To bridge Peru’s digital divide, these researchers are taking Wikipedia offline
For many years, the Wikimedia Foundation’s vision statement has asked us to imagine how the world would be changed if every single person on Earth had access to the “sum of all knowledge”—but because Wikipedia is a web project, only those with internet access could reach that knowledge. That’s left billions behind. Anne Nelson, who….

Kiwix is connecting the unconnected
In Eritrea or Cuba, people routinely buy Wikipedia for one dollar.[1] Wait, what? Isn’t Wikipedia free? Of course it is—Wikipedia, in fact, is entirely free and very easy to reach if you are not one of four billion people who still do not have internet connectivity. If you are, however, having problems to access your….

Don’t panic! Build your own Hitchhiker’s Guide with Wikipedia
Enter Kiwix, the offline Wikipedia reader.

Designing for offline on Android
We’ve introduced a number of improvements to the Wikipedia Android app to better serve these app users who have restricted or low-bandwidth access to the internet.

Children in Mali can now read Wikipedia offline, thanks to MALebooks e-readers
MALebooks e-readers provide an offline library to children in Mali, including the French version of Wikipedia and over 4,000 educational books. This experimental project addresses the serious lack of books for children in Mali, and is made possible by Kiwix developers, Wikimedia Switzerland and other supporters.