Wikimedia Foundation joins amicus brief supporting challenge to U.S. immigration and travel restrictions
The recent United States executive order will cause disruption to the global mobility and cooperation that is crucial to the Wikimedia Foundation’s operations.

Appeal filed in Wikimedia v. NSA
Today, our attorneys at the ACLU filed the opening brief in our appeal of Wikimedia v. NSA, which challenges the National Security Agency’s “Upstream” mass surveillance practices. Our complaint was dismissed last fall on the grounds of standing, and the newly filed brief details the many reasons why we have the right to bring these claims. We expect the government’s response in March, and will continue to keep the community updated.

Notice of appeal filed in Wikimedia v. NSA
Today, on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation and our eight co-plaintiffs, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a notice of appeal in Wikimedia v. NSA.

District court grants government’s motion to dismiss Wikimedia v. NSA, appeal expected
Today, a federal district court granted the government's motion to dismiss Wikimedia v. NSA, our lawsuit challenging the U.S. National Security Agency’s (NSA) use of “Upstream” mass surveillance.

Wikimedia opposes government’s motion to dismiss Wikimedia v. NSA
The ACLU filed an opposition yesterday to the U.S. government’s recent motion to dismiss Wikimedia v. NSA, the Wikimedia Foundation’s challenge to the National Security Agency’s “upstream” surveillance program. The filing lays out a point-by-point refutation of the government’s arguments, in advance of a hearing scheduled for September 25.

ACLU files amended complaint on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation
On March 10th, the Wikimedia Foundation joined a lawsuit against the NSA over its upstream surveillance program. A hearing is scheduled for late September on the government's recently filed motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

Wikimedia v. NSA: Wikimedia Foundation files suit against NSA to challenge upstream mass surveillance
Today, the Wikimedia Foundation is filing suit against the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) of the United States. The lawsuit challenges the NSA’s mass surveillance program. (..)
Launching a Privacy Policy Built the Wiki Way
We are happy to announce that on April 25, 2014, the Wikimedia Foundation’s Board of Trustees approved a new privacy policy. The new privacy policy explains how we collect, use and manage the information of over twenty million registered users and 490 million monthly unique visitors to the Wikimedia projects. But the policy wouldn’t have been….