The European Commission chooses truly free licenses for its content

Last February, the European Commission defined (pdf) two Creative Commons (CC) licenses as the default for most of what it publishes: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (“CC BY 4.0”) for all content. Commons Universal Public Domain Dedication deed (“CC0”) for raw data, metadata or other documents of comparable nature.   The European Commission’s….

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Announcing the Heart of Knowledge contest winners

What does open access to knowledge mean to you? That was the question we posed to entrants in the Heart of Knowledge contest, an international arts competition the Wikimedia Foundation launched this April. We were blown away by the submissions we received from artists and writers across five continents. According to entrants’ self-reported data, our….

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Liv Inger Somby, journalist and scholar, to speak at Wikimania about the Sámi people and bringing indigenous languages online

“For us, the Sámi people, digital platforms like Wikipedia are very important. My dream is that Sámi children across national borders communicate in Sámi languages, and common revitalization projects on the Wikimedia platforms are a great tool to reach that goal.” – Liv Inger Somby The Sámi, a group of indigenous people, have lived in….

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Liv Inger Somby, journalista ja fágabargi, galgá hupmat sápmelaččaid birra ja dan ahte galggašii buktit eamiálbmotgielaid internehttii

“Midjiide, sápmelaččaide, leat digitála vuogádagat nu go Wikipedia hui dehálaččat. Mu niehku livččii ahte sámi mánát gulahallet daid iešguđet sámegielaiguin riikkarájiid rastá. Wikipedia vuogádagaid oktasaš ealáskahttin doaimmat livčče buorit reaiddut dán ulbmila joksat.” –Liv Inger Somby, “spotlight” logaldalli Wikimanias 2019:s Sápmelaččat leat eamiálbmot, geat leat duháhiid jagiid orron davvin, guovllus mii ođđaáiggis lea oassin Norgga,….

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Your weekly photo from the world’s free media repository: 26 July

This rock grotto is three kilometers south of the village of Olenevka, located on Crimea’s Tarkhankut Peninsula. The photographer uploaded it as part of Wiki Loves Earth 2017, a photo contest which aims to document the world’s natural heritage for future generations. Over 130,000 images were uploaded during the contest, a total which was winnowed….

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Smithsonian brings images of diverse figures from the history of US women’s suffrage to Wikimedia

The Smithsonian—one of the leading museums and research centers in the United States—has added over 200 images of women involved in the battle for women’s suffrage in the country to Wikimedia Commons, one of the world’s largest collections of freely licensed media. The donation helps advance the Smithsonian’s strategic plan, which calls for reaching one….

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Our legal case against Turkey’s block of Wikipedia has been expedited. Here’s what that means.

Today, the Wikimedia Foundation welcomes the news that our case brought before  the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to lift the block of Wikipedia in Turkey has been communicated to the Turkish Government and given priority status by the court, just two months after the case was filed with the court. Priority status is….

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European Court of Human Rights has decided to expedite case on online censorship brought against the government of Turkey for blocking Wikipedia

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has decided to expedite a case brought by the Wikimedia Foundation against the government of Turkey for blocking Wikipedia in the country. The case contends that the longstanding ban amounts to impermissible censorship and limits peoples’ fundamental rights to free expression and access to knowledge. The ban was….

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Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi, Vikipedi Engelinden Ötürü Türk hükûmetine karşı açılan Çevrimiçi Sansür Davasını Hızlandırmaya Karar Verdi.

Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi (AİHM), Wikimedia Vakfı’nın ülkedeki Vikipedi’ye erişim engelinden ötürü Türk hükûmetine karşı açtığı bir davayı hızlandırmaya karar verdi. Davada, uzun zamandır devam eden yasağın kabul edilemez bir sansür boyutuna ulaştığı ve insanların ifade özgürlüğü ve bilgiye erişim temel haklarının sınırlandığı ileri sürülmekte. Erişim engeli Türk hükümeti tarafından Nisan 2017’de yürürlüğe kondu. Vikipedi’yi….

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Your weekly photo from the world’s free media repository: 19 July

The original Beetle, constructed by the German automaker Volkswagen, was in production from 1938 until 2003. Convertible Beetles were usually nicer than their roofed counterparts. According to Wikipedia, the Beetle convertible was “generally more lavishly equipped than the sedan with dual rear ashtrays, twin map pockets, a visor vanity mirror on the passenger side, rear….

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