Promoting Knowledge Equity

Our mission is to set knowledge free. We work to ensure that everyone, everywhere has equitable access to create and consume information.
Historically, knowledge has been concentrated in the hands of the few. Marginalized groups’ histories and perspectives have been excluded by structures of power and privilege. Wikipedia revolutionizes this model, as the world’s largest, free, collaboratively-sourced encyclopedia.
We support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” We believe that Open Educational Resources (OERs), such as Wikipedia, play a key role in achieving this goal.
In 2018, our staff and global community of volunteers shared comments with UNESCO to establish a Recommendation about OERs, which was adopted in 2020. As ministries of education, schools, and educators shift their attention in response, we believe that Wikimedia projects provide a model for global, collaborative efforts that result in more inclusive, diverse, and accessible OERs.
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