
- Money Penny
- David Moore & Suzanne Pierce Moore
- Jennifer Moores Family
- Meridee Moore
- Nicola Moore
- Norma Moore
- Michael and Elaine Moravan Foundation
- Brigitte Morel-Curran
- Gary Morgenthaler
- Viktor Moros
- Dr. Amy S. Morris
- Christopher Morten
- Gerald Moose Stacy and Travis Stacy Moose
- Les & Carol Moss
- Joaquin Mostany
- Tim Mott for Sam Mott
- Msquared Groep
- The Mudd Family Foundation
- Chandra Mukerji
- David Mumford
- Jack Munson
- Ryunosuke Murakami
- Joseph Murin
- Mary G. Murray
- William M. Murray
- Ben Murrell
- Kimbal Musk
- Mutable Instruments
- Karl T. Muth
- Jane B Myers
- Jasmine Nabi
- nafSadh
- In memory of my father Narendra Kumar Nangea
- In memory of Ali Nariman
- Shreya Nathan
- Mark and Wendy Nation
- National Instruments
- Anand Natrajan
- Constance Hoguet Neel
- Brian Neisler
- Richard Nelson
- Amir Neshat
- NetApp, Inc.
- Joao Hansen Neto
- In memory of Richard and Virginia Lee Neufeld
- Corinne H Nevinny
- Barbara Newman
- Jerrold Newman
- New Orleans Roofers
- Nell Jessup Newton
- Theodor Nicol
- Kit Niemeyer
- George Nikopoulos
- Helen Nissenbaum
- Niteo
- Noble Energy, Inc
- Nord Family Foundation
- Nordic Naturals
- Jeremy M. Norman and Patricia G. Gilbert
- Benjamin Novak
- Novartis Matching Gifts
- Robert Oaks
- Oath
- David OBrien
- The O'Brien Family, New Jersey.
- Rosemary O'Brien
- Colm O'Toole & Chuckee, Los Angeles, CA
- The OceanRain Foundation
- Michael Oelke and Sylvia Hysong
- Karen Oganowski
- Jane Okpala
- Jocelyn Olcott
- In Honor of Professor Michael O'Leary of Towson University
- Barry and Cyndy Olliff
- One Point Of Light Foundation
- Alex Opal
- Open Knowledge Association (OKA)
- Open Risk Calculator
- Robert Ordal
- Orentreich Family Foundation
- In loving memory of Oreo and Kitten
- Mark Orosz
- Osborne Partners
- Kevin and Laura O’Shea
- Emmanuel Osti
- Jeremiah and Alicia Ostriker
- Ottaway Family
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company Employee Giving
- Manisha Kher and Manoj Padki
- Giancarlo Pallavicini
- Justin Palpant
- Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Legacy Foundation
- Lalitha Parameswaran
- Abhay Parekh
- Minjae Park
- Edward Parker
- Reinardus Surya Pradhitya
- Jean Park and Jacob Taylor Family Fund
- James R Parks
- Kenneth Parker
- Dylan Parker
- Linda and Peter Parshall
- Christopher Parsons
- Reihan Parvizian
- Catherine Paessun
- Philipp Patch
- Ricky Patel
- Lee & Sher Patterson
- James Patton
- Charles Paul
- Sophie Paul
- Johnson & Pavuk
- PayPal Gives Employee Engagement Fund
- The Pazirandeh Family
- Anders Pettersson; for my wonderful mother Elisabeth Norberg
- Brian Peierls
- Michael Pennisi
- Daniel Perlman and Jane Katims
- John Peoples
- In memory of Andrea Pernick, a lover of knowledge and of animals
- William E. Perry
- The Peters Family
- The Petrosky Family
- Thomas W and Laurie D Pettinger
- Wayne Pfeiffer
- Anny and Christoph Pfister
- Laura Philips and John Elliott
- Duane and Laurie Phillips
- In the memory of Andrew G. Phillips
- Glenn Phillips
- John H Phillips
- Hart & Rebecca Phinney and Family
- Carmen Piccini
- Richard Pieper Sr.
