Flower planted in the ground

Wikimedia Foundation reaches $100 million Endowment goal as Wikipedia celebrates 20 years of free knowledge

22 September 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA — The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, today announced that the Wikimedia Endowment has reached its initial $100 million fundraising goal ahead of schedule. This early achievement is a testament to the generosity of Endowment donors around the world and provides enduring….

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Richmond Federal Appeals Court and skyline

Federal Appeals Court Dismisses ACLU Challenge to NSA Internet Surveillance

NEW YORK — In a divided opinion, the Fourth Circuit dismissed an appeal brought by the Wikimedia Foundation, which challenges the National Security Agency’s mass interception and searching of Americans’ international internet communications. The American Civil Liberties Union, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, and the law firm Cooley LLP represent the Wikimedia Foundation….

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Wikipedia 20 symbol

Celebrating Latinx stories, culture, and contributions on Wikimedia projects

Today marks the start of a Heritage Month focused on celebrating the history, culture, and influence of Latinx communities in the United States.  The official name of the month itself (National Hispanic Heritage Month) is a living example of the power of language — its history and inequities in who controls it, and its impact….

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Visual lighting effect

Wikimedia Foundation Announces First Grant Recipients of New $4.5 Million Equity Fund to Close Knowledge Gaps and Promote Racial Equity

8 September 2021 — Today, the Wikimedia Foundation, the global nonprofit organization that supports Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects, announced six inaugural grants as part of the newly launched Knowledge Equity Fund, an effort to close knowledge gaps and address racial inequities in its projects. The first round of grants will be given to….

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Wikipedia readers in Latin America invited to support 20 years of free knowledge through new fundraising campaign

The Wikimedia Foundation today started a fundraising campaign on Wikipedia in several Latin American countries, starting in Brazil and continuing in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. Until the end of May, banners will be appearing on Wikipedia in these countries, asking readers to consider contributing with a donation. You may see these messages….

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Project Rewrite: Tell the missing stories of women on Wikipedia and beyond

Think of a historical event, one you learned about in school. Maybe an expedition, a treaty, or a speech. How about a years-long atrocity, or a record-breaking achievement? When you picture this event, who are the central characters? Now, ask yourself if you know the women’s side of the story. For as long as written….

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Wikipedia needs local journalism and the open Web

Over the past couple of months, many who are interested in internet policy have been watching developments in Australia, where a proposed Mandatory Bargaining Code will force some internet platforms to pay for linking to content by news publishers and displaying snippets thereof. While it isn’t entirely clear yet what services will be covered by….

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Who tells your story on Wikipedia

Growing up, my father was the storyteller of our family. He would use stories to encourage me, to remind me of how important it was to be proud of who I am, to teach me about our family history, and to make me laugh. Before I knew enough to ask questions, I was soaking up….

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Trees in Sequoia National Park

Supporting Wikipedia and the environment: The Wikimedia Foundation and Plant Your Change collaborate to plant 400,000 trees

Update: Thanks to the generosity of Wikipedia donors, we were able to meet our goal of planting 400,000 trees! If you have not yet given to Wikipedia and are able to, we are grateful for your support. Visit donate.wikimedia.org to make a contribution. Timed with our 2020 end-of-year fundraising campaign on English Wikipedia, the Wikimedia….

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The world relies on Wikipedia. Wikipedia relies on you.

During difficult times, we discover a lot about ourselves. We also find out who our friends are. In 2020, millions of people found a good friend in Wikipedia. Some folks, like me, were stuck at home making sense of a changed world. Others were out there keeping the world running. But all of us could….

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