Wikimania 2021: Welcome to the world of Wikimedians … the online edition!

In an alternate, COVID-19-free universe, hundreds of Wikimedians — the community of volunteers who make Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects possible — would have gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, in August 2020 for the sixteenth annual Wikimania conference. They would have met in person, no social distancing to worry about, exploring sites like the Grand Palace, snacking….

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The finances of free knowledge: Lessons in transparency and impact

If you’ve ever spent a distracted afternoon on Wikipedia, you’ve likely clicked on the small “talk” tab at the top of the page. Each Wikipedia article has its own Talk Page — a place for volunteer editors to connect, debate, and discuss the minutiae of a point or their different perspectives on a thorny issue.….

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Wikipedia readers in Latin America invited to support 20 years of free knowledge through new fundraising campaign

The Wikimedia Foundation today started a fundraising campaign on Wikipedia in several Latin American countries, starting in Brazil and continuing in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay. Until the end of May, banners will be appearing on Wikipedia in these countries, asking readers to consider contributing with a donation. You may see these messages….

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Project Rewrite: Tell the missing stories of women on Wikipedia and beyond

Think of a historical event, one you learned about in school. Maybe an expedition, a treaty, or a speech. How about a years-long atrocity, or a record-breaking achievement? When you picture this event, who are the central characters? Now, ask yourself if you know the women’s side of the story. For as long as written….

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Wikipedia needs local journalism and the open Web

Over the past couple of months, many who are interested in internet policy have been watching developments in Australia, where a proposed Mandatory Bargaining Code will force some internet platforms to pay for linking to content by news publishers and displaying snippets thereof. While it isn’t entirely clear yet what services will be covered by….

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Who tells your story on Wikipedia

Growing up, my father was the storyteller of our family. He would use stories to encourage me, to remind me of how important it was to be proud of who I am, to teach me about our family history, and to make me laugh. Before I knew enough to ask questions, I was soaking up….

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Katherine Maher

Wikimedia Foundation CEO Katherine Maher to Step Down in April 2021

February 4, 2021. Katherine Maher, the Chief Executive Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation, the global nonprofit that operates Wikipedia, will be leaving the organization in April. Under her leadership, Wikipedia attained its highest public trust in the institution’s history. Since becoming CEO in 2016, Katherine defined an expansive strategic direction for Wikimedia’s next decade, significantly….

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Elevating Wikimedia: a Universal Code of Conduct for free knowledge

Wikipedia began 20 years ago with a radical premise: to build a free encyclopedia to which anyone could contribute. That idea has grown into an inspiring, aspirational vision: to create a world in which every single person can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. The values at the core of this promise, openness….

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Wikipedia Embraces First-of-Its Kind Universal Code of Conduct, Conceived For The New Internet Era

February 2, 2021. The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that administers Wikipedia, launched a first-of-its-kind Universal Code of Conduct that expands on the project’s existing policies to create a global set of community standards for addressing negative behavior on the site. More than 50% of the global population has access to the internet, an increase that….

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Wikipedia celebrates 20 years of free, trusted information for the world

14 January 2021 — Wikipedia, the world’s largest free online encyclopedia, turns 20 years old on 15 January. This birthday commemorates two decades of global efforts to support free knowledge, open collaboration, and trust on the internet. In a time when disinformation and polarization challenge our trust in information and institutions, Wikipedia is more relevant….

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