Wikimedia Endowment
Wikimedia Endowment Benefactors
Access to knowledge is a fundamental human right. The Wikimedia Endowment is our enduring commitment to a world of freely shared knowledge, now and in perpetuity.
We are proud to recognize those who have given to the Wikimedia Endowment. Note that gifts to the Wikimedia Foundation annual fund between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021, are acknowledged here.
Leaving a legacy of knowledge:
Plan a gift today

Did you know that as a complement to your current support, a gift in your will or by beneficiary designation is one of the best ways you can impact Wikimedia’s work well beyond your lifetime?
Planned gifts benefit the Wikimedia Endowment, a fund invested for the long-term growth and stability of our work. Your support of the Endowment makes a powerful statement about the enduring importance to you of free knowledge for all. Planned gifts come in all sizes, cost nothing today, and can always be adjusted if your estate planning changes. This flexibility gives you the peace of mind that comes with taking care of your loved ones while also continuing to support the causes you care about most.
There’s no better time than the present to plan your legacy, no matter your age or income level. For more information on how to make your planned gift to Wikimedia, or to let us know you’ve already included us in your estate plans, please contact
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