Ten community-led projects awarded Project Grants

Project Grants support individuals, groups and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, whether focused on building a new tool or gadget, organizing a better process on your wiki, researching an important issue, coordinating an editathon series or providing other support for community-building.

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Victory at the Fourth Circuit: Court of Appeals allows Wikimedia Foundation v. NSA to proceed

The decision marks an important victory for the privacy and free expression rights of Wikimedia users.

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Wikimedia Foundation urges Turkish authorities to restore access to Wikipedia

On Saturday, April 29, Wikipedia was blocked in Turkey. If it remains, this block will result in millions of people in Turkey losing access to free knowledge about their country and the world around them. We believe knowledge is a fundamental human right and urge the Turkish government to remove this block.

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Bridging Wikimedia and "education for all" at UNESCO Mobile Learning Week

Late last month, educators, tech professionals, and policy makers came together in Paris for Mobile Learning Week, an annual four-day conference that this year was devoted to the problem of "education in emergencies."

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How we know what we know: The Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) helps unlock millions of connections between scholarly research

Citations are the backbone of scholarly knowledge. They help researchers verify information, build on the existing knowledge we already know, and generate opportunity for new discoveries. Citations are not only relevant to academia. They are the foundation for how we know what we know. Until recently, the idea of creating a freely accessible repository of open….

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May Mohamed Hisham Hashem

“I will never be quite as proud of something as my writing about women”: May Hachem

Three years after joining Wikipedia as a student editor, May Hachem has been able to build successful partnerships, mentor hundreds of new editors, and contribute content to Wikipedia.

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How a feminist stood up to trolls and measurably changed Wikipedia’s coverage of women scientists

Did the efforts of Emily Temple-Wood ("Keilana") and other editors really make a difference in Wikipedia's coverage of women scientists—especially given the vast expanse of an encyclopedia that has 5.4 million articles in English alone? The answer, one year after the headlines, is an unequivocal yes.

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Wikimedia Foundation joins amicus brief supporting challenge to U.S. immigration and travel restrictions

The recent United States executive order will cause disruption to the global mobility and cooperation that is crucial to the Wikimedia Foundation’s operations.

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Niels Christian Nielsen appointed to Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board

Niels Christian Nielsen, an international leader in technology, research, and education, has been appointed to the Wikimedia Endowment Advisory Board as its fourth permanent member. He joins Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia; Annette Campbell-White, a successful venture capitalist and founder of MedVenture Associates; and Peter Baldwin, professor and co-founder of the Arcadia Foundation. Niels will join the board….

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Hiring a data scientist

We recently needed to backfill a data analyst position at the Wikimedia Foundation. If you’ve hired for this type of position in the past, you know that this is no easy task. Based on our successful hiring process, we’d like to share what we learned, and how we drew on existing resources to synthesize a better approach to interviewing and hiring a new member of our team.

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