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How we’re using machine learning to visually enrich Wikidata

Only 2.5 million of 45 million Wikidata items have an image attached. A new algorithm helps people find relevant and high-quality images to add to Wikidata items.

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James Heilman on expanding the reach of Wikipedia’s medical information

A conversation with emergency room physician James Heilman, who is working to get medical information into Internet-in-a-Box—a physical device that provides Wikipedia and other content in areas without internet access.

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Confound it!—Supporting languages with multiple writing systems

Many of the languages of the world use two or more writing systems, like the familiar Arabic, Cyrillic, or Latin scripts. Supporting those languages and those scripts—for reading, editing, and searching—can be a real challenge.

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Ten months later: People of Turkey still denied access to Wikipedia

All language versions of Wikipedia have been blocked in Turkey since late April 2017.

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New Wikipedia feature gives you the power to choose whatever language you want

A new feature makes it easier for English-speaking Wikipedia readers to find versions of the article they’re reading in other languages. To mark the occasion, Amir Aharoni of the Wikimedia Foundation’s Language team details the history of interlanguage links on Wikipedia and details what went into the new feature.

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Wikimedia releases eighth transparency report

Our newly-released transparency report highlights the requests we received in the second half of 2017.

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Community digest: Conversations with Wikimedia women; Arabic Wikinews and Global Voices collaboration; news in brief

The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Engagement department is hosting a series of conversations about women in the Wikimedia movement, a collaboration between the Arabic Wikinews community and Global Voices Lingua to support Arabic digital content, in addition to other updates in brief from around the globe.

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On Wikipedia, Black Panther won the Olympic gold

Black Panther was far and away the most-viewed article on Wikipedia last month.

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Oscars predictions made easy with Wikipedia

On how to use Wikipedia's pageview data to inform your Oscars predictions.

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Wikimedia Foundation appoints Tony Sebro as Deputy General Counsel

Seasoned attorney joins the Wikimedia Foundation after six years serving as General Counsel at the Software Freedom Conservancy.

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