- Gayle Piper
- Kathleen M. Pike
- Steven Pinker
- Geri Lynn Pirtle
- The PixInsight Project
- PlayStation Cares
- Timothy Pletcher
- Joel and Tamara Podolny
- Seth Pollen
- The Harriet Pollon Family
- In honor of Governor Jared Polis and First Gentleman Marlon Reis
- Alexander Polsky
- The Portland Fuel Group of Companies
- Mike Potel and Cathy Frantz
- J. David Powell
- In honor of James D. Powell
- Fred Pratt
- Rob and Anna Prestezog
- William Prescott
- Jim Pretlow
- Thomas G. Pretlow II
- Ryan Price
- Andy and Dave Pritchard
- Nicholas and Susan Pritzker
- Progressive Insurance Foundation
- PRP Panicker
- Dr. Constance Jenkins Pritchard
- Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Lawrence and Teresa Pulliam
- Geoffrey K. Pullum
- Purjes Foundation
- Stephen Pyryemybida
- Anders Pytte
- Ronald Quake
- Roger Que
- Simon Raab
- Mark Raaberg
- Christine Raimondi
- Praveen Ramaprabhu & Vidya Parthasarathy
- Sreeram Ramachandran
- B.S. Ramamurtie
- Meena and Shankar Ramaswamy
- Francoise Rambach
- VenkatNarayana Ramdass
- Brent Ramerth and Kalinda Lisy
- Dave & Deanne Rand
- David Rand
- William Rand
- Jeffery and Patricia Randall
- Pratima Rangarajan and Gregory Gillette
- Kate and Paul-Erik Raue
- Elizabeth Raymond
- Ian Reasor and Jamie Molaro
- Gary Rechnitz
- Red Hat Matching Gift Program
- Cecilia Redding
- Chris Redlich Jr
- Sanford Redlich
- Austin Reichert
- Nancy Reiter
- Huan Ren
- Margaret Renik
- Paul Resnick and Caroline Richardson
- Paul & Lori Reszutek
- Scheryle Reuss
- Revize LLC
- The Rex Flash Ministries
- David Rhodes
- Bruce Ribner
- James and Cynthia Richardson
- Tarrus Richardson
- Michael Ridder & Linda Vance
- Reed Riedel
- Derek Riley
- Ripples A Not For Profit Corporation
- Green Rives
- Richard Roberts
- Jeff Robeson
- Joseph Robillard
- Gaspar Cabrera Roca
- Rockie Yang @ Knock Data
- Sievert Rohwer
- Arthur Rogers
- Diana and James Rogers
- Kathleen Rogers & Rick Teller
- Jean Memken and Michael Rogers
- Brittany Rohrman
- Carine Roman
- Georg Romero and Margaret Loos
- Richard Rooney
- Dan Roper
- Mihaela Rosca
- Elly Rose
- Roger Rosenberger
- Donald Rosenfeld
- Dennis Rossman
- Mathieu Rouleau
- Abraham Rowe
- Ruby Family Foundation
- Jerzy Rub
- Chandra and Michael Rudd
- Katie Ruesink
- Elizabeth Russell
- In honor of Riley Russell
- In honor of the Russell family of Greenville Michigan
- In honor of Rusty Russell
- M. Duane Rutledge
- Kevin Ryan
- Amy Ryan
- S&P Global Community Matching Gifts Program
- James Saalfield
- Rohini Sabikhi and Tushar Chandra
- Chris and Anna Saccheri
- Jay Sachs and Mary De Voe
- In honor of and love for Richard Carey Salander
- Steven Sanders
- Linda Sarandrea
- Stanley Sandrowicz
- Brent & Neri Sandweiss
- Connie and John Sargent
- Thomas Sargent
- Iya Sarkisova
- Sasa and Calvin Lin Charitable Fund
- David Sassen
- Ron and Sally Sassen
- Rita Sakitt
- Scott Satterwhite
- Sunil Savkar & Stefanie Birkmann
- Elaine Scarry
- In memory of Max Schaefer
- Kenneth Schaffer
- Jay and Anne Schamberg
- Peter Schattner
- Jonathan Scheff
- Bonnie Henderson Schell
- Karen and Damon Scheppelmann
- Bill Scherer
- Dick Schmidt
- Charles & Alice Schneider
- In honor of T. Frankilin Schneider III
- Drew Schneider
- Gary Schneider
- Stefan Schoch
- Andreas Scholten
- Rob Schreiner
- Robert Schroeder
- In honour the late George P. Shultz
- Peter Schwanse
- Antonis Schwarz
- Edward Schwartzberg
- Ricci Schwarzler
- Alex Schwendner
- John Scire
- Mark Scott
- Curtis Scribner
- Dominic Scriven OBE
- A la mémoire de Louis “Baba” Sebag
- Segmentech Inc
- Select Equity Group Foundation
- Pretzel Semus
- Dhruva R.J. Sen
- Randall Seright
- William and Barbara Serpe Charitable Fund
- Claude Serra
- Holly Setzer
- Charles Severance
- Henri and Farida Seydoux
- Stephane Sezer
- The S. Garbus Fund
- Linda and M. Michael Shabot, M.D.
