New interaction timeline improves investigation of harassment cases
The new interaction timeline tool is a way to look at two contributors’ editing history—where they have interacted, when, and how often. This can help add clarity when reviewing reports of harassment and abuse, and takes some of the burden off both the people reviewing problems, and the people reporting them.

What should journalists know about Wikipedia? A Poynter Institute NewsU webinar
Join us for a Poynter Institute NewsU webinar to help journalists around the world better understand Wikipedia. Here's some additional details on what we're going to talk about on July 12.

California Supreme Court upholds critical intermediary liability provision
In a well-reasoned opinion, the California Supreme Court recognized that CDA 230 offers broad protection to sites like Yelp from liability for user-created content.

Evolving the MediaWiki platform: Why we replaced Tidy with a HTML5 parser
Three years ago, the Wikimedia Foundation's Parsing Team decided to replace Tidy, a tool to fix HTML errors, with a HTML5-based tool. Here's what we did in that time period, and what kind of complexities we faced in changing pieces of the technical infrastructure powering Wikimedia wikis.

Portuguese Wikipedia hits one million articles
Celebrating the fifteenth Wikipedia to cross the one million article rubicon.

European Parliament votes against EU copyright proposal that would threaten the open web
We applaud the results of this vote by the European Parliament as it now provides an opportunity for open discussion to create a balanced, modern copyright system for Europe.

Meet some featured Wikimedia volunteers from India
Every month, Wikimedia India selects an exceptionally performing user from the Indian community and features the user on its page. This practice has been effective in engaging dedicated editors with others in the community.

US Supreme Court ruling on immigration is an affront to Wikimedia values
The Wikimedia Foundation rejects the spirit of this ban and similar restrictions in place around the world that treat some more equally than others.

How the EU copyright proposal will hurt the web and Wikipedia
A proposed new copyright package in the European Union is a threat to our fundamental right to freely share information. The time to speak out is now.

Interactive maps, now in your language
Newly available on all Wikimedia wikis: embeddable maps that make the world a little easier to understand.