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AfroCROWD Story

Celebrating eight years of AfroCROWD diversifying Wikipedia

Wikipedia is known for being the world’s largest encyclopedia that anyone can edit—but that does not mean everyone does. Whether due to social, political, or technological barriers that prevent people from sharing what they know with the world, the site is still missing out on a lot of the world’s wealth of knowledge. In particular,….

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Black Lunch Table Story

Black artists belong on Wikipedia — Black Lunch Table is making it happen

The school lunchroom can conjure up all kinds of memories. For the founders of the non-profit Black Lunch Table (BLT), it brought inspiration.   The lunchroom offers a shared space for people to come together and connect. Black Lunch Table aims to replicate this experience. Since its founding in 2005, the oral history archiving project has….

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Wikimedia Foundation urges Pakistan Telecommunications Authority to restore access to Wikipedia in Pakistan

On Friday, February 3, 2023, Pakistan’s Telecommunications Authority blocked Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects. The Wikimedia Foundation calls on Pakistan to restore access to Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in the country immediately.

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Wikipedia Gets a Fresh New Look: First Desktop Update in a Decade Puts Usability at the Forefront

The interface update, built in collaboration with Wikipedia volunteers worldwide, will make the site more welcoming, easier to use for everyone Update: On 4 May 2023, the desktop update was deployed to Spanish Wikipedia. The updated interface is now live on 95% of the 318 active language versions of Wikipedia for all desktop users. The….

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2022 as you saw it on Wikipedia

It has been a long year dominated by news headline after news headline. The Russian government invaded Ukraine. Queen Elizabeth II died. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. The World Cup. Everything surrounding Elon Musk. Wikipedia isn’t immune to that phenomenon. But in 2022, one particular English Wikipedia article captivated readers like you more than any….

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Experience some of the world’s most beautiful places with Wiki Loves Earth 2022

Think about that feeling you get when you are walking through pristine nature. Do you think it can be captured in a single photo?  The Wiki Loves Earth photography competition celebrates the world’s natural heritage, encompassing everything from small parks to massive nature reserves. It asks photographers to dive into those areas to pick out….

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New Wikipedia editor features make it easy for everyone to contribute

New features on Wikipedia are making it easy for everyone to edit Wikipedia, especially those contributing to the site for the first time. Every time you read a Wikipedia article, you are reading the work of a volunteer contributor.  Nearly 300,000 people from around the world edit Wikipedia articles each month — they start new….

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Moscow court upholds order to target Wikipedia content: The Wikimedia Foundation will continue to challenge attempts to curb free knowledge in Russia

Цей пост також доступний українською мовою.Этот пост также доступен на русском языке. On 22 November 2022, a Moscow Court rejected a case filed by the Wikimedia Foundation (“Foundation”) challenging a court verdict to impose a fine on the Foundation for failing to remove “prohibited” information from the Russian Wikipedia article about the Russian Invasion of….

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Московський суд залишив у силі рішення стосовно вмісту Вікіпедії: Фонд Вікімедіа продовжить оскаржувати спроби обмеження вільних знань у Росії

This post is also available in English.Этот пост также доступен на русском языке. 22 листопада 2022 року суд міста Москви відхилив справу Фонду Вікімедіа (далі — «Фонд»), в якій оскаржувалося рішення суду про накладення штрафу на Фонд за те, що він не видалив «заборонену» інформацію зі статті російської Вікіпедії про російське вторгнення в Україну (2022).….

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7 důvodů, proč byste měli darovat Wikipedii

This post is also available in English.Cette publication est également disponible en français.Esta publicación también está disponible en español.Questo post è anche disponibile in italiano.この投稿は日本語でもお読みいただけます。Αυτό το άρθρο είναι διαθέσιμο και στα ελληνικά. Lidé darují Wikipedii z mnoha důvodů. Nadace Wikimedia, nezisková organizace spravující Wikipedii, zaručuje, že každý získaný dar je investován zpět do Wikipedie, projektů….

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