- Barry Shainbaum
- Stephen Shank
- Ben Shaoul
- David A. Shapiro, MD & Sharon L. Wheatley
- Farhan Sharaff
- Lindsay and Anurag Sharma
- Stephanie and Keerat Sharma
- Nate and Julia Sharpe
- Kip and Kate Sheeline
- Tomer Shekel
- Shell Oil Company Foundation
- Michael Shimoide
- Theodore C. Shiveley
- Austin Short
- In honor of Dr. Donald W. and Ann P. Shunn
- In Memory of Ella Shyu
- The Sigler Family
- Shamina Singh
- R. Kehl Sink and Kathleen Gans
- Benjamin Wiley Sittler and Rebecca Middleton
- Douglas Simons
- Aahana Singal
- Shane Skikne
- Simon the Engineer
- Hartaj Singh
- Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
- Nayut Sitachitt
- Dick Smith, Sydney, Australia
- Richard Simon
- Patrick Slaney
- Martin Smith
- Toni and Joe Smith
- Travis Smith
- Sara Smollett
- Donna and Alec Smythe
- Thomas Sneed
- Jeffrey Snover
- Kevin Sofield
- Aaron and Jamie Solak
- Solar Hydrogen Economy foundation
- Jon and Melissa Solera
- Some old physicist
- Vanita Sood
- Andrew Sopko
- William Spindler
- Carolyn and Stephen Spitz
- Sports Reference LLC
- Dedrick Sprick and Chance Carstensen
- D. Squire
- Mike Stadtfeld
- Steve Stadtfeld
- Russell Staley
- Standard Insurance
- Thomas Stanis
- In Memory of Mary J. Stanley
- State Street Matching Gift Program
- Albert & Candace Staton
- Cesar Stastny
- Mozes Staszewski
- Robert P. Starling
- Virginia Steel
- Rodney Steffes
- Christie Steier
- Andrew Stein
- Timothy Steinert
- David Stern
- Susan Stern
- Steven Ayers Investment Management
- Benjamin and Caitlin Stewart
- Bruce G. Stewart
- Stichting Sunryse
- Ellen Heian & John Stimson
- Mike Stock
- Revin Stoker
- Stoldal Family
- Nancy Stone
- In memory of Richard W. Stott
- David R. Stoutemyer
- Joan Strassmann and David Queller
- In memory of Karl Strieby
- The Craig and Susan Stunkel Fund
- Summers and Yee Family
- Andrew Sutherland
- Richard Sutton
- Chuánqí Sun
- SurveyMonkey
- G. & M. Swaminathan
- In Honour of Aaron Swartz
- Michael Swords
- Symantec Giving Station
- Synchrony Financial
- Synopsys Employee Engagement Fund
- T-Mobile USA, Inc
- T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
- Tableau Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
- Hiroaki Takamatsu
- Vincent Talbot
- Nathaniel Talcott
- Atul Tandon
- Steve Tanksley
- Learning Tapestry
- Dan & Kathy Tappan
- Sinan Tara
- In honor of Dr. Elizabeth Tarpley
- Alan Taylor and Hans Reiser
- Dale Taylor
- Harrison Taylor
- Jeff Taylor
- In Memory of Julian Taylor
- Marlin R. Taylor
- The Team of Flightkeys
- Team Technologies Ltd.
- #teknikhjälpen
- In memory of Sylvia R Telser
- Texas Instruments Foundation
- Jon Thaler
- Kelly Thomas
- Lynn M. Thomas
- Rabbi Rob and Lauren Thomas
- Samuel Thompson
- Thomson Reuters My Community Program
- Ben Thul
- John and Beth Tidwell
- Jeff Tillotson
- Joe Timko
- Steven Tjiang
- Jonathan Tobert
- Stephen Todd
- Matthew Toles
- Stephanie Tomiyasu
- Tina Tomsen, MD
- Michael P Totten
- Kelly Townsend
- Kit Transue
- Transunion Employee Giving
- Traust Consulting
- Steve Trimberger
- TripAdvisor Gift Matching Program
- Amy & Michael Tripoli
- 禪
- John & Bernice Tulloch
- Tungare Manohar Family Foundation
- John B. Turner
- John Turrell
- Paul Tuttle
- Ellen Tykeson and Ken Hiday
- Two Sigma Investments LLC
- Paul and Donna Ullman
- In Memory of Mary and Theodore Urzy
- James Uttley
- V&B Philanthropy
- Valsem Industries SAS
- Betty Vandenbosch
- John Vandermeer
- Matthew Van Fossen
- Jos Vankan, Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR
- Mark Van de Wiel
- Gert van Manen
- Jos van Schagen and Marjon Floris
- In honor of Richard M. Van Slyke
In loving memory of Dorothy and Detlev Vagts
- Varian Medical Systems
- In loving memory of Mrs.Kamala Vasireddi
- Jyoti Vasudev
- Paul Vawter
- Radha Venkat
- Shaun Verch
- Gonzalo and Nury Verdugo
- Verizon Foundation
- Jacques Vermeiden, CEO of Huygens Engineers
- Vertex Pharmaceuticals
- ViaSat Inc.
