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Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA update: appeal hearing scheduled

The next hearing in our case against the United States National Security Agency and others over the U.S. government’s Upstream surveillance practices will take place on December 8, 2016, at the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia.

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A fascination with exploration: the polar pioneers of Wikipedia

Polar explorers were singular individuals who embarked on voyages of discovery—and as one Wikipedia editor put it, "Stories of endurance in the face of extreme hardship and danger will always fascinate people. This is apparent in the way that each new generation seems to rediscover and relish these stories."

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New grants program will fund six community-led projects

Selected from a field of thirteen applications, the projects focus on software, offline outreach, and research.

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When it comes to shipwrecks raised off the seafloor, Peter Isotalo may be Wikipedia’s resident aficionado

Isotalo has written several Wikipedia articles on centuries-old archaeologically significant shipwrecks, working with museums and spending hundreds of hours to make them accurate and comprehensive. We wanted to find out why.

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Interaction principles for online collaboration

Working with others online can be complicated. In an effort to make communication on the Wikimedia projects more friendly and productive, we propose five principles for collaboration.

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How Wikimedia helped mobile web readers save on data

Photos are a ubiquitous element of Wikipedia's most popular and highest quality articles, and this change means that your phone will only load images as you scroll down a page, rather than on opening a page.

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In an attempt to modernize copyright laws, the European Commission forgets about users

The European Commission’s leaked plans for EU copyright reform show that their primary concern is rightsholder revenue, with the public’s interest in accessing and sharing knowledge taking a back seat.

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Peter Baldwin, professor and philanthropist, is appointed to the Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board

Peter Baldwin—a Professor of History at the University of California, Los Angeles, a Global Distinguished Professor at New York University, and co-founder of the philanthropic Arcadia Foundation—has been appointed to the Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board. Baldwin joins Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and venture capitalist Annette Campbell-White as the third member of the board that is entrusted with overseeing….

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Why you should be paying attention to Wikidata and GLAM

As a collaborative project, Wikidata is looking for more partners to fill in data gaps. Every one of the initiatives listed above needs help matching data from important collections to existing Wikidata entries, or help for the Connected Open Heritage community in prioritizing the next source of cultural data to target and improve.

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Switzerland’s ETH-Bibliothek is uploading 134,000 images to Wikimedia Commons

"We are trying to bring the material to where the users are": the uploads from Switzerland's largest public scientific and technical library include photos from noted aviator Walter Mittelholzer, who flew to places around the world in the 1920s and 1930s.

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