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Previous transparency reports

January to June 2021 View July to December 2020 View January to June 2020 View July to December 2019 View January to June 2019 View For reports prior to January 2019, please visit our archive site View

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Explore Wikipedia’s New Look

Wikipedia is the world’s free, collaborative encyclopedia—the largest collection of open knowledge in history. It contains over 58 million articles, written in more than 300 languages by volunteers around the world, which are viewed nearly 16 billion times every month.  Wikipedia’s content and popularity has grown substantially over the last two decades. Now, it is….

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Contact Us

Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Montgomery St., Suite 1600, San Francisco, CA 94104 U.S.A. 415.839.6885 Wikipedia and all Wikimedia names and logos are registered trademarks of Wikimedia Foundation Inc. Text licensed under Creative Commons Attributions-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Images are freely licensed with attribution.

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Wikimedia Endowment

Wikimedia Endowment Benefactors Access to knowledge is a fundamental human right. The Wikimedia Endowment is our enduring commitment to a world of freely shared knowledge, now and in perpetuity.   We are proud to recognize those who have given to the Wikimedia Endowment. Note that gifts to the Wikimedia Foundation annual fund between July 1,….

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Sources: Candid and Charity Navigator At the Wikimedia Foundation, transparency is decidedly one of our guiding principles. Our annual plan and operating budget are developed through open processes, subject to community feedback and Board approval, and always available for review by the public. For years, we have been awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency by….

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2020 – 2021 Annual Report

The Wikimedia Foundation 2020-2021 Annual Report Having celebrated its 20th birthday in 2021, Wikipedia in many ways has matured. Envisioned as a collaborative encyclopedia for everyone in the world, the site is now accessed 8,000+ times per second, making it one of the planet’s most indispensable information sources. But the work of Wikipedia isn’t done.….

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Wiki Unseen: Get Involved

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