Access to Wikipedia restored in Turkey after more than two and a half years
Today, on Wikipedia’s 19th birthday, the Wikimedia Foundation has received reports that access to Wikipedia in Turkey is actively being restored.* This latest development follows a 26 December 2019 ruling by the Constitutional Court of Turkey that the more than two and a half year block imposed by the Turkish government was unconstitutional. Earlier today,….

Turkish Constitutional Court rules that the two and a half year block of Wikipedia is unconstitutional
Today, the Turkish Constitutional Court has held that the more than two and a half year access ban of Wikipedia in Turkey was unconstitutional. We hope that access will be restored in Turkey soon in the light of this new ruling from Turkey’s highest court and will update this statement if we receive notification that….

Who are the organizers that grow Wikimedia’s communities? New research on actors that bring energy to the Wikimedia movement
The face of Wikipedia’s volunteer community is often an editor—someone who maintains, edits, and writes facts in the vast online encyclopedia. But editors aren’t the only contributors to Wikipedia, WikiCommons, and the other Wikimedia projects: there are many other volunteers who contribute by organizing events and inspiring others to join our volunteer community. Their work,….

What we learned about closing Wikipedia’s gender gap using a classroom assignment
Assigning Wikipedia as a classroom assignment is a difficult proposition. The idea of integrating the encyclopedia into a curriculum has been stigmatized for many years, and it can be complicated to ensure that students’ work fits into Wikipedia’s extensive policies and guidelines. Over the last decade, however, a brave cadre of professors and teachers have….

Norway and Armenia come together to bring Bodil Biørn’s historic photographs online
Over 180 memories of Armenian history are now available to everyone in the world, free of charge, thanks to a collaborative project between Wikimedia Norge (Norway), Wikimedia Armenia—both independent Wikimedia affiliate organizations—and the National Archives of Norway. All of the photographs were taken by Norwegian missionary and nurse Bodil Biørn (1871–1960), who proselytized within modern-day….

Wikimedia and UN Human Rights partner to expand Wikipedia’s knowledge
The Wikimedia Foundation and the United Nations’ Human Rights Office (OHCHR) are partnering to support the creation of human rights-related content on Wikimedia sites. We believe that free access to knowledge is a fundamental human right—that anyone, anywhere should have the ability to learn more about the world around them. We are proud to be….

Volunteers from around the world gather in Stockholm for the fifteenth annual Wikimania
More than 800 attendees from nearly 80 countries have gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, for the start of the fifteenth annual Wikimania. Taking place from 14–18 August, Wikimania brings together the community of volunteers who make Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects possible. Over 5 days, attendees will come together to discuss Wikimedia’s future and the role….

Farhad Fatkullin, 2018 Wikimedian of the Year, looks back on his successes and forward to what’s next
One year ago, Farhad Fatkullin was at home gifting his time to simultaneously translating the speeches being given at Wikimania, the annual conference that celebrates Wikipedia, the Wikimedia projects, and the volunteers who contribute to them. Up on stage for the closing ceremony was Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia who at each year gives….

Фәрһад Фәткуллин: “Ел Викимедиачысы 2018” ирешелгәне һәм киләчәккә планнары турында
Үткән елгы Викимания конференциясе чыгышларын Фәрһад Фәткуллин үз өеннән синхрон рәвештә тәрҗемә итеп торды. Видео-трансляцияне карап була, тик Россиянең төрле регионнарында яшәүче вики-волонтёрларының зур өлеше инглизчәне белми. Чит ил телләрендәге Википедия һәм башка Викимедиа проектлары бүлекләрен үстерүче иреклеләр нәрсә турында сөйләшкән-уйлашканнарны да аңларга мөмкинлек тудырырга теләде ул. Конференциянең ябылу мөрәсиме бара иде. Сәхнәдә — Википедиянең….

Викимедиец 2018 года Фархад Фаткуллин о достигнутом и планах на будущее
Год назад Фархад Фаткуллин находился дома и осуществлял синхронный перевод выступлений, которые делались в ходе ежегодной конференции Викимания. Ему захотелось дать волонтёрам из разных уголков России возможность не только увидеть, но и понять, о чём говорят их иностранные коллеги, развивающие своим добровольным вкладом Википедии и прочие проекты Викимедиа на других языках. Шла церемония закрытия конференции.….