
Category: Projects/Initiatives

News on Wikipedia: Fidel Castro, president of Cuba, dead at 90

Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons are here to help you learn more about the recently deceased Fidel Castro.

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Wait, what? Tarrare, the man with an insatiable appetite

Meals for fifteen, a live cat, snakes, lizards, puppies, and an entire eel—none were off limits.

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Wikipedia community and Internet Archive partner to fix one million broken links on Wikipedia

More than one million formerly broken links in the English Wikipedia have been updated to archived versions from the Wayback Machine, thanks to a partnership between the Internet Archive, volunteers from the Wikipedia community, and the Wikimedia Foundation.

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A fascination with exploration: the polar pioneers of Wikipedia

Polar explorers were singular individuals who embarked on voyages of discovery—and as one Wikipedia editor put it, "Stories of endurance in the face of extreme hardship and danger will always fascinate people. This is apparent in the way that each new generation seems to rediscover and relish these stories."

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When it comes to shipwrecks raised off the seafloor, Peter Isotalo may be Wikipedia’s resident aficionado

Isotalo has written several Wikipedia articles on centuries-old archaeologically significant shipwrecks, working with museums and spending hundreds of hours to make them accurate and comprehensive. We wanted to find out why.

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Why you should be paying attention to Wikidata and GLAM

As a collaborative project, Wikidata is looking for more partners to fill in data gaps. Every one of the initiatives listed above needs help matching data from important collections to existing Wikidata entries, or help for the Connected Open Heritage community in prioritizing the next source of cultural data to target and improve.

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Switzerland’s ETH-Bibliothek is uploading 134,000 images to Wikimedia Commons

"We are trying to bring the material to where the users are": the uploads from Switzerland's largest public scientific and technical library include photos from noted aviator Walter Mittelholzer, who flew to places around the world in the 1920s and 1930s.

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No Man’s Sky and the drive to improve Wikipedia’s coverage of video games

Casual readers may not notice that the English Wikipedia's video game articles, like No Man's Sky, usually adhere to a set of stringent guidelines.

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Meet Diego Delso, the amateur photographer who has taken the most featured pictures on Wikimedia Commons

Out of 15,084 images Delso has taken and uploaded, the Wikimedia community has rated 306 as 'featured' and 8,696 as 'quality.'

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Android app now offers new ways to browse Wikipedia and find trending, recommended articles

The updated Wikipedia app for Android features a completely redesigned home screen, now including the explore feed, in addition to other new features and improvements.

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