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Wikimedia and UN Human Rights partner to expand Wikipedia’s knowledge

The Wikimedia Foundation and the United Nations’ Human Rights Office (OHCHR) are partnering to support the creation of human rights-related content on Wikimedia sites. We believe that free access to knowledge is a fundamental human right—that anyone, anywhere should have the ability to learn more about the world around them. We are proud to be….

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Wikimedia Foundation announces Shani Evenstein Sigalov as new Trustee, as well as leadership appointments at fifteenth annual Wikimania

Yesterday, the Wikimedia Foundation announced a new member and leadership appointments to its Board of Trustees. Shani Evenstein Sigalov, currently an EdTech Innovation Strategist and lecturer at the School of Medicine in Tel Aviv University, will be the newest member of the Board of Trustees. Nataliia Tymkiv will begin her second term on the Board….

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Volunteers from around the world gather in Stockholm for the fifteenth annual Wikimania

More than 800 attendees from nearly 80 countries have gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, for the start of the fifteenth annual Wikimania. Taking place from 14–18 August, Wikimania brings together the community of volunteers who make Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects possible. Over 5 days, attendees will come together to discuss Wikimedia’s future and the role….

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Farhad Fatkullin, 2018 Wikimedian of the Year, looks back on his successes and forward to what’s next

One year ago, Farhad Fatkullin was at home gifting his time to simultaneously translating the speeches being given at Wikimania, the annual conference that celebrates Wikipedia, the Wikimedia projects, and the volunteers who contribute to them. Up on stage for the closing ceremony was Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia who at each year gives….

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Фәрһад Фәткуллин: “Ел Викимедиачысы 2018” ирешелгәне һәм киләчәккә планнары турында

Үткән елгы Викимания конференциясе чыгышларын Фәрһад Фәткуллин үз өеннән синхрон рәвештә тәрҗемә итеп торды. Видео-трансляцияне карап була, тик Россиянең төрле регионнарында яшәүче вики-волонтёрларының зур өлеше инглизчәне белми. Чит ил телләрендәге Википедия һәм башка Викимедиа проектлары бүлекләрен үстерүче иреклеләр нәрсә турында сөйләшкән-уйлашканнарны да аңларга мөмкинлек тудырырга теләде ул. Конференциянең ябылу мөрәсиме бара иде. Сәхнәдә — Википедиянең….

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Викимедиец 2018 года Фархад Фаткуллин о достигнутом и планах на будущее

Год назад Фархад Фаткуллин находился дома и осуществлял синхронный перевод выступлений, которые делались в ходе ежегодной конференции Викимания. Ему захотелось дать волонтёрам из разных уголков России возможность не только увидеть, но и понять, о чём говорят их иностранные коллеги, развивающие своим добровольным вкладом Википедии и прочие проекты Викимедиа на других языках. Шла церемония закрытия конференции.….

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Ryan Merkley

Wikimedia Foundation welcomes Ryan Merkley as Chief of Staff to the office of the Executive Director

The Wikimedia Foundation is pleased to announce that Ryan Merkley will be joining the organization as the new Chief of Staff to the office of the Executive Director. Ryan joins the Foundation from Creative Commons, the nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding the availability, re-sharing, and accessibility of creative works, where he served for five years….

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The Equal Edit: Making Swedish history on Wikipedia more gender equal

For centuries, much of our recorded history has been written by men. Even in Sweden, which is considered a leader in gender equity, less than ten percent of the people mentioned in the main article about Swedish history on the Swedish language Wikipedia, “Sveriges historia”, are women. With Wikimania, the annual conference celebrating Wikipedia and….

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Your weekly photo from the world’s free media repository: 9 August

The panther chameleon is native to northern and eastern Madagascar, and has also been introduced to Réunion and Mauritius. According to its entry on Wikipedia, “Like most species of chameleons, the panther chameleon is very territorial. It spends the majority of its life in isolation, apart from mating sessions. When two males come into contact,….

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Let’s play! Photographers capture the art of fun for the Wiki Loves Africa photo contest

Children playing around a wrecked airplane. A toddler plays peek-a-boo. Teens play barefoot street soccer. Welcome to the wonder of Wiki Loves Africa, an annual themed photo contest which aims to re-balance the lack of visual representation and content that Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons hold about the continent. Over the last five years, Wiki Loves….

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