- Stephen Vi
- Susan Vice
- Karel Vinck
- Caitlin, Patrick, and Molly Virtue
- Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Vitriol
- Johann Volz
- Jens von der Heide
- Charlotte von der Hude
- Anthony Vu
- Jane Waddell
- Michael Waddell
- Jennifer and Luke Wagner
- Cynthia C. Wainwright and Stephen Berger
- Susan Waldes
- Cynthia Walk
- Dalton & Joel Walker
- John Walker
- Trent Walker
- The Walter G. Canipe Foundation
- Gail and Bob Walters
- Wang Family Fund
- Rich Warner
- Warren and Andrea Stock Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
- David Wasserman
- Robert Watkins
- Joyce Watson
- Stan & Karen Watt
- Anas Wattar
- John Watts
- Ralph Watts
- Dan Wayland
- Bruce and Leslie Weertman
- Paul J. Wehrenberg
- Ulrich Weins
- Mark Welsh
- Wendroff and Associates, CPA
- Thomas Wentzler
- Thurman Wenzl
- Beka Westberg
- Leslie M. Westbrook
- WestWind Foundation
- Andrew R Westerdale
- Pete Westlake
- Glenn Westley and Jeanne Holzgrefe
- Mandy Whalen
- Conrad Whelan
- The White Oaks Foundation of Delaware
- Janet White and Michael Clark
- Katherine D. White
- White’s Wayside Hospitality since 1929
- The Whitt Family
- Wikihole Podcast Winners, Radio Point & Smartless Media
- In gratitude to the Wikimedia Foundation Technology Team
- Peter Wiley
- Geoff and Keridy Williams
- John and Lacey Williams
- Timothy Williams
- David and Janet Wilson
- Herb A. Wilson, Iowa City
- the Wilsons
- Wil Wilstro
- The Adam Winsor Family
- The Dean and Helen Witter Family Fund
- The Wolff Family
- In memory of Sam Wolpert
- Wonderful Giving
- Dr Raymond J Wootton
- Leonard Woody
- Martin Woy
- Barbara Wright
- Peter Wright NY, NY
- Sing-Yung and Yvonne Wu
- David Jason Wyse
- Cy Wyss
- Lee Xu
- Qiaoshi Xue & Howard Taske
- XX-Net
- In memory of Judith Yafet
- Lisa Yang
- Eugene Yaravoi
- Yee Family Foundation
- Marty Yee and Ann Mylod
- Yelp, Inc.
- Yetadel Foundation
- Chris & Margery Yetman
- M Florence Yoder
- Richard Yonash
- Takeshi Yoshino
- Kevin and Donna Young
- Alice Young
- Jonathan H. Young
- Mimi Yu
- Tim and Cc Yu
- 俞宗維
- Tatyana Yurovsky
- Greg Zacharias
- Wendy Zacchio
- Majid Zarrinkelk
- Pamela Zave
- Brandon Zehm
- Will Provost & Stacey Zelbow
- The Zerhouni Foundation
- Zev
- Eric Zhang
- Liang Zhang
- Zhuqing Zhang
- Billy Zhao
- Yuan Zheng & Jeffrey van Gogh
- Mary Menell Zients
- Jim Stepp and Peter Zimmer Fund
- Richard Zimmerer
- Patrick Zimmerli
- Karen Zodtner
- ZX Lidars – courtesy of the ZX Adrian Coffey Project
- In honor and support of democracy, which dies absent truth
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- To all of us, knowing that 'Two heads are better than one!' in regard to Knowledge, but with regard to Love, 'One is better than two'
- Anonymous Donors (704